ejGrid Hidden columns's header does not hide in syncfusion JS - syncfusion

I am using SyncFusion JS ejGrid in my project.
I am facing strange issue.
I am trying to hide Primary Key Colum**n in Grid. Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide.
I am also getting
"TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null" error constantly.
Please provide me a solution.

Query: Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide
This issue had been reproduced in the Essential Studio v11.4.0.26 and it can be resolved by referring the bootstrap.css before the ej.widgets.all.css in your application. It has not been reproduced in the latest version ( and hence we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version.
Please find the latest JavaScript studio from the below link.
And also specify the Essential Studio version you are using so that we can analyze your issue and provide solution as early as possible.
Query:TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null
Please share the code you have tried.


Issue migrating to material ui v5 using datepicker and next

Getting Module not found: Can't resolve 'luxon' when using LocalizationProvider with AdapterLuxon and Next
I'm hoping I have something setup incorrectly.
codesandbox with the issue:
Turns out I was reading the docs wrong. Mui provides the adapters out of the box but you still need to include the utility package that you want. In my case, luxon.

Todo-Tree: Cannot read property 'fsPath' of undefined

I am using VSCode with the ToDo Tree Plugin.
When I try to add a Todo in my code the plugin generates the following error:
Cannot read property 'fsPath' of undefined.
Does anybody know how to solve it ?
Any help highly appreciated.
This type of problem is related to updating VS Code. The Plugin needs to receive an update path. Report the bug to the plugin's develop

CefSharp not raising Html5 Drag n Drop API events

I'm using CefSharp in a WPF application. I need to handle the HTML5 Drag n'Drop API events, but I guess they are not being thrown by CefSharp. I'm loading this HTML page and it is not working as expected. I've already tried tweaking the browser settings (DragDropDisabled) with no success. I'm using CefSharp version 1.25.7 and also tried upgrading to the most recent version with no success either.
It seems that only the "dragstart" event is being thrown.
Can anybody help me?
1.25 is old and unsupported. Test with all active branches. Also test other examples, e.g. MDN drag&drop examples. WPF d&d was implemented in this PR: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/pull/1210

MapboxGL.js Advanced Error

I am creating a webmap using MapboxGL.js and just updated from 0.21.0 to 0.24.0 for the scale bar functionality. I am using custom vector tiles that I generated using Mapbox studio and rendering information client side with geojson. However, after updating to the most recent release I am now getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'advance' of undefined
Working around a bit I found that unmodified Mapbox templates such as the Outdoor theme do not cause this error when I publish them from my Mapbox Studio Account but both customized tilesets that I use from Studio throw the same error.
Any thoughts of what could be going wrong?
This could be a bug in GL JS. Could you post this question on the GL JS issue tracker? Please follow all the instructions in the issue template. Thank you!

More Fields Wordpress plugin - TinyMCE WYSIWYG JS error - can't add images

For some reason, I am getting a JS error on the more fields WYSIWYG field.
When I try to click the button to add an image, or video...or audio, nothing happens and I get a JS error in the Firefox JS error console.
More fields version: 2.0.5
Wordpress version: 3.1
I am unable to downgrade wordpress any further due to potential problems with other plugins. I have tried different versions of more fields but I get the same issue.
Please help if you can, as I can't be the only one with this issue, it may be seriously helpful to others. it's a bit of a show stopper for me - my client ain't happy :-s
Please see the screenshot which might explain things a little more:
I had exactly the same problem just now.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_tiny_mce', 25);
To my functions.php file fixed it. I think the plugin fails to load this script by default.