Where do I put the IPN url in the sandbox of Paypal? - paypal

I have an asp.net website that is supposed to allow users to make payments with Paypal. I want to test it with the Paypal sandbox.
So I created a developer/business account at "developer.paypal.com'.
Using this account I created a lot of fake email accounts, some personal, some business, for testing. But now, I want to tell the website to enable IPN, and also, to send IPN notifications to a particular URL. I don't see a place on the site to do that. (I assume this would be in the sandbox site, not in the real site).
Any help is appreciated.

Try enabling it on the account level (log into the sandbox account and set it there). There is an IPN simulator as well.


When check out with Paypal the site still lead to sandbox.paypal.com

After I finished configuring the Paypal checkout plugin, I continue to proceed checking out, first time I can check out with my account even though the url that Odoo or Paypal lead to was sandbox.paypal.com, but with the second time I check out it don't work anymore though I can still login my account at Paypal.com, it said "Wrong username, password" times after times after I tried to login with my account at the sandbox.paypal.com url. Someone please help me, thanks in advance!
Edit: I found this but I dont know how to get it to work with Odoo Paypal button.
Testing on the Live System
It is a good idea to test on the live system to make sure the switch to the live system doesn't introduce any problems. Some things to consider when testing on live:
You will need access to a Personal account with a credit card linked and a verified Business account.
Switch from the sandbox URL https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr to the live site URL https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr.
Pre-fund the Personal account to avoid incurring charges on the credit card.
Test transactions can be as little as $0.01 USD.
Payments may be refunded resulting in a full fee credit.
It is good practice to log all IPNs received in a log file or database.
If the redirect URL is sandbox.paypal.com, you need to login it by your sandbox account, not live account.
Refer to https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/paypal-here/sandbox-testing/managing-sandbox-accounts/ to create a sandbox account or modify existing sandbox account's password.

Enable IPN url in sandbox for seller (buisness) account

I read on https://www.angelleye.com/test-paypal-ipn/ that
Of course, you’ll need to make sure you’ve configured IPN in your
sandbox seller account just like you would a live account, too, so
that it functions as expected.
So how to enable IPN url in sandbox seller (buisness) account?
Could someone take a screenshot and show me. I just found IPN url in settings in live account.
I also read this but there is no such thing under Profile link:
Profile link and look for "Instant Payment Notification preferences"
Under the Sub-Heading "Selling preferences"
Does Enabling IPN for live account would enable it automatically for sand box seller account ?
When you have a sandbox account it is treated like an entirely separate account. Anything you need to configure in order for API calls to work will need to be configured separate on each account.
That said, sandbox accounts typically enable most of the APIs by default for ease of testing, while the live servers do require specific approval for use at times.
In this case, though, the IPN URL is a custom value you are setting, and again, it needs to configured in each account because they are entirely separate accounts from each other.
So, the same method you used to enable the IPN URL on your live PayPal would be used to enable it in your sandbox account. It's just that you would log in to www.sandbox.paypal.com/home using your sandbox account instead of www.paypal.com.
They may look a little different if the PayPal account versions for each aren't exactly the same, but the overall process is the same. Log in to the account, click into the profile, and find the Instant Payment Notification Preferences within your profile settings. Then set it accordingly.

Paypal Sandbox account not able to add digital goods feature

I am able to create sandbox accounts successfully on paypal but when i was able to add the product (digital goods), the sandbox site redirects to a live site. My question is how do i go about adding a product (digital goods) on the sandbox account.
It sounds like you must be using some sort of class library/SDK to handle this for you and it's not redirecting correctly..??
You can do the redirect on your own. It's simply a matter of calling SetExpressCheckout to get your token and setup the digital goods payment. Then you just do the redirection on your own based on whether you're using the sandbox or the live server. For the sandbox you'd redirect to: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/incontext?token=SECTOKEN
If you simply do that redirect on your own it should work just fine. I've tested digital goods payments in the sandbox a lot in the past and have never had any issues with it.
Add "sandbox." to the URL to sign up?

Can I test PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?

Can I test the PayPal IPN without actually making a purchase?
Is there a developer sandbox for testing the Request/Response functionality prior to actual implementation?
Basically, I have my server and would like to use the IPN feature to track my customer purchases and respond to a customer's purchase immediately. I would first like to test this out with dummy payments to ensure that the PayPal IPN and my server are communicating correctly.
Check paypal's site... the link is: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/sell/ipn-test-outside.
Sign up for a dev account, and inside there you can create test users and specify their paypal balances, etc.
Paypal has a developer sandbox here https://developer.paypal.com/
Here you can get complete instructions:

How to test Enhanced Recurring Payments Standard on the new Paypal Sandbox?

I have a test environment for my website that I normally use the Paypal Sandbox on to test transactions before going live. I would like to test the Enhanced Recurring Payments feature, but I can't find the option to do so (the links to add more features direct me to the live site), and nothing I've found on Google has given an answer on how to test Enhanced Recurring Payments on Paypal Sandbox since it's been changed.
Is ERP supported on Paypal Sandbox, or do I just not know how to access this option? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sign up in the sandbox here: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_product-go&product=premium_services
(for the curious, I got this URL by going to paypal.com/erp and then adding "sandbox." in front of the resulting URL's paypal.com)
Log in with your test account email/password (something like aaaaaa_############_biz#emaildomain.com )
If it says "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.", that's an issue with the new sandbox that's being worked on--for now, clear all your paypal.com cookies , log in to developer.paypal.com again, and then visit the above URL again