How to test Enhanced Recurring Payments Standard on the new Paypal Sandbox? - paypal

I have a test environment for my website that I normally use the Paypal Sandbox on to test transactions before going live. I would like to test the Enhanced Recurring Payments feature, but I can't find the option to do so (the links to add more features direct me to the live site), and nothing I've found on Google has given an answer on how to test Enhanced Recurring Payments on Paypal Sandbox since it's been changed.
Is ERP supported on Paypal Sandbox, or do I just not know how to access this option? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sign up in the sandbox here:
(for the curious, I got this URL by going to and then adding "sandbox." in front of the resulting URL's
Log in with your test account email/password (something like )
If it says "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.", that's an issue with the new sandbox that's being worked on--for now, clear all your cookies , log in to again, and then visit the above URL again


Paypal Payments Pro & Credit Card Subscriptions

I am developing a PHP site where you can sign up to a subscription with an initial amount.
I am using the PayPal NVP api as it seems the most comprehensive.
Setting this up with a PayPal user is fine. I am also trying to set this up for credit/debit cards.
When testing in the sandbox I keep getting the following response:
DPRP is disabled for this merchant
I have enabled BUSINESS-pro in the sandbox account as it suggests but I am still getting the error.
There seems to be lots of conflicting information in the developer documentation/ web searches that this functionality is still available for the NVP api service.
If not, can someone point me towards the correct solution or API reference to enable me to do this?
Many Thanks
If you want to use DPRP for sandbox account, you need to contact PayPal technical team to enable it, just submit a ticket at (click contact support at the bottom), someone will toggle the function for you.

Testing Paypal Credit with Express Checkout

I'm implementing PayPal Express Checkout and I'm having trouble testing out PayPal Credit as the payment method. When I choose it as the method of payment, the response comes back as ERRORCODE0=10486 which means "This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal." It works fine when using other methods of payment.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make test transactions with PayPal Credit? I haven't been able to find anything in the docs or google about it so hoping someone on here knows!
You have two options for testing.
You can test it with the PayPal Demo site, which not only demos from start to finish paying with PayPal Credit. It also has working sample code available.
I found that you can simulate a PayPal Credit transaction in a sandbox account. I tested it on one of my sandbox accounts. You have to login in to one of your sandbox accounts that is not the merchant account that you are testing. I put in demo info when it asked me to apply for the product. My sandbox account was approved.
So I was able to get it to kind of work (at least in the sandbox). The issue was that it seems like it didn't like me passing in:
"USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "BML" (old version) or "USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE" => "Finance" (new version)
When I used this option it sent me to a page that looked like this:
Which is what I wanted as we mainly wanted to focus on offering customers PayPal Credit.
When you remove the USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE option it takes you to a page like this:
If you choose change payment source on this page and choose PayPal Credit, the transaction goes through successfully.
It's not exactly a solution to the problem but hopefully this helps anyone who was also having a similar issue.

Where do I put the IPN url in the sandbox of Paypal?

I have an website that is supposed to allow users to make payments with Paypal. I want to test it with the Paypal sandbox.
So I created a developer/business account at "'.
Using this account I created a lot of fake email accounts, some personal, some business, for testing. But now, I want to tell the website to enable IPN, and also, to send IPN notifications to a particular URL. I don't see a place on the site to do that. (I assume this would be in the sandbox site, not in the real site).
Any help is appreciated.
Try enabling it on the account level (log into the sandbox account and set it there). There is an IPN simulator as well.

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

PayPal PayFlow Hosted Checkout

I can't understand Hosted Checkout. I think this is because I can't let go of Payflow Link. So I'm going to reduce this to what I want to do and if somebody could tell me if this is possible with Hosted Checkout I would greatly appreciate it.
With PayflowLink I was able to collect some information (Name, Address, Email, etc) + some app specific information that was used to calculate an AMOUNT and send it off to and the user could happily check out before being returned to my website.
With Hosted Checkout the documentation seems to imply that I now collect the credit card info and grab a Secure Token to submit it to payflow.
You'll say why not use Paypal Payment Standard but the user has their own Merchant Account.
Am I missing something?
If you're using a 3rd party merchant other than PayPal you would actually still use PayFlow Link (or Pro) the same way you did before. Payments Advanced (hosted PayPal) is only for when you're using PayPal as the merchant account.
Yes you can.
The documentation makes no reference to this use case but you can.
It appears you can even continue to use the legacy PayflowLink parameters (again not documented).
The real kicker is the confusing error message regarding "Express Checkout" generated by the lack of the Sandbox account when trying to run a test form submission.
For those who follow me... you have to have the sandbox account if you are in test. You enter your sandbox email about halfway down the Hosted Checkout Setup form