.NET reflector + Reflexil Plugin - plugins

I've just installed reflexil v2.0 plugin but when I click on it after highliting a method it only displays 3 sub menus : Delete, Rename, Update Reflector object model...I'm not seeing Save as, Inject menus..anybody who can help me solve this?

1) Install Reflector
2) download reflexil into Reflector\Addins folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate.NET Reflector\Desktop 9.0\Addins
3) open reflector > Tools > Add-Ins
4) add

Right click your assembly in left pane, choose ->reflexil->Save as


How to create package from module created by Module Builder

I have created a module from Module Builder.
I now want to create an installer which on uploading installs this module.
Please let me know how can I do this.
If you are using community edition please follow these steps
1) Log into SugarCRM as an administrator.
2) Click on Admin in the top right hand corner of SugarCRM’s interface.
3) Select Module Loader.
4) Click Choose File to select the download file.
5) Select the file
6) Click Install.
7) Click Commit.

JavaScript content assist not working for JSP file in Eclipse Kepler

I am using Eclipse Kepler to develop App Engine application.The autocomplete feature is not working for JSP files and am not sure if I am missing any Property settings.
Would be glad if someone can let me know what needs to be done to enable auto-complete feature?
PS : FYI, I have the WTP tool already installed
You have to be working with a file in a JavaScript Source Folder. To do that, you can create a JavaScript project or enable an existing project from its Configure context menu (right-click->Configure->something JavaScript). Once that's done, if it wasn't opened automatically, bring up the project's JavaScript Include Path property page and create or mark an existing folder as a Source Folder. That should enable it for both JS files and web pages.
Have you tried closing the project and opening it again. That would clear the cache and get things running.
right click project > close project
right click closed project > open project

Netbeans 7.2 Ctrl + Click doesn't work

Fresh install of Netbeans 7.2 for PHP (literally 5 mins old) never installed on this system before.
Ctrl+Click fails when clicking on the parent class Class Foo extends Bar also namespaced classes.
Only local methods are found when ctrl + clicking
This question didn't help me either. All code is contained in one directory.
If anyone is facing the same problem with Netbeans 12 & Java, then check if you have nb-javac plugin installed or not!
Installing nb-javac plugin solved the issue for me in Netbeans 12.3.
To check/ install plugin, you can go to Tools> Plugin> Search.
Since this is a fresh install, is the project cache finished building?
Try this instead of Ctrl+Click:
Put selection on a method > Ctrl-B
in windows 7 : first close your netbeans then you should go to the C:\Users{YourUserName}\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\7.2 and delete all the content of 7.2 folder .now open your netbeans.
Right click on the project for properties, then chose "Code Assistance", then select the "PHP Code Assistance", everything will get ok!

How to add javadocs in netbeans

I'm trying to add Javadocs to Netbeans 7.2. But I can't, because it errored with No documentation found on Javadoc intex search tab; clicking shift + F1.
I tried the following suggestion:
tools > java flatforms > javadoc(tab) > add ZIP/folder
and finally click close Java flatform manager. My docs name is "jdk-7u6-apidocs.zip".
Goto Tools --> Java PlatformsHere you can see your java platforms added. Select one and on right side goto Javadoc tab and select your zip file

How to change Liferay Portlet Plugin API library in Eclipse?

I have switched my web-application to run on another installtion of Liferay. Consequently, I was able to changle classpath libraries in my project to new server location. This includes JRE System Library and Liferay v6.0 CE. I.e, both these libraries can be added for new server location from Java Build Path dialog.
But the library "Liferay Portlet Plugin API" still refers old Liferay installation path and I see no way to change it.
How is it possible?
Here: http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Liferay+IDE+Getting+Started+Tutorial
On the very most low picture you can see all three libraries listed in Package Explorer. Two of them I was able to change and the question is about third one.
You can manually change file .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core\variablesAndContainers.dat.
So open your filesystem browswer (My computer) navigate to your liferay IDE workspace location and go to .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core. Open file variablesAndContainers.dat and find and edit your jars locations.
After that restart Liferay IDE or simply close and open your project.
1) Take note of jars that are needed
2) Go to configure build path dialogue than go to libraries and select "Liferay Portlet Plugin API" then click Remove
3) Create folder "lib" directly in your project (not WEB-INF/lib)
4) Add jars to lib folder (from 1.)
5) Select jars and add them to build path (right click - Build path - add to build path)
Or you can crete you User libarary with those jars and than add it to build path
Additionally to chosing correct libraries in classpath dialog, one should also change "target runtime" appropriatedly by right click project and going to properties > Targeted Runtimes.
P.S. And plus one should close project and then open it again.
in my case, following instructions in this question about clearing eclipse cache (-clear option) helped, as changing liferay plugins SDK path wouldn't change the libraries' locations when adding this library to project build path...