Google redirect uri no longer saving? - redirect

This is so strange...
I implemented Google OAuth2 on Site A (I'm using Ruby on Rails), successfully adding localhost:3000/auth/google_oauth2/callback and to the redirect uri field in my Google Cloud Console.
Tried to do the same with Site B and... I can't set those darn redirect uris at all any more!
So I cheated a bit and used the Site A key and secret for Site B... and it all worked in localhost.
But when I finished in dev and tried to test in production by adding to that original Site A app... not only did it not get added, but the localhost and sitea uri's got deleted, and now I can't add those back.
Help, please? What might be happening, how do I test?
Thank you!

I've been having the same problem, I think it's an issue with Google Cloud Console.
I used the old user interface ( and it worked fine. Use this for the time being, it'll save you a lot of headache.

The redirect URI saving issue was a bug, and it should be fixed by now. Please leave a comment if you still encounter it. Thanks for reporting.


Can't Access Profile Page

Good afternoon, I am having trouble accessing any of the left-menu items in the Sandbox. I am able to login.
I see the same issue in every browser I have (Chrome, FFX, Safari, IE9) and I have attempted to login using an incognito session. As best I can tell, the error is that the browser never receives a response to an AJAX request to
I notice this thread, can't see sandbox test account 'Profile' on some computers, indicates a fix on 3/19 and it's 5/6.
I have seen a few workarounds for direct URLs, however, I am unable to figure out what the direct URL to edit the IPN settings would be.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is a known issue that we are working to resolve. I will be sure to follow-up as soon as this issue is fully resolved. In the meantime, you should be able to access your IPN settings using the following link:

facebook login throws Oauth Exception (certificate non found)

it looks like my problems with facebook (and twitter) never end, and it is certainly my fault.
I had a facebook app that was working properly. Today all of a sudden it stopped working. The cURL response is empty, the POST if you try does nothing or throws an OAuth excetion, and the only error I get when I get something is that the SSL certificate can't be found. It worked until some hours ago, so I really wonder what the problem is.
Even the login button seems to give the same error. Any clues on what I am doing wrong and/or should have updated some hours ago to get things going?
I tried to disable the SSL, following this discussion, but it's still not working...
Thank you very much in advance!
I have finally managed to resolve this too, although the solution isn't the best option, so, if someone has a more elaborate solution, I'll be glad to take notes.
For the moment, I was forced to add to the facebook php library (updated of course), and not to the page that is doing the job, the line
I wouldn't say it is an ideal solution though.

Unable to pass FB OAuth for my application

We faced with issue originally on the BB app. We stuck in browser whenever we use auth URL:
Interesting what is wrong with the response because even desktop browser stuck.
We submitted issue to FB but still are looking for workaround. Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated.
Nothing wrong here, I just authed your app without problems....
whats wrong ?
i just installed your app with 2 extra permissions (posting as me & offline access token)
(just remember offline access token will be not available try to use long time tokens )
Even we faced similar type of problems in authenticating our FB App. Authentication window use to hang up and nothing use to happen and symptoms were same as you are facing. Probably this may not be the answer to your problem but it might be worth knowing that FB SDK have such issues if your application runs on non-standard ports. The standard ports are 80 and 443. Once we started running our app on these ports the error was gone.

Why Facebook is not getting the title and the image when sharing the URL?

Normally, when we paste a URL (example : of a post, facebook scans and takes the title, description and the image from the post. This worked in my site for a long time. I also have og: meta tags in place... But recently it stopped taking those info! First it took nearly two hours for FB to work like that. Now nothing...
Im using wordpress and also have Cloud Flare. Disabled cloudflare to see whether its blocking Facebook or not... Still its not working! Can you please help?
We have an open bug with Facebook about this issue (the debugger is intermittently returning 503 response codes). Please contact us so we can keep track of this issue.
CloudFlare isn't blocking Facebook or vice versa.
Removing Cloudflare entirely seems to fix this. Just disabling Cloudflare temporarily (i.e. entering developer mode) doesn’t seem to. It’s very annoying, but the only fix at this stage, if it is important enough to warrant it, seems to be to not use Cloudflare.
Cloudflare have advised me that it is not an issue with their systems, however in my own testing I have not had a problem without Cloudflare. Introduce Cloudflare to the mix, and the 503 errors start to pile up.
Edit: As of 18 April 2012 Cloudflare advise me that this has been fixed, and I can no longer replicate the problem.
There still seems to be issues with this: I have just added a site that's using WordPress to cloudflare and the same behaviour is displayed. Bypassing cloudflare fixes the issue.

Cannot accessing Application Profile Page

I have experienced problem accessing my Application Profile Page.
It was actually happening since today.
When I create a new application, in my Basic setting > View App Profile Page
it's just redirect to my website.
It also happening if I go to
However if I open another app (that is I have created before today). It works well
Anyone experiencing the same? Please help!
Yes... I am getting the same thing!!
Because of this error, I have raised a support ticket on Facebook Developers Support section. You can find this here:
If this matches your experience, please ensure you click YES on the "Does this repro describe your issue?" at the bottom!