AS3 FacebookMobile apprequest - facebook

I have this adobe air project using Facebook application, and I used to send feed to friends walls sharing this application, then Facebook disabled this feature of posting on your friend's wall via Facebook graph, so I need now to send application request using "FacebookMobile" library.
Any help, greatly appreciated.

I was too urgent to fix that issue, haven't found any solution on flex regarding the issue, so I created a native extension on iOS concerning Facebook and used it in my project , so now I can open a view with application requests plus defining the users to send to.


Facebook SDK capabilities WP8

I am integrating facebook in WP8 app for login,Post on wall(Share),Invite friends.
Here I am using Facebook SDK for .Net
Using SDK's capabilities I am able to do login using In app browser, Post on wall(Share).
I user me/taggable_friends GRAPH API for getting friends list as me/friends returns only those friends who are using our app.
My app is not Game App so I can't use invitable friends API.
My Question is: How to invite friend?
If its not possible, Can anyone tell me the official list of possible things with facebook sdk on windows phone 8 except this.
UPDATE: I am able to send app request using this link, but not seen any request came on receiver's facebook account.
Replies are really appreciated.
I had similar problem and I used this method which works for me
Use a WebBrowser control and set the Url as
Uri inviteUri = new Uri("{app_id_goes_here}&message=YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE!&redirect_uri={app_id_goes_here}/", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
From this you can search for your other friends who are not using the game yet.
Hope this works for you too.

Twitter+linkedin Issue in IPhone?

I have an application with facebook,twitter and linkedin integrating to it.But when i am using twitter and linkedin it is causing some problem.I found some results in stack saying
remove the library files of linkedin sdk and add the source files of it with oAuth files from twiiter sdk then it works ok for linkedin
then I integrate all twitter code then project run ok without error but for twitter login interface it shows "PAGE NOT FOUND"
But then Notice that I have given the same key and secret to both linkedin and twitter after changing them it solved
But can u please suggest how to do is so confusing.thats why i am going for a clear picture.Any help will be greatly appreciated?
Instead of integrating Facebook & Twiter into you application seperately, you can use ShareKit. It supports:
Google Reader
Read It Later
Get the code from GitHub.
I have no idea about LinkedIn.

Post On Facebook Wall From Windows Phone

I want my application to post something on Facebook wall. My application is supposed to run on WP7.
Is there any way of opening a web browser with a default Facebook (hosted on Facebook server) publishing form? I see different websites opening a new window with that form when Share button is clicked and then you click Publish and here you go - the post is on the wall :)
WebBrowserTask is pretty limited and seems to be able to send only GET data but even then... I don't know what kind of data and how named it should be sent. Anyone?
Why not use the Facebook Developer's Toolkit to post via API instead of trying to use a browser?
You can try Post to Facebook user wall using Facebook.dll in WP7.
If you want to post on someone other than the user's wall, then the Facebook SDK is required. But if you just want to quickly add the option to share something to Facebook, you could just open a new WebBrowserTask and have it go to, and just add u and t to the URL. u being the URL to share, and t being the Title.
But from what's been said it seems the SDK is what your going to want.

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.

Facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad

Has anyone implemented facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad?
I've done general Facebook Connect implementation before, but it appears they're phasing that out in favour of OAuth and the Graph API?
We're trying to give users the ability to "Like" items of content in the app. Each item of content has a corresponding URL for its representation on the website.
Will it be possible to implement this kind of functionality (without implementing anything on the server side)?
And is there a library that will let us do this easily?
Facebook will release an Open Graph API/SDK for iPhone to replace Facebook Connect.
If still relevant, our company has build native "like" and "share this" buttons for both iPhone and Android and it works to both Facebook and Twitter. You can check it out here:
We're coming out of Beta now. The libraries will be downloadable shortly.