iOS Facebook SDK sending private message to friends - facebook

There are many similar questions here on SO but i am asking it because FB changes its guidelines quite often. Also this question is relevant to specific scenario.
I want my iOS app to send some text and link as a private message to selected friends.
Now FB has barred this. But can we send it using FB chat API using Jabber, XMPP?
Will that be allowed and not considered as spam?
Any input will be welcome.

So i finally figured it out.
I used FB SDK version 1 and XMPPFramework.
I managed to send private message to friends.


Why is my Facebook Messenger app not being approved?

My company has been developing a Facebook Messenger app that will send reservation reminders to hotel guests before their check in date. I have submitted the app to use the "pages_messaging_subscriptions", but have had my submission be denied.
I am confused about how I am supposed to move forward from here. The response from the process was "Your Messenger experience does not fall into the productivity use case that you submitted for.". One of the use cases for a productivity app is sending reminders. This is exactly what my companies app will be doing.
How do I move forward from here? Has anyone had a similar experience? There does not seem to be any way to follow up with the reviewer to get further feedback.
As it seems your use case of "sending reminders" falls into Facebook's Bot "Productivity" category, my suggestion would be to re-submit the application again.
If Facebook sent some sort of response regarding exactly why your application was rejected, look at that. If there isn't a response from Facebook regarding why it was rejected (other than some generic "because we said so"), after re-submitting your application - assuming it gets denied again - I would try to get into contact with Facebook to see the exact reason it was rejected, and work with them on a solution that allows you to get your application/bot published.
Unfortunately, as I don't work for Facebook, I can't give you a 100% accurate answer, but instead what I think would be the best course of action in this situation.

App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue:
method: 'apprequests',
message: "Please add me, I am doing the same, thanks!"
function(response) {
The response is successful, shows multiple ids. So sending these invites works like it should. The problem is that these apprequests are not shown up as notifications like they usually do, instead the only place to find them here.
Has the API changed? Looking for answers has given me no results, though I did find this bug report from February 15th 2013.
Is Facebook just testing yet again, or has the API changed but not the documentation? I am truly grateful for any insights!
There's two simple things that might cause that problem.
One is that you application is missing the Canvas. Just add it from the your App panel in Facebook Developers.
The second one - make sure your app is NOT in SandBox Mode. If it is it won't send any notifications. I lost hours before figuring that out and changing the code in all possible ways.
Hope that helps.
Its not facebook bug its a problem in your facebook app configuration :
Follow the below configuration and its working like a charm.
You just need to go in to the Facebook developer and select your app and goes in to the setting of your app and click "Add Platform" and select "App On Facebook" and than add canvas url in it. now try to send invitation and it will show the notification.
or go to facebook developers,
Change 111 to your APP ID
This was posted yesterday in facebook bugs site.
However, it is still not working for me even though I'm utilizing the exact code that the FB comment is referencing.
I realize this is not complete answer to the question and should be put in the comments. However I am a newbie and don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow to post comments. Emil, could you please let me know if you resolve this issue.
Had same issue, I added Secure Canvas URL, etc. But problem was I haven't provided iPhone Store ID inside iOS section in Settings.
As of Graph API 2.3, Game requests are only available to games.
As mentioned in Game Requests description, you have to create Facebook Web Games in App Portal, then you will get the notification with Game Request. Not for website anymore.
I had to implement facebook ‘apprequests’ instead of the deprecated ‘appinvites’ in an existing cordova app and spent hours debugging.
‘apprequests’ are only available in Facebook Apps categorized as ‘games’.
You can send notifications only to platforms (iOS, Android, Facebook web games) that are involved with the facebook app. That means, you will never receive a notification in your browser if you miss ‘facebook web games’ as platform. My expectation was to be notified in the facebook browser app if I was invited from a Mobile app.
iOS devices don’t get notifications.
In my case, I’ve missed to fill the app store id in the Facebook app platform configuration. After that, notifications appeared instantly.
If you like notifications in the fb browser app, you have to add ‘Facebook web games’ (formerly known as ‘canvas’) as plattform.
You can save yourself a lot trouble by creating test users in the app role category of your facebook app.

AS3 FacebookMobile apprequest

I have this adobe air project using Facebook application, and I used to send feed to friends walls sharing this application, then Facebook disabled this feature of posting on your friend's wall via Facebook graph, so I need now to send application request using "FacebookMobile" library.
Any help, greatly appreciated.
I was too urgent to fix that issue, haven't found any solution on flex regarding the issue, so I created a native extension on iOS concerning Facebook and used it in my project , so now I can open a view with application requests plus defining the users to send to.

How can I use the facebook connect api for the iphone to to invite friends to an application or send a message

In my iPhone application, I wanted to add the function of signing into Facebook and letting a friend know about the app. I know how to sign in and get the friends list, but I cannot find a good way of inviting a friend. So far, I haven't been able to come up with a way to invite a friend (I don't think one can with the iphone facebook sdk yet) or send a message to the inbox. Is there a way to do either of these? If not are there any better options I haven't thought of? Thank you for any advice.
checkout this tutorial. i used it to get the facebook header files sorted out. Once thats done, everything should be in place for you to send a message easily :
check out This shows what camn we do with facebook api

Send message to a non-friend facebook user?

I am developing a Facebook application. It must notify random people on Facebook about a certain event that happens related to them. I mean random people - not just those who installed the app, that's a key point.
Yeah I know it sounds like a spammy annoying application, but I swear, it's not that kind that everyone hates. :)
Is there a way to send anything (wall post? message?) to a user that did not previously installed the app?
No, that's not possible as per facebook's privacy policy. There should be some sort of connection like friendship/application user to do this.
It is possible, but only if you direct the acting user to the send message URL in a new window. If you are talking about an automated way, it is not technically possible at the moment.
It is possible through request dialog api: