Cannot accessing Application Profile Page - facebook

I have experienced problem accessing my Application Profile Page.
It was actually happening since today.
When I create a new application, in my Basic setting > View App Profile Page
it's just redirect to my website.
It also happening if I go to
However if I open another app (that is I have created before today). It works well
Anyone experiencing the same? Please help!

Yes... I am getting the same thing!!
Because of this error, I have raised a support ticket on Facebook Developers Support section. You can find this here:
If this matches your experience, please ensure you click YES on the "Does this repro describe your issue?" at the bottom!


Facebook Sharer on mobiles not working

I have a website
when I share any article through desktop, laptop it is working fine. But when I am trying to share it through mobile, I am getting an error.
The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be
temporarily unavailable, the link you have clicked on may be broken or
expired, or you may not have permissions to view this page.
My traffic is 90% mobile driven so I am losing a lot of visitors. I have tried installing different plugins but no benefit. I have gone through the code for one full day but no reason why it is giving me this error?
Please tell me how to solve this issue?
The page, if anyone want to try for the use case could be
Thanks in Advance.
I encountered the same problem in which sharer works on desktop version but throws "temporarily unavailable" on mobile (
Then, I made the Facebook App live, and the problem is solved.
Go to your app at > Status & Review.
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? Yes.

"The post's links must direct to the application's connect or canvas URL" - error

I am trying to post to user wall but I am receiving this error when when share window pops up:
The post's links must direct to the application's connect or canvas URL
Now, I made a proper Google search in hopes to find a solution, but the only one given was that I need to disable "Stream post URL security". I checked the advanced settings for my app and it is already set to disabled.
So, by having a few years of experience with development on Facebook, and by knowing how incredibly bad the communication between us developers and FB has been in the past, I'm highly doubtful that they will assist me on this. Although I have heard that feedback is better here on SO than the good old FB platform forums. Well, lets see if my only option is to set my hair on fire or that there might be a kind soul out there that can assist.
This answer from the WordPress forums via user Samuel Wood (Otto) worked for me:
Go to the Facebook App. Edit its settings. On the Advanced settings page, disable the "Stream post URL security" option.
Did you generate the access token using the Graph explorer app on FB?
Make sure you select your app from the select box on the top-right.
It will be selected as Graph Explorer by default.
This error happens as the selected app would be Graph explorer and its canvas/site url is not pointing to your site.
Doing this fixed my problem; it may fix yours as well.
With the new app interface, issue is solved by turning off the "Stream post URL security" in the "migration tab"
you always have to use the same domain for linking as specified on the app's developer settings. Now you can have several tlds, and custom prefixes as well.
For others experiencing this problem, I was able to resolve this by configuring the Facebook > App > Settings > App on Facebook > Canvas URL

How do I keep an app from appearing as a search result in Facebook

We have a website Facebook "app" for talking to our iPhone client and web client. When you search for us in Facebook the app shows up in addition to our page. Clicking on it produces a page not found error. I couldn't find anyplace in the app settings to keep the app from appearing in searches. Ideas?
I do not know if this might help at all, but something similar was happening to me and ended up discovering that my Computer was the problem. It was everything cached on my browser. Do you get the same result if you try on another computer? Or maybe logged in as someone else?
There is not currently a way to remove an app from the search index once added - I'm not sure if this is likely to change in the near future

Twitter page no longer exists, Token used error

I am working on implementing sharing an image via Twitter in my application and I have come across this page.
When I run my app in my simulator I can no longer log into Twitter. I get a page stating that "This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the token information you provided."
I have gone to Twitter and to the Applications page and removed this application to try again. I still get this warning page though.
When I try to run the app on my device it crashes when I tap the Twitter Button.
Has anyone found a solution to this?
Or if someone could point me to a solid Twitter/TwitPic reference tutorial that actually works that would be great as well.
Check these sample twitter apps source codes, will lead you for smooth implementation,
I got this problem.
Woah there!
This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the
token information you provided. Please return to the site that sent
you to this page and try again. It was probably an honest mistake.
Turns out the fix for this was simple although it took some hunting down!
The date/time on the server running the app had somehow become a day behind.
Twitter checks the time sync when using the API, and if the client doesn’t have the correct time, it’ll report the above error.
Maybe you've got some loop or a method that is being called twice?

Twitter OAuth Login Page on the iPhone

I have Twitter integrated into my application, with the help of Sharekit. Everything works pretty well except, if the user happens to tap on the "Sign Up" link on the Login/allow page, it goes to a non-sign up error page. Either a "Sorry that page doesn't exist" or "Hold up! Sorry the profile you were trying to view was suspended due to strange activity."
The account I'm using is working as far as logging in, posting etc. But that link seems to go off into space. Also if I click on the "Twitter Gear"/Application Icon the dialog (web view with the Twitter OAuth Authorize page loaded) just closes.
I can't find anything about how to configure stuff like this and everything else seemed to work pretty easily. The closest reference I could find was,this link Twitter API Issue 1045
Thanks in Advance for any help
I've been checking a few other apps with Twitter support. Most of the ones I've checked (TUAW,Joystiq,TFLN) seem to have rolled their own Twitter Login Page (using XAuth I assume) the one I found that uses the Twitter OAuth page (Shazam) actually takes you to mobile Safari and it exhibits the same behavior. Maybe I need to roll my own login?
I suggest you go into the ShareKit class files, go to the two .m files that have "twitter authorization" (im not sure which of the two it is, a simple search on xcode should find it) and change the invalid url that it is being sent to to this URL:
That should fix your problem!
I suggest using a packet sniffer on your device to determine the exact URL being called when you click the "Sign Up" link. There are plenty of ways to do this, but it is easier on jailbroken phones. Armed with the URL, you can see if it is potentially something you are doing wrong or indeed a twitter bug.
Try Jan Rain it makes it easy to integrate this functionality without errors.
Here is a ShareKit folk I am using:
It looks do not have your issues and have much more improvement. You should give it a try.
When you implement twitter integration, you should not use the library which you used in older projects but download new twitter library. I had some problems with twitter oauth when I used older library. But after download and use new library, the issue was fixed.