Enable IPN url in sandbox for seller (buisness) account - paypal

I read on https://www.angelleye.com/test-paypal-ipn/ that
Of course, you’ll need to make sure you’ve configured IPN in your
sandbox seller account just like you would a live account, too, so
that it functions as expected.
So how to enable IPN url in sandbox seller (buisness) account?
Could someone take a screenshot and show me. I just found IPN url in settings in live account.
I also read this but there is no such thing under Profile link:
Profile link and look for "Instant Payment Notification preferences"
Under the Sub-Heading "Selling preferences"
Does Enabling IPN for live account would enable it automatically for sand box seller account ?

When you have a sandbox account it is treated like an entirely separate account. Anything you need to configure in order for API calls to work will need to be configured separate on each account.
That said, sandbox accounts typically enable most of the APIs by default for ease of testing, while the live servers do require specific approval for use at times.
In this case, though, the IPN URL is a custom value you are setting, and again, it needs to configured in each account because they are entirely separate accounts from each other.
So, the same method you used to enable the IPN URL on your live PayPal would be used to enable it in your sandbox account. It's just that you would log in to www.sandbox.paypal.com/home using your sandbox account instead of www.paypal.com.
They may look a little different if the PayPal account versions for each aren't exactly the same, but the overall process is the same. Log in to the account, click into the profile, and find the Instant Payment Notification Preferences within your profile settings. Then set it accordingly.


Paypal standard checkout from sandbox to production

If written a simple paypal standard checkout which sends a form to
together with get variables like items, tax, adress, business, redirect URL, etc.
Under developer.paypal.com I have one paypal-facilitator#... & paypal-buyer#... account. (The facilitator is used as business variable in my URL).
After a lot of testing everything runs smooth and ready for production. My Question is how do I bring this live? Does it suffice to use
as Checkout URL? Or do I have to recreate the facilitator account in some paypal production environment?
If you simply replace the url "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?" with "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?" it will switch to live mode, please also make sure that you use Live PayPal account credentials as the sandbox/facilitator accounts will not work in live mode.

Where do I put the IPN url in the sandbox of Paypal?

I have an asp.net website that is supposed to allow users to make payments with Paypal. I want to test it with the Paypal sandbox.
So I created a developer/business account at "developer.paypal.com'.
Using this account I created a lot of fake email accounts, some personal, some business, for testing. But now, I want to tell the website to enable IPN, and also, to send IPN notifications to a particular URL. I don't see a place on the site to do that. (I assume this would be in the sandbox site, not in the real site).
Any help is appreciated.
Try enabling it on the account level (log into the sandbox account and set it there). There is an IPN simulator as well.

How does a non-developer test a dead simple, single-use, Paypal button?

I'm not a programmer, a developer, or a genius. I'm a semi-intelligent person who wants to build a single-serving Web site that provides a simple service for a fixed price.
So I just need to test a single "Submit & Pay" button that I've built using a Machform form. You fill in the form, press the button, and it directs you to Paypal to complete the payment.
Everything is working until I get to the Paypal part. But I don't want to start paying Paypal fees just to check if it's working okay.
There seems to have been a Sandbox option in the past on Paypal, but after creating a basic Sandbox account, it... doesn't work. Links go nowhere, and even the main site (cms.paypal.com) goes to a 404 page. The "Getting Started with Sandbox" link goes to a broken page. The "Sandbox User Guide" attempts to load a PDF on a site I don't know, and don't trust.
The "Sandbox" options on the main site -- when they don't go to the semi-broken, I-guess-abandoned "Sandbox" site -- go to developer.paypal.com, which is way too much gun for me. Even a Google search for "paypal sandbox" now leads exclusively to developer.paypal.com links.
I just need to confirm that my "pay" button will execute correctly in Paypal; I don't need to build a multi-platform API that configures my JavaScripts to execute a parallel-stream optimization option on a scaleable interface across mobile devices with integrated IPNs and a side of fries.
What's the best way to do that?
The sandbox is indeed what you need for testing, and you do need an account at developer.paypal.com in order to use it. It's not a complicated thing, though. You don't have to get all crazy with it if you don't want/need to.
Go to http://developer.paypal.com and login there with your PayPal account. Once logged in click on Applications and then go to Sandbox Accounts.
Use the Create Account button to create at least 1 seller account and 1 buyer account. For the seller account just make it a business account. For the buyer account you can make it personal or business.
Launch your sandbox seller account and login to that. This is your fake PayPal account that you can use just like your own. From within that account you can create buttons just like you do from your live account, and you can place those buttons on pages to test with.
Then when you launch that page in a browser and click on the button it will send you over to sandbox.paypal.com instead of the regular paypal.com, but it will all look very similar to what a buyer would see during payment. You can use the buyer sandbox account you created to complete the purchase exactly as you would with a real account.
After that you can login to the seller or buyer account to see how things would look for each person in the transaction.

No funds being added to new Paypal Sandbox accounts in Developer Beta

I've added a new Business account and two new Personal accounts in Paypal Developer (the new one), and no funds have been added to the accounts. When I try to use them in my development process by signing in, once I've logged in, Paypal tells me that I need to add a credit card to continue with the payments.
I've also tried confirming the bank account through the sandbox account, and it comes up with the error Sorry - your last action could not be completed.
I can't complete the debug process without funds in the sandbox account, of course. But nothing I try will put any funds into the test accounts.
When you create a Business or Personal account in the Sandbox you have the option for selecting whether or not it has a credit card and bank account added to it. I would recommend selecting them when you create the account or they would need to be manually added and confirmed.
Navigating within a Sandbox account to make changes to it can be difficult and there are a few known issues currently that redirect you to the Live site. Those should be resolved soon.

How to set up a PayPal sandbox "Seller" account, a "Buyer" account and an Application Tutorial

I am trying to set up a Web site which is using PayPal. Unfortunately the PayPal developer site/concept is heavily changed, so all tutorials I found are seem to be useless. For example this (very good) youtube tutorial which is very clear is using not existing pages and functions...
So please try to help me only with up to date information/tutorial.
Please note my questions is not about using API, it is about how to set up an app, and a testing sandbox configuration from the ground.
1) As far as I understand I must have a real PayPal account because dev site uses PayPal account for logon (new). Logged in with this account then I can create sandbox accounts. However I would like to create a "Seller" sandbox account and a "Buyer" sandbox account. (missed I something?) Using the new developer site it is not possible. I can create only one kind of sandbox account. In the referenced video there are two types of sandbox accounts: "seller" and "buyer" in the preconfigured accounts. Or "Seller" simply means Business account?
2) I must have an application id to use the API. Note: I inherited a working legacy code which is using the classic API, so no REST please. In the video (old PayPal dev site) there is a left side menu "API and Payment Card credentials" In the new PayPal dev site no such thing. Instead there is a "My Apps".
I've tried to set up an application. It approved automatically. In its metadata I see a live and a sandbox app id.
What is not clear: To what account is associated this newly created app? I've created it logged in with my real paypal credentials.
More: ??? When filling the app creation form there was an input field titled: "Supply Test Account Name and Password". First of all how can I type the name and a password to one input field? Secondly What is it? Maybe if I use this app with its sandbox app id then this account will be the Seller (got the money) and if I change the app id to the live one associated this app, then my real PayPal account got the money?
However my goal was to completely simulate the payment process so
1) Create a Seller sandbox account (got API credentials)
2) Associate an application to that Seller account, and get the app id.
3) Create a buyer sandbox account
4a) Configure my web site with Seller API credentials and sandbox app id
4b) Orchestrate a buy process using my website, PayPal API and the 2 sandbox account
5) Check the Seller and Buyer sandbox account's transactions.
Thanks in advance
Seller account = Business account
Buyer account = Personal account
You probably only need to create one of each in Developer Sandbox Accounts , but there's no limit if your testing requires some more
To obtain the new REST API credentials, create an App in My Apps & Credentials and select the sandbox Business account to use
Legacy APIs: If testing an old integration, you can still get Classic NVP/SOAP credentials for a business account by viewing its "Profile" within your list of sandbox accounts
Just found myself in the same situation. Like you say it seems to be constantly evolving - not even sure if some of the answers here are still up to date.
Walked through it like this:
Login at developer.paypal.com
Go to Applications tab
Click on the Sandbox accounts on the left hand side
Any sandbox accounts you already created will be listed. Big blue button Create Account to create more
Think of logging in to the sandbox with your real PayPal account as logging into your Sandbox. You do this at http://developer.paypal.com.
Once you are logged into your sandbox in the middle of the screen, click on "continue testing using Sandbox test accounts".
When the next screen comes up you will see a heading of Sandbox Test Accounts and to the far right of that a button to Create Account. Click on this and then you need to create a "Personal" buyer account (your sandbox buyer who you will test with) and a "Business" seller account (your sandbox seller who you will test with).
Set up each one of these as if you were setting up a new Paypal account.
When you have them created fully you will have fictitious bank accounts to work with.
Beyond that, you may wish to check out these tutorials http://www.developphp.com/list_php_video.php where the site goes in-depth with setting up PayPal payments on a website using your own custom, basic shopping cart with a PayPal IPN (instant payment notification). You want to scroll down to the "E-Commerce Website Tutorial...". Lessons 9-20 deal with the cart and accepting PayPal. This may be an older way to do things, but it will help you get a general grounding in working with PayPal IMHO.
You also can visit https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/ At the bottom of the column is a heading "Classic API's" that may provide the documentation you are looking for to move forward.
Good Luck!