How to use eclox, the doxygen plugin for Eclipse - eclipse

How do I get eclox working in Eclipse 3.5?
I'm using Ubuntu 9.04. I installed Doxygen from ubuntu repositories(version 1.5.8). Then I installed eclox on eclipse through the update site.
Despite this, I don't get any option to in any menu to initiate it.
Also the eclox site doesn't seem to have any "getting started" guide.
Please help.

BTW there is a manual inside org.gna.eclox_0.8.0.jar, wierd they did not post this on the project site!!!
Here is the content
Eclox, a Doxygen frontend plugin for Eclipse.
There are two options to install the plugin: using the update site or
using the packaged feature.
The update site is the more convenient way to install eclox. It is
located at See eclipse's user
guilde for additionnal details.
When using the packaged feature, you must extract the archive content into
your eclipse's root location. For additionnal details, please refer to
eclipse's user guide.
Once the plugin installed, you must ensure that the default PATH environment
variable makes the doxygen binary reachable for the plugin. If not, you can
update PATH to include to directory containing the Doxygen binary, or you can
tell Eclox where that binary is located on your system (which is in my opinion
the better solution). To do this, open eclipse's preference edition dialog
window and go into the new "Doxygen" section.
You can create new Doxygen projects (also called doxyfiles) using the
creation wizard. Go to "File->New->Other->Other->Doxygen Configuration". Press
next and set both file location and name. Then a empty doxyfile will be
created at the specified location, the wizard automatically adds the
".Doxyfile" extension.
You should now see a file with a blue #-sign icon. This is your new
doxyfile. Double-clicking on it will open the editor. You can now browse and
edit the settings.
Once your have properly set all doxyfile fields, you can launch a
documentation build using the toolbar icon showing a blue #-sign. In
the case the button is not visible in the toolbar, your current perspective
needs to get configured. Go to "Window->Customize perspective->Commands" and
in "Available command groups" check "Doxygen". Additionnaly, you can browse
the laetest builds by clicking the down arrow right to the toolbar button.
When the documentation build starts, a new view showing the build log opens.
In its toolbar, a button named "Stop" allows you to halt the current build
process. The current build also appears in the Eclipse job progress view and
you can control the job from there.
The build toolbar action determine the next doxyfile to build depending on
the current active workbench part (editor or view) and the current selection
in that part. For example, if the active part is a doxyfile editor, the next
doxyfile to build will be the one being edited. If the active part is the
resource explorer and the current selection is a doxyfile, that doxyfile will
be next to get build. In the case the active part selection doesn't correspond
to a doxyfile, the last built doxyfile will be rebuiled. And if the build
history is empty, you will be asked for the doxyfile to build.
HTH Anybody

Never mind, worked it out my self.
First you need to create a DoxyFile (which is the configuration file) by giving the source path and the output path.
Then only you can generate the documentation by right clicking the project and selecting the "Generate Documentation".
Thanks anyway!

I just faced a problem setting the Doxygen binary path in eclox 0.8.0 settings in Eclipse on Mac OS X 10.7.
There is no way to configure the path via Eclipse-preferences->Doxygen.
The solution is to edit the preferences file manually
add a (fake) location, let's say /Applications, using the wizard mentioned above.
close Eclipse
edit this file:
Replace the value for doxygen.default (currently eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications\n) with eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications/\n.
restart Eclipse

For MacOS user there is a very easy way to get around via the issue of the Doxygen version selection. The link that provides details is here:
After installing the Eclox plugging:
1)"go to "Eclipse --> Preferences --> Oxygen"
2)"Press Shift+CMD+G then Add: "/Applications/"
3) Doxygen's version should be displayed

this might help you or any windows user trying to install eclox:
Tutorial for Installing eclox — Document Transcript
Step 1: go to eclox website ( and to copy the update link address.Step
step 2: Insert the link into the update manager in eclipse and press OK.
Step 3: Select the Eclox item and to complete the installation.
Step 4: When the installation has done, you should select a project that you want to generate thedoxygen documents. Then, create a doxygen project for it.
Step 5: config the options. Note: You have to provide the “Input directories” correctly and to select the “Scan recursively”item. Finally, save the configuration file.
Step 6: find out the “#” and to choice “Choose Doxyfile...”.
Step 7: select a doxyfile.Step 8: wait for few seconds and the doucments will be generated.
its from this link:

Like claus I had to dig into the preferences file maually, because eclox 0.8.0 would just not take a good path from Eclipse Preferences file chooser.
So, edit this file: $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.gna.eclox.core.prefs and alter the given path (in my case I had to change from
doxygen.default=eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen C\:\\Programm Files\\doxygen\\bin
to this
doxygen.default=eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen C\:\\Programme\\doxygen\\bin
Hope this helps.

I find a webpage where you can find more details. Especially, for Mac users, you need to Press Shift+CMD+G then Add: "/Applications/" when you configure the doxygen in eclipse before compiling .doxygfile by using Eclox.

Alternative from eclipse is to use Javadoc:
From menu (...Search Project Run...)
Project > Generate Javadoc
You should be in Java project and add comments with tags.


Feature file not getting formatted in Cucumber format

In eclipse, for cucumber feature file using for selenium,
When a feature file was opened, the feature file used to show in cucumber/gherkin format which doesn't show anymore.
When a feature file is created, sample features used to be created
When a feature is executed using dry run, Step definitions used to be created.
src/test/java and src/test/resources are showing greyed out in eclipse which was not the case.
Above mentioned three things are not happening any more which used to work earlier. I believe it's related to the set up of eclipse. I know the issue, not sure what details might be required. So please do let me know what might be required so that I can share here.
Eclipse Version:
Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
Build id: 20190917-1200
That means either your editor is disable or corrupted.
Try to open your feature file again as below:
Select other if cucmber editor not shown.
Uninstall the cucumber plugin and install again.
Refer below link to uninstall the plugin from eclipse
Correct way to remove plugin from Eclipse
When a feature file was opened, the feature file used to show in
cucumber/gherkin format which doesn't show anymore.
Changed the default editor to cucumber, Not sure how default editor
was changed
When a feature file is created, sample features used to be created
After changing the default editor to cucumber, this started working
When a feature is executed using dry run, Step definitions used to
be created.
Added this parameter in the
#CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty","summary"})
src/test/java and src/test/resources are showing greyed out in
eclipse which was not the case.
Not sure, but this is not creating any issues so far
Associating feature file type with cucumber in Selenium WebDriver
I don't know the reason but I am also having a similar problem occasionally. When you over the file name go to the file tab and choose properties and then choose Associate with File Type --> then choose cucumber. I hope it helps.

Hadoop Documentation for Eclipse

I recently installed Hadoop and am able to run simple programs.
However I would like to view documentation for Hadoop classes within Javadoc browser in Eclipse.
Please let me know how to enable that (I am a little novice with Eclipse IDE).
A couple of suggestions:
If you're using maven for your dependency management, you should be able to expand out the list of Maven dependencies in your Eclipse project, right click the hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar and select Maven -> Download Javadocs
Otherwise you'll need to source the Javadocs from the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api folder and associated with your hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar in Eclipse. In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api in the Javadoc URL text box (mine is file:/opt/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.2/docs/api/)
Either way now you should be able to hover over Hadoop classes in Eclipse and the Javadoc will popup. You can also show the Javadoc window that will populate for the class you are currently viewing, or just open an internal browser window and point it at the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api/index.html file
Another easy solution for those who want to stay updated is to edit the Javadocs path like Chris said:
"In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path"
but instead of linking it directly to the api you have stored on your hard disk, link it to

Open directory containing a source file via Eclipse

In Visual Studio, or MyEclipse, you have a button which is able to locate a source file on disk, and open the containing directory in Windows explorer.
This is useful, for example, to browse images, or to use an other tool when a conflict occurs in CVS or SVN.
What would be the way to do it in Eclipse with a free plugin, or without any plugin ?
I found it :
"In eclipse, it is common requirement to open the folder containing source file but there is no direct method to do that like in Visual studio of Microsoft."
An actual plugin can be found at
And version 1.5 can be found here
One that I've since upgraded to & find more useful
I always do this:
right click on file/folder, show in..., system explorer. Done.
I guess we don't need a plugin to do that, or I am misunderstanding the question?? I am using Luna 4.4.2 on Windows 7.
On Mac you can follow this steps to add it without a plug-in:
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select External Tools Configuration:
The External Tools Configuration window will appear. Select Programs and then click New Launch Configuration:
This will create a new launch configuration. Enter a name of the configuration in the name field:
In the Location field enter the path to the Open Finder, "/usr/bin/open" without quotes:
In the Arguments field enter the following argument, "${container_loc}" with quotes:
Click Apply. It should look like the following:
Switch to the build tab and deselect Build before launch:
Switch to the Common tab and select the External Tools checkbox in Favorites. Click Apply again and close out of the window.
You are done. Now to use:
Select a file or folder in Eclipse Package Explorer.
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select the Open Containing Folder from the drop down menu:
You're file or folder should open in Finder.
PRO TIP: After you use the external tool once you can click the External Tools icon again and it will run the last used external tool. In other words, you won't need to select it from the pop up menu each time.
You can also look up the source directory by right clicking on the project, going to properties, and looking at "Location: ... "

Eclipse Plugin - XML Editor

I've followed this tutorial:
Eclipse Plugin
This tutorial explain why create a HTML Editor.
I need a Text editor,just for auto-highlight some words, anyway I thought this tuto should be a good one to start with.
The thing is that I created the Plugin project and the only thing that I changed it was the extension "pat" instead "html, htm", just that. After that I created a .pat file, but eclipse doesn't open it with my plugin, and my text editor is not in the editor's list.
Any suggestion??
Let me know if you need more information.
My guess is that you have just created the plugin, but aren't running it in your current Eclipse instance. That can be verified by opening the view "Plugin registry". That will show a list of all plugins, see if the plugin you have created is in that list.
If you click on the run button in Eclipse you will open a run configuration dialog. In one of the tabs, you get to choose what plugins should be available. Make sure your plug-in is selected. This will start up a new Eclipse instance that will run your plugin.
To make your plugin be a part of your ordinary Eclipse installation, you will need to export it to a jar and copy that jar to the dropins catalog.

Eclipse Indigo "Save Actions" are not being applied

I'm new to Eclipse and downloaded the following version:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Indigo Release
Build id: 20110615-0604
[edit] Eclipse Platform Version 3.7
I have edited Java > Editor > Save Actions to do the following: Remove trailing white spaces on all lines, Correct indentation
When I save the .java file, those actions are not applied... is this a bug?
Found this that might be related:
Assuming that this relates to JavaScript files, then the related Eclipse bug could be helpful.
The problem (as I've just experienced) is that you can edit the JavaScript -> Save Actions preferences via the context menu when editing a JavaScript file, but the actions will not be run.
The solution is to right click on the project containing the .js file, and select Configure -> Convert to JavaScript project.
The bad news is that this will then will also enable Eclipse's not-so-great JavaScript validation, therefore telling you that libraries such as moment.min.js are broken.
Well for those of you who have found this topic... I did find 2 solutions, no thanks to Eclipse, other than the fact that it is open source and people can write plugins.
Eclipse Platform Version 3.7
AnyEdit - plugin that does it for you when you Save file (I believe this is what eclipse SHOULD be doing)
Go to: Window > Preferences. Then under General > Keys. Make sure drop down for Scheme: is Default and enter 'remove trailing' in the filter. You should then see "Remove Trailing Whitespace" under the command column. Bind it to your own key command.
The only drawback to #2 is that you have to actually press the key binding while editing the file, kindof like a cleanup action.
Too bad Eclipse hasn't taken the approach that ALL file types should be configurable in this way... sometimes I miss TextPad.
Old question, but at least for newer Eclipse versions there's a better solution: Go to the project properties, then to Project Facets. If it tells you that your project isn't in faceted form yet, then convert it. Afterwards (or if it already was faceted), just enable the JavaScript checkbox.
I had the same issue with Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) and this fixed it for me, the save actions are now executed on save.
Adding to jlh's answer, I also had to configure the JavaScript include path of the project to enable save actions. Before that even a manual "Clean Up ..." from the source menu wouldn't work.