how to setup JDBC in Eclipse? - eclipse

I have eclipse and j developer,I am more comfortable with eclipse.I want to know how to setup the JDBC driver in eclipse,I downloaded a driver from but it does not appear anywhere when I browse after clicking 'external jars' in 'java build path' in "libraries" tab. My database is Oracle express edition.
Are there any good pdf's or tutorials for java application development?I want to make a front end application where I enter data into fields and it inserts into DB,and make it such that we can also retrieve information when we enter for example an ID.
What are the materials required for this?I don't want to learn too deep but I want to learn in the process(this is not a project just something I wanna achieve this month) so I am guessing i need
1. a book on awt,swing classes
2. I need to set this JDBC thing I don't understand how to get it up and running in eclipse,i type code it gives me error.
3.a book on how to connect java to oracle express edition DB.
I have JDK
Thanks in advance(i'm a beginner ;))

If you're wanting to include a JAR file to your Eclipse project, you would generally create a 'lib' folder inside the project folder, and put the file in there. You then need to tell eclipse to include it in your class path so your code will compile and run inside eclipse.
To do that:
- Go into the properties of your project
- Select 'Java Build Path' in the left hand column
- Select the 'Libraries' tab in the centre part of the window
- Click the Add JARs button - this will give you a list of your projects in eclipse - expand your project and into the lib folder - your jar will be there.
- Select the JAR, click OK, and OK again out of the properties window.
Or, you can just right-click the jar and click BuildPath->Add to Build Path.

Select the option of Add External Jar from the Build path and then browse to the location where the Jar is downloaded, select it and add it.
If you are not able to find the Jar while browsing through build path, check the location in windows explorer and confirm that it is where you are searching for it.

You asked how to "set up jdbc in eclipse". Here is my take on your question. If this isn't the answer to your question maybe it will help someone else.
Also - I'm using kepler eclipse. (really jboss dev studio version based on kepler)
First set up the driver.
Preferences -> Connectivity -> Driver Definitions
Click Add... and follow the prompts. You will be able to test the connection at this point. Eclipse makes it obvious how! (Click the Test connection button)
Close the Preferences window. In the main window
Window -> Show View... -> Data Source Explorer
Right click on Database Connections. Select New... and follow the prompts.
You'll be able to open the connection and browse your database.
As far as JPA-enabling your application, there may be a way to have eclipse set that up (ie right click on your project and maybe there is something in the context menu). It would set up a persistence.xml file in the right place and maybe other things. I don't know off the top of my head.
Hope this helps.

add a classnotfound exception. like this:
try {
Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");//the class driver
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {


How do I use ControlsFX in NetBeans

I'm extremely new to development and running an IDE. I'm using NetBeans and I've searched for an answer so if this is answered somewhere else, please direct me.
I've seen it suggested elsewhere, and it sounded like a good idea so I'm trying to use ControlsFX, but I think I have done something incorrectly.
In my fxml document, I have:
<?import org.controlsfx.control.*?>
However, I'm getting an error:
"Package org.controlsfx.control does not exist."
I have downloaded the zip file from I just don't know where to put it or unzip it, or do whatever needs to be done so that I can use it. Will someone point me in the right direction?
The option that worked for me was to import it as a library
Rightclick on your Project and select Properties
Go to Libraries
Click "Add Library..."
Click "Create..."
under the tabs "Classpath" and "Sources" add the controlsfx JAR
If you also want to see your new components in the javaFX Scenebuilder:
In the Scenebuilder: Navigate to Library at the top left corner. There should be a small wheel at the right of the search text field
Click that and select "JAR/FXML Manager"
Select "Add Lbrary/FXML from file system" and then just select the controlxfx jar.
Now it should prompt you to confirm the new components and you're ready to use them.
I did some more digging and found this:
Importing into IDE
Make sure Gradle Support is installed
Choose File > Open Project and select ControlsFX root directory
Press Open Project button
In addition, I found out that you need to add the jar files from the ControlsFX project to the project's properties>>Libraries>>Compile Tab

.class file opens instead of .java while debugging

Current setup:
MainProject which is a Library Project
BranchProject which is a new projects and has MainProject as a Reference
Whenever I debug and a file from MainProject is on focus (actually BranchProject has only graphic and xml layout changes) the Debug window opens a .class file which is read only. I want it to open the .java file so I can edit it directly.
Skyler's answer from this post worked for me:
Opening source code from debug view edits .class after Android R18 update
Here is a summary:
The fix is to right click the Project name in the debug view, and select "Edit Source Lookup..." from the menu. From there, remove the Default lookup path. After that, manually add the associated projects (not jars) that your project references. This is done by clicking Add, selecting Java Project, then checking the appropriate projects.
When you're using a Library project one of the things you're in fact doing is compiling your Library project into a jar and then referencing that jar in your calling Project.
If you right click the Project, and select "Configure Build Path" you'll see a tab called "Libraries", if you look inside "Android Dependencies" you'll notice a list of jar's corresponding to your Library projects.
These jars are expandable, showing you that they have a slot for a source attachment. Usually this would be editable allowing you to directly link the source but in terms of ADT these are already filled and are uneditable.
When debugging these files you're linked to a read-only class file with this attached source. This is because you're not running against source files directly, you're running against a pre-compiled class file. Until the ADT team get this functionality in place, you're pretty much forced to jump to the direct source code and rebuild everything.
See #Steven linked answer :)
I faced the same issue while debugging the a .java file using Eclipse IDE. As per my understanding this issue comes when we put the xyz.class file of file or JAR at the project build path. Delete the .class or JAR file from the project class path and rerun .java file in the debug mode. This time you see a source not found window. Click on "Source not found" button and check "Find duplicates..." at the bottom of the window. Done your problem is solved :)
The problem is that the class file is preferred over the java (by default), here is how you can change that for Eclipse (tested on NEON 2):
Right-click on the Project in the Project-Explorer, click Properties
On the new window select: Run/Debug Settings
Create a new configuration (or duplicate another one)
Select the new config and click Edit...
Go to the tab Source
Select the Default and Remove
Create a new path with Add..., select Java Library, then JRE System Library
Create a new path with Add..., select the location where the sourcecode is by Workspace folder (if it is a project in the same workspace) or File System directory (it it is not)
I think this depends on, how you set up the dependency in eclipse. You should set up your BranchProject to depend on the source-Files of your MainProject. If you depend on compiles Class-Files is obvious that the debugger opens the class files, because it does not know about the source files.
I found a good solution for me here:
Using Android library in eclipse and jumping to class files instead of source file that is within eclipse workspace
Simply, select each library project your project depends on, and use Top or Up to move it above the projects outputs. Eg. move all library projects to the top.
Open main project properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects tab and add there projects the main project depend on.
Switch to Order and Export tab and uncheck Android Dependencies
If you tried all above hints and it still doesn't work try this solution, it worked form me:
Right-click on the Project in the Package-Explorer, click Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
Select tab Order and Export
select library that you can't reach code and then click on button Bottom
Then click on Apply and Close
hope this can help you
Most of the time it happens when specific source folder are not added in build path Sources tab.
Right-click on the Project in the Package-Explorer, click Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Source Tab
Add the source folder if your project source folder is not there.
Select Add folder -> select your project source folder specifically. Eg: project_name/src . Then Apply it and restart server.

Hadoop Documentation for Eclipse

I recently installed Hadoop and am able to run simple programs.
However I would like to view documentation for Hadoop classes within Javadoc browser in Eclipse.
Please let me know how to enable that (I am a little novice with Eclipse IDE).
A couple of suggestions:
If you're using maven for your dependency management, you should be able to expand out the list of Maven dependencies in your Eclipse project, right click the hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar and select Maven -> Download Javadocs
Otherwise you'll need to source the Javadocs from the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api folder and associated with your hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar in Eclipse. In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api in the Javadoc URL text box (mine is file:/opt/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.2/docs/api/)
Either way now you should be able to hover over Hadoop classes in Eclipse and the Javadoc will popup. You can also show the Javadoc window that will populate for the class you are currently viewing, or just open an internal browser window and point it at the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api/index.html file
Another easy solution for those who want to stay updated is to edit the Javadocs path like Chris said:
"In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path"
but instead of linking it directly to the api you have stored on your hard disk, link it to

How do I open the GWT samples in eclipse Helios and GWT 2.1.1?

What is the straight-forward way of importing one of the GWT samples in eclipse Helios + GWT 2.1.1. It seems like the content of the zip file doesn't contain any project files for eclipse.
I tried the following:
create a GWT project 'bla'
Delete the src ad war folder and
replace it with the src and war
folder from the sample
refresh the project in eclipse
hit 'run'
[ERROR] Unable to find
'bla/bla.gwt.xml' on
your classpath; could be a typo, or
maybe you forgot to include a
classpath entry for source?
So I go to the run configuration and remove the path for the example projects from the arguments list. I also changed the name of hosted html page to the one in the sample. Hit 'run' and:
[ERROR] Invalid version number "2.0"
passed to external.gwtOnLoad(),
expected "2.1"; your hosted mode
bootstrap file may be out of date;
Now I need an out of date version of GWT to run these samples? What is going on, I just want to look at a sample to learn a new concept.
Reading the readme.txt in the GWT samples directory I came across a solution that works on Eclipse 3.7. Assuming you have ant installed on your machine, execute the following from the sample's directory:
ant eclipse.generate
This will generate both the .classpath and .project files needed to import the sample into Eclipse and run it.
Here the relevant excerpt from README.txt:
-- Option A: Import your project into Eclipse (recommended) --
If you use Eclipse, you can simply import the generated project into
Eclipse. We've tested against Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5. Later versions
will likely also work, earlier versions may not.
If the directory containing this file does not have a .classpath or
.project file, generate them by running 'ant eclipse.generate'
In Eclipse, go to the File menu and choose:
File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace
Browse to the directory containing this file, select "Mail".
Be sure to uncheck "Copy projects into workspace" if it is checked.
Click Finish. You can now browse the project in Eclipse.
To launch your web app in GWT development mode, go to the Run menu and
Run -> Open Debug Dialog...
Under Java Application, you should find a launch configuration
named "Mail". Select and click "Debug".
You can now use the built-in debugger to debug your web app in
development mode.
In eclipse 3.7, instead of Run -> Open Debug Dialog..., its Run -> Debug Configurations. I got both the showcase and mail samples running following those commands. Should work for all of the other samples as well.
The examples that come with GWT SDK were built in different ways. Some are Maven builds, others use Ant. Eclipse can handle these common builds directly, but you have to choose the right option.
So, if you want to open the Expenses project in eclipse, you would look in the projects root directory (i.e. ../gwt2.4/samples/Expenses) where you'll find a file called pom.xml. That is a Maven build file. To import it into your Work space select:
Open Maven->Existing Maven Projects, and click on Next > button
Browse your file system til you reach the Expenses folder. Click on it and Select OK.
At this point it will show you the Projects in that directory in the Projects: area of the window...only one in this case: /pom.xml
click on the checkbox for that project, Next>
Finally, it ask you to map plugins. You'll need to select in the drop down menu under Actions the required plugins (such as m2e).
In other project folders you may find a build.xml file instead. That's an Ant build file. To import that you do something similar, but different (of course!):
Open the Java folder and select "Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile", Next >
Click the Browse button, dig through your directory to the project folder and select the build.xml file, and Open it.
Project name should fill in automatically, just select the declaration to use in the middle window and click Finish.
Since those tutorial only include the src and war directory, the idea remains to:
create a new project following this tutorial
remove any created class part of the example files which are automatically added (see Issue 1547)
Unfortunately the Google Plugin does not allow to created a new Web Application Project without creating template files. The template files are nice for the first try but annoying if you want to start from scratch with a new GWT application.
copy the src and war directory in place within the now empty project
Following your ticket 5847 (No easy and straight-forward way to make examples work in eclipse),
as xo4yhamope comments, you need the right GWT option.
and did you consider the Issue 5038 about the error message:
Unable to find 'xxxx.gwt.xml' on your classpath;
could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
This message usually means you attempted to refresh the browser before dev mode has had a chance to finish loading the module.
The uppercase/lowercase confusion happens because the module has been renamed to 'stockwatcher', but dev mode cannot map 'stockwatcher' to "StockWatcher' until it has finished loading the entire module.
So, it's just a matter of waiting a few seconds longer after the Development Mode pane says I should go to ?
That seems a little messed up. It should wait until it's actually ready before telling me it's ok, because users (like me) are going to go there as soon as the UI says it's ready.
The other confusing part is that the server begins serving the host page as soon as that message in the UI comes up. Because this was happening, I assumed that the server was completely up, even though (as it turns out) it wasn't.
Anyway, waiting a few more seconds seems to resolve the "Unable to find 'stockwatcher.gwt.xml' on your classpath" problem. Thanks!
I'm beginning to suspect this is a bug in the samples. I am adding this answer so it can be marked as an answer when I get confirmation about that.
I was trying out some other samples and came across this page. At the top is a little explanation for how to download and import the sample.
Before you begin
The StockWatcher project
This tutorial builds on the GWT
concepts and the StockWatcher
application created in the Build a
Sample GWT Application tutorial.
If you have not completed the Build a
Sample GWT Application tutorial and
are familiar with basic GWT concepts,
you can import the StockWatcher
project as coded to this point.
Download the StockWatcher project.
Unzip the file.
Import the project into Eclipse
From the File menu, select the Import... menu option.
Select the import source General > Existing Projects into
Workspace. Click the Next button.
For the root directory, browse to and select the StockWatcher
directory (from the unzipped file).
Click the Finish button.
If you are using ant, edit the
gwt.sdk property in
StockWatcher/build.xml to point to
where you unzipped GWT.
Now this is what I call straight-forward and easy.
At that point I had already built the StockWatcher in a previous tutorial but I got intrigued by the fact that it was explained exactly as I tried it the first time. So I downloaded the project and it had the correct eclipse project structure. I tried to import it 'et voila' I have the project in eclipse. I runs out of the box (with warnings). That is how expected the samples to be.
This experience leads me into thinking that the sample projects are malformed (as eclipse projects) and need to be updated. Let's hope my issue report leads to results.
-- Option A: Import your project into Eclipse (recommended) --
If you use Eclipse, you can simply import the generated project into Eclipse.
We've tested against Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5. Later versions will likely also
work, earlier versions may not.
If the directory containing this file does not have a .classpath or .project
file, generate them by running 'ant eclipse.generate'
In Eclipse, go to the File menu and choose:
File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace
Browse to the directory containing this file,
select "Mail".
Be sure to uncheck "Copy projects into workspace" if it is checked.
Click Finish.
You can now browse the project in Eclipse.
Copy from readme.txt supplied by samples. I tried this method, it's OK.
To import GWT showcase(2.5.1) I did following steps:
Create a new Google Web Application Project
New –> Other –> Google –> Web Application Project
Provide the project name “Showcase” and the Package name is
Click Finish
Go to eclipse plugin folder and traverse to the gwt
Under that folder go to gwt-2.3.\samples\Showcase
Copy (Ctrl C) all the contents. The contents are
a. src
b. test
c. war
d. build.xml
e. README.txt
In the eclipse, right click on the Showcase project and paste. Overwrite all the files
The files should start copying without any problem
Right click on the Showcase and Run As “Web Application”
You should have your Showcase working like Gem!
For me it worked like a charm ;)
Ref :

eclipse debugger: attaching source-code of maven dependencies?

I'd like to use the source code of maven-managed dependencies when debugging our webapp in myEclipse 8.
I have managed to attach the sources to the libraries in the "Maven Managed Dependencies" classpath container, i.e. when I open a class file from a dependency (e.g. using Ctrl-Shift-T), I see the source code.
However, when I define a server connector for my tomcat, deploy the wepapp to it, and launch it in debug mode and execution halts on a breakpoint in that same class, the editor pane only displays the text "source not found", and a button to edit the "source lookup path". I have attempted to manually add the "Maven Managed Dependencies" classpath container, only to be told "Use maven project settings to configure depedency resolution". However, I see no useful setting in that property pane ...
How can I attach those sources? I am aware that this works with the m2e plugin and wtp, but I'd rather avoid convincing the rest of my team to switch plugins ...
Looks like issue MNGECLIPSE-983
I have confirmed that if I manually pick the External Archive option and find the relevant -sources jar (navigating that big .m2/repository tree to find it) and then add the jar as a sources it does work, and surprisingly it does remember the next time which isn't too bad.
That's at least doable I think for me because we don't often need to step debug through external dependencies, but when we do, it's often frequent, so adding it once while a bit of a pain, can be done on a case by case basis.
I have since discovered that this problem only occurs if the server is launched using a launch configuration.
The problem does not occur if the server is started by:
click the server icon in the toolbar -> context menu appears
mouse over the intended server -> submenu appears
click on "Start"
While this precludes sharing the server configuration by checking the launch configuration into version control, it at least allows seamless debugging.
Please do the following steps in Eclipse IDE(Tested with Version: 3.5.2),
In Package Explorer, Right Click on the Project which integrated with Maven container.
Select Maven 2 and then select "Fetch Source JARs".
The above action wil fetch sources of all the 3rd party jars present in the Maven Classpath.
Just put the .m2/repository/ folder itself with the search subfolders option.