Unable to pass FB OAuth for my application - facebook

We faced with issue originally on the BB app. We stuck in browser whenever we use auth URL:
Interesting what is wrong with the response because even desktop browser stuck.
We submitted issue to FB but still are looking for workaround. Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated.

Nothing wrong here, I just authed your app without problems....

whats wrong ?
i just installed your app with 2 extra permissions (posting as me & offline access token)
(just remember offline access token will be not available try to use long time tokens )

Even we faced similar type of problems in authenticating our FB App. Authentication window use to hang up and nothing use to happen and symptoms were same as you are facing. Probably this may not be the answer to your problem but it might be worth knowing that FB SDK have such issues if your application runs on non-standard ports. The standard ports are 80 and 443. Once we started running our app on these ports the error was gone.


Facebook login worked on localhost but not on hosting

We have a website that uses Facebook for login, when we run it locally used to work fine. We had a Facebook application with App Domains and Site URL pointing localhost and worked just fine.
However, when we moved into production, we uploaded the site to our hosting and changed the setting in the FB app to match this change.
Now we put "xxxx.com" in App Domains and "https://www.xxxx.com/" in Site URL (it works in both HTTP and HTTPS).
However, when trying to log in I get a 401 error.
I tried every different combination in the FB app that I could think of but still it's not working.
It can't be the code because used to work fine running it in localhost with the app set-up pointing to localhost but I can't make it work on our hosting...
Any ideas?
HTTP Error 401 - Unauthorized
The error code says it all.
See if setting App Domains to blank will help.
If your using an iPhone app go to settings and go to wifi. Click on your wifi. Now go down to renew lease. Click on that. This will solve the problem. I had the same thing happen to me and nobody had an answer. It took me an hour of messing with my phone to find this solution. Hope this was helpful for you.

Google redirect uri no longer saving?

This is so strange...
I implemented Google OAuth2 on Site A (I'm using Ruby on Rails), successfully adding localhost:3000/auth/google_oauth2/callback and sitea.herokuapp.com/auth/google_oauth2/callback to the redirect uri field in my Google Cloud Console.
Tried to do the same with Site B and... I can't set those darn redirect uris at all any more!
So I cheated a bit and used the Site A key and secret for Site B... and it all worked in localhost.
But when I finished in dev and tried to test in production by adding siteb.herokuapp.com/auth/google_oauth2/callback to that original Site A app... not only did it not get added, but the localhost and sitea uri's got deleted, and now I can't add those back.
Help, please? What might be happening, how do I test?
Thank you!
I've been having the same problem, I think it's an issue with Google Cloud Console.
I used the old user interface (https://code.google.com/apis/console) and it worked fine. Use this for the time being, it'll save you a lot of headache.
The redirect URI saving issue was a bug, and it should be fixed by now. Please leave a comment if you still encounter it. Thanks for reporting.

Can't Access Profile Page

Good afternoon, I am having trouble accessing any of the left-menu items in the Sandbox. I am able to login.
I see the same issue in every browser I have (Chrome, FFX, Safari, IE9) and I have attempted to login using an incognito session. As best I can tell, the error is that the browser never receives a response to an AJAX request to https://www.beta-sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_profile-display-handler&tab_id=ACCOUNT_SETTINGS&&view_requested=MiniPage&_=1367858742397.
I notice this thread, can't see sandbox test account 'Profile' on some computers, indicates a fix on 3/19 and it's 5/6.
I have seen a few workarounds for direct URLs, however, I am unable to figure out what the direct URL to edit the IPN settings would be.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is a known issue that we are working to resolve. I will be sure to follow-up as soon as this issue is fully resolved. In the meantime, you should be able to access your IPN settings using the following link:

php-sdk sometimes doesn't connect to facebook but rarely and for no apparent reason

I have been using php-sdk to connect to facebook for a while and I never had any problems, but now, I can't connect from my computer.
But other people can connect from their computers, I asked a lot of people to confirm and they all said it worked fine..
..can facebook put a ban on my ip or something ?
It's not a ban, it happens when the auth cookie get's messed up on your local machine. It either just hangs when you try log in or continuously redirects.
My suggestion would be to create a page, include the PHP FB SDK make the following call:
That should get it working again. (well, it does for me)

Facebook Application Redirect Loop after authentication

I've encountered this problem while using the facebook c# sdk v4.2.1:
After allowing the app, a user using a IE browser without flash being installed will go on a infinite redirect authentication loop.
At first i thought it was a cookie problem , until i tested on another computer and realised that both of the computers had no flash installed.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? I know for sure i've encountered alot of problems that using the official facebook javascript sdk to authenticate users on IE without flash.
I would appreciate if anyone found a solution to this problem can answer this question.
Would you please edit you Facebook settings on Facebook i had the same problem before and i edit the settings on the advanced tap and it works :)
hope that works .
I just had this problem when reviving an older facebook app. I fixed it by enabling "signed_request for Canvas" in the Advanced settings tab on for the app on facebook.
Flash shouldn't be the problem. Did you install the Facebook handler in your web.config?
Also it sounds like you aren't being properly authenticated. You might want to sniff with something like Fiddler and see what is happening.