How to create package from module created by Module Builder - sugarcrm

I have created a module from Module Builder.
I now want to create an installer which on uploading installs this module.
Please let me know how can I do this.

If you are using community edition please follow these steps
1) Log into SugarCRM as an administrator.
2) Click on Admin in the top right hand corner of SugarCRM’s interface.
3) Select Module Loader.
4) Click Choose File to select the download file.
5) Select the file
6) Click Install.
7) Click Commit.


Not able to create module in GWT in eclipse

I followed this link to write my first gwt hello world program in eclipse. I created GWT Project in eclipse,then I want to create module for that,then I right clicked on package,new-->module
in gwt,then it is not going to next step, that is the problem..
1- Start eclipse
2- From eclipse marketplace seearch for gwt
3- install Eclipse GWT plugin 3.0.0
4- From eclipse menu select window -> preferences
5- open entry GWT -> GWT settings
6- Click Download button, this will take you the gwt sdk download page.
7- Donwolad and extract the latest sdk.
8- From eclipse GWT setttings preference window click on add
9- Select the extracted SDK folder.
10- Check the check box next to the new added SDK to make it default.
11- click Apply and close
Create and run a project
1- Locate the gwt plugin action button in the toolbar.
2- Select the button and select New GWT application project ... from the dropdown.
3- Enter the project name and package then click Finish
4- Select the newly created project and from the GWT action button select GWT compile project.
5- Once the compilation is completed, Right click the project then select Run as -> 2 GWT Development mode with jetty.
6- Once ready double click the url of the HTML to open it in the browser.
#Devi George: As in your case the suggested above by #Ahmad Bawanesh answer didn't help resolving the caption issue. There is nothing in the answer that actually mentions "module", let alone how to add one. I've had everything set up as explained, and still had a compiler error. What helped to address it described in this thread. Next, you should make sure the Java JRE setting in Eclipse preferences points to the installed JRE 1.8 location and is selected as the default. This thread got it covered.
As to the actual question on adding a module to a GWT project, you can always add a file and name it as needed with an xml file extension. Search the page for "Modules: Units of configuration" on how to configure the newly created xml file. Obviously, it must have a module tag inside, among other things.

.NET reflector + Reflexil Plugin

I've just installed reflexil v2.0 plugin but when I click on it after highliting a method it only displays 3 sub menus : Delete, Rename, Update Reflector object model...I'm not seeing Save as, Inject menus..anybody who can help me solve this?
1) Install Reflector
2) download reflexil into Reflector\Addins folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate.NET Reflector\Desktop 9.0\Addins
3) open reflector > Tools > Add-Ins
4) add
Right click your assembly in left pane, choose ->reflexil->Save as

how to setup JDBC in Eclipse?

I have eclipse and j developer,I am more comfortable with eclipse.I want to know how to setup the JDBC driver in eclipse,I downloaded a driver from but it does not appear anywhere when I browse after clicking 'external jars' in 'java build path' in "libraries" tab. My database is Oracle express edition.
Are there any good pdf's or tutorials for java application development?I want to make a front end application where I enter data into fields and it inserts into DB,and make it such that we can also retrieve information when we enter for example an ID.
What are the materials required for this?I don't want to learn too deep but I want to learn in the process(this is not a project just something I wanna achieve this month) so I am guessing i need
1. a book on awt,swing classes
2. I need to set this JDBC thing I don't understand how to get it up and running in eclipse,i type code it gives me error.
3.a book on how to connect java to oracle express edition DB.
I have JDK
Thanks in advance(i'm a beginner ;))
If you're wanting to include a JAR file to your Eclipse project, you would generally create a 'lib' folder inside the project folder, and put the file in there. You then need to tell eclipse to include it in your class path so your code will compile and run inside eclipse.
To do that:
- Go into the properties of your project
- Select 'Java Build Path' in the left hand column
- Select the 'Libraries' tab in the centre part of the window
- Click the Add JARs button - this will give you a list of your projects in eclipse - expand your project and into the lib folder - your jar will be there.
- Select the JAR, click OK, and OK again out of the properties window.
Or, you can just right-click the jar and click BuildPath->Add to Build Path.
Select the option of Add External Jar from the Build path and then browse to the location where the Jar is downloaded, select it and add it.
If you are not able to find the Jar while browsing through build path, check the location in windows explorer and confirm that it is where you are searching for it.
You asked how to "set up jdbc in eclipse". Here is my take on your question. If this isn't the answer to your question maybe it will help someone else.
Also - I'm using kepler eclipse. (really jboss dev studio version based on kepler)
First set up the driver.
Preferences -> Connectivity -> Driver Definitions
Click Add... and follow the prompts. You will be able to test the connection at this point. Eclipse makes it obvious how! (Click the Test connection button)
Close the Preferences window. In the main window
Window -> Show View... -> Data Source Explorer
Right click on Database Connections. Select New... and follow the prompts.
You'll be able to open the connection and browse your database.
As far as JPA-enabling your application, there may be a way to have eclipse set that up (ie right click on your project and maybe there is something in the context menu). It would set up a persistence.xml file in the right place and maybe other things. I don't know off the top of my head.
Hope this helps.
add a classnotfound exception. like this:
try {
Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");//the class driver
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

Open directory containing a source file via Eclipse

In Visual Studio, or MyEclipse, you have a button which is able to locate a source file on disk, and open the containing directory in Windows explorer.
This is useful, for example, to browse images, or to use an other tool when a conflict occurs in CVS or SVN.
What would be the way to do it in Eclipse with a free plugin, or without any plugin ?
I found it :
"In eclipse, it is common requirement to open the folder containing source file but there is no direct method to do that like in Visual studio of Microsoft."
An actual plugin can be found at
And version 1.5 can be found here
One that I've since upgraded to & find more useful
I always do this:
right click on file/folder, show in..., system explorer. Done.
I guess we don't need a plugin to do that, or I am misunderstanding the question?? I am using Luna 4.4.2 on Windows 7.
On Mac you can follow this steps to add it without a plug-in:
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select External Tools Configuration:
The External Tools Configuration window will appear. Select Programs and then click New Launch Configuration:
This will create a new launch configuration. Enter a name of the configuration in the name field:
In the Location field enter the path to the Open Finder, "/usr/bin/open" without quotes:
In the Arguments field enter the following argument, "${container_loc}" with quotes:
Click Apply. It should look like the following:
Switch to the build tab and deselect Build before launch:
Switch to the Common tab and select the External Tools checkbox in Favorites. Click Apply again and close out of the window.
You are done. Now to use:
Select a file or folder in Eclipse Package Explorer.
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select the Open Containing Folder from the drop down menu:
You're file or folder should open in Finder.
PRO TIP: After you use the external tool once you can click the External Tools icon again and it will run the last used external tool. In other words, you won't need to select it from the pop up menu each time.
You can also look up the source directory by right clicking on the project, going to properties, and looking at "Location: ... "

How to use eclox, the doxygen plugin for Eclipse

How do I get eclox working in Eclipse 3.5?
I'm using Ubuntu 9.04. I installed Doxygen from ubuntu repositories(version 1.5.8). Then I installed eclox on eclipse through the update site.
Despite this, I don't get any option to in any menu to initiate it.
Also the eclox site doesn't seem to have any "getting started" guide.
Please help.
BTW there is a manual inside org.gna.eclox_0.8.0.jar, wierd they did not post this on the project site!!!
Here is the content
Eclox, a Doxygen frontend plugin for Eclipse.
There are two options to install the plugin: using the update site or
using the packaged feature.
The update site is the more convenient way to install eclox. It is
located at See eclipse's user
guilde for additionnal details.
When using the packaged feature, you must extract the archive content into
your eclipse's root location. For additionnal details, please refer to
eclipse's user guide.
Once the plugin installed, you must ensure that the default PATH environment
variable makes the doxygen binary reachable for the plugin. If not, you can
update PATH to include to directory containing the Doxygen binary, or you can
tell Eclox where that binary is located on your system (which is in my opinion
the better solution). To do this, open eclipse's preference edition dialog
window and go into the new "Doxygen" section.
You can create new Doxygen projects (also called doxyfiles) using the
creation wizard. Go to "File->New->Other->Other->Doxygen Configuration". Press
next and set both file location and name. Then a empty doxyfile will be
created at the specified location, the wizard automatically adds the
".Doxyfile" extension.
You should now see a file with a blue #-sign icon. This is your new
doxyfile. Double-clicking on it will open the editor. You can now browse and
edit the settings.
Once your have properly set all doxyfile fields, you can launch a
documentation build using the toolbar icon showing a blue #-sign. In
the case the button is not visible in the toolbar, your current perspective
needs to get configured. Go to "Window->Customize perspective->Commands" and
in "Available command groups" check "Doxygen". Additionnaly, you can browse
the laetest builds by clicking the down arrow right to the toolbar button.
When the documentation build starts, a new view showing the build log opens.
In its toolbar, a button named "Stop" allows you to halt the current build
process. The current build also appears in the Eclipse job progress view and
you can control the job from there.
The build toolbar action determine the next doxyfile to build depending on
the current active workbench part (editor or view) and the current selection
in that part. For example, if the active part is a doxyfile editor, the next
doxyfile to build will be the one being edited. If the active part is the
resource explorer and the current selection is a doxyfile, that doxyfile will
be next to get build. In the case the active part selection doesn't correspond
to a doxyfile, the last built doxyfile will be rebuiled. And if the build
history is empty, you will be asked for the doxyfile to build.
HTH Anybody
Never mind, worked it out my self.
First you need to create a DoxyFile (which is the configuration file) by giving the source path and the output path.
Then only you can generate the documentation by right clicking the project and selecting the "Generate Documentation".
Thanks anyway!
I just faced a problem setting the Doxygen binary path in eclox 0.8.0 settings in Eclipse on Mac OS X 10.7.
There is no way to configure the path via Eclipse-preferences->Doxygen.
The solution is to edit the preferences file manually
add a (fake) location, let's say /Applications, using the wizard mentioned above.
close Eclipse
edit this file:
Replace the value for doxygen.default (currently eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications\n) with eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications/\n.
restart Eclipse
For MacOS user there is a very easy way to get around via the issue of the Doxygen version selection. The link that provides details is here:
After installing the Eclox plugging:
1)"go to "Eclipse --> Preferences --> Oxygen"
2)"Press Shift+CMD+G then Add: "/Applications/"
3) Doxygen's version should be displayed
this might help you or any windows user trying to install eclox:
Tutorial for Installing eclox — Document Transcript
Step 1: go to eclox website ( and to copy the update link address.Step
step 2: Insert the link into the update manager in eclipse and press OK.
Step 3: Select the Eclox item and to complete the installation.
Step 4: When the installation has done, you should select a project that you want to generate thedoxygen documents. Then, create a doxygen project for it.
Step 5: config the options. Note: You have to provide the “Input directories” correctly and to select the “Scan recursively”item. Finally, save the configuration file.
Step 6: find out the “#” and to choice “Choose Doxyfile...”.
Step 7: select a doxyfile.Step 8: wait for few seconds and the doucments will be generated.
its from this link:
Like claus I had to dig into the preferences file maually, because eclox 0.8.0 would just not take a good path from Eclipse Preferences file chooser.
So, edit this file: $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.gna.eclox.core.prefs and alter the given path (in my case I had to change from
doxygen.default=eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen C\:\\Programm Files\\doxygen\\bin
to this
doxygen.default=eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen C\:\\Programme\\doxygen\\bin
Hope this helps.
I find a webpage where you can find more details. Especially, for Mac users, you need to Press Shift+CMD+G then Add: "/Applications/" when you configure the doxygen in eclipse before compiling .doxygfile by using Eclox.
Alternative from eclipse is to use Javadoc:
From menu (...Search Project Run...)
Project > Generate Javadoc
You should be in Java project and add comments with tags.