Can't Access Profile Page - paypal

Good afternoon, I am having trouble accessing any of the left-menu items in the Sandbox. I am able to login.
I see the same issue in every browser I have (Chrome, FFX, Safari, IE9) and I have attempted to login using an incognito session. As best I can tell, the error is that the browser never receives a response to an AJAX request to
I notice this thread, can't see sandbox test account 'Profile' on some computers, indicates a fix on 3/19 and it's 5/6.
I have seen a few workarounds for direct URLs, however, I am unable to figure out what the direct URL to edit the IPN settings would be.
Any help would be appreciated.

This is a known issue that we are working to resolve. I will be sure to follow-up as soon as this issue is fully resolved. In the meantime, you should be able to access your IPN settings using the following link:


Can a user's AccountKit id for an app ever change?

I've integrated Facebook's AccountKit as the login system for my app. It has some bugs but usually works fine.
My developer reported a fairly bad experience though recently. He had to restart his computer, thus clearing the sessions, and when he went to re-login to the app via AccountKit, he realized that the same email address he had been using returned a different user_id than the one it had been returning previously. This of course caused a problem in that our backend could not find any account relating to the new Accountkit id.
I've been unable to find much information about this. I'm wondering if this is a bug or a feature! Any further illumination on this subject is greatly appreciated!
Every login will return a different Access Token or Authorization Code as documented here:
If you get the Account ID from the Access Token, it should always be the same for a user entering the same email address. What you're describing sounds like a bug and if you can still reproduce it, you should submit a bug report and someone will look into it.

facebook login oauth and osx 10.11/CNA

a little background:
I have an hotspot page wich integrate with facebook login oatuh. The app runs on facebook api v.2.4 and uses node/express/passport to handle the login process
The only option i pass to the oauth fb page is display: touch, so the login page works fine without cookie support
the issue:
since a few days , only on osx 10.11/cna the login can't be processed because of no cookie support in CNA (this should mean that fb ignores the display option, in this case only)
the same request made from a ios device from within the cna works fine
I've already confirmed the display option is actually send, so my best guess is that fb started overwriting/ignoring this option. Also I can't find any reference in the fb api docs anymore (except for display=popup in the manual login page)
Any hint about this ?
Not sure if you still have this issue, but I can confirm facebook login definitely works end to end inside the CNA on 10.11. The CNA does allow cookies, what it doesn't allow is access to existing cookies in safari or access to localStorage and sessionStorage.
If you have your FB sdk configured with cookies=false, this may well be your issue. When set to false I believe the sdk is then attempting to use local storage.
The other thing to check would be what you have in the walled garden list. We have just got to the bottom of this issue after a lot of frustration. Allowing certain CDN networks actually causes iOS to complete it's internet check and no longer think it's behind a captive portal. I added an answer here
As I said, I can confirm it definitely works end to end inside the popup.

PayPal ExpressCheckout integration problems

I'm trying to integrate Paypal's ExpressCheckout API into my website.
I'm incurring into very frustrating problems with the system and with the support assistance, too.
Every time we have a problem the support assistance invites us to change the implementation technology, from SOAP, to SDK, to NVP, etc..
After 3 days of working (from coding with SOAP (PHP) up to the attempt to start the SDK's examples) no solution has yet been found.
I'd like to know if someone has ever had similar problems.
Thank you in advance.
I completely understand and share your frustrations.
The current issue I am having is after a call to SetExpressCheckout() using the .NET SDK I redirect to the PayPal sandbox URL with the appropriate command and token specified on the querystring and when the browser gets to the PayPal site it says "Please log in to use the PayPal sandbox features" which is linked to the site.
If I log in first on another tab and then redirect to PayPal it still doesn't work, aarrggh!
Stefano - What type of issue are you currently having?
Peter - What particular browser are you using? There have been a few issues in the past with IE. If you are using IE, you might try using Chrome or Firefox to see if you get different results. I just tested all 3 and they were working for me. You also might try clearing all cookies and cache prior to opening up a browser and navigating to Once you have cleared cookies and cache, open up the browser and go to and log in. Then once logged in, on a second tab pull up your website and try testing.
Clearing the cache and cookies prior going to has worked for some merchants in the past that were having these same issues.

Facebook GraphApi stuck in login success page

I have integrated facebook graph api is several applications but recently I have encountered a problem, while I have Secure Browsing enabled in my Facebook Profile -> Privacy Settings -> Security, and using simple FBGraphApi it passes all the steps of asking permissions and all but stucks on last step that is it doesn't get accesstoken in the redirect url set to where as as soon as I disable the Secure Browsing the login goes fine, and I get the accesstoken appended in the redirect uri.
The problem is Yes I am able to make it work, but it is impossible to tell all users to disable the Secure Browsing from their profile, and it won't bea good thing to do too..
Please give some thoughts on this, if any one encountered similar problem..
My problem is similar to this problem
We had the same problem with our application. A co-worker did some research and found that if you started the request process (oauth dialog in our case) using https:// instead of http:// then it would work with or without secure browsing enabled.
turned into
There was also a redirect URL in the URL(s) above which he also changed to https

Unable to pass FB OAuth for my application

We faced with issue originally on the BB app. We stuck in browser whenever we use auth URL:
Interesting what is wrong with the response because even desktop browser stuck.
We submitted issue to FB but still are looking for workaround. Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated.
Nothing wrong here, I just authed your app without problems....
whats wrong ?
i just installed your app with 2 extra permissions (posting as me & offline access token)
(just remember offline access token will be not available try to use long time tokens )
Even we faced similar type of problems in authenticating our FB App. Authentication window use to hang up and nothing use to happen and symptoms were same as you are facing. Probably this may not be the answer to your problem but it might be worth knowing that FB SDK have such issues if your application runs on non-standard ports. The standard ports are 80 and 443. Once we started running our app on these ports the error was gone.