More Fields Wordpress plugin - TinyMCE WYSIWYG JS error - can't add images - plugins

For some reason, I am getting a JS error on the more fields WYSIWYG field.
When I try to click the button to add an image, or video...or audio, nothing happens and I get a JS error in the Firefox JS error console.
More fields version: 2.0.5
Wordpress version: 3.1
I am unable to downgrade wordpress any further due to potential problems with other plugins. I have tried different versions of more fields but I get the same issue.
Please help if you can, as I can't be the only one with this issue, it may be seriously helpful to others. it's a bit of a show stopper for me - my client ain't happy :-s
Please see the screenshot which might explain things a little more:

I had exactly the same problem just now.
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_tiny_mce', 25);
To my functions.php file fixed it. I think the plugin fails to load this script by default.


How to remove More help link from moodle 2.8 help popup?

I want to remove More help link from moodle 2.8 help pop up.
I am attaching screenshot:
After click on this link, open page
Got solution from moodle forum but not working for me.its for moodle 2.7
There is no option to remove the help link without modifying Moodle code. However you could either:
Define $CFG->docroot in your config.php to customise the URLs, or
Use CSS to hide the link.
If modifying core is not an issue, the easiest way is to modify the function get_formatted_help_string so that it never looks for the language string ending in _link. You would remove the following block:
$helplink = $identifier . '_link';
if ($sm->string_exists($helplink, $component)) { // Link to further info in Moodle docs.

ejGrid Hidden columns's header does not hide in syncfusion JS

I am using SyncFusion JS ejGrid in my project.
I am facing strange issue.
I am trying to hide Primary Key Colum**n in Grid. Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide.
I am also getting
"TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null" error constantly.
Please provide me a solution.
Query: Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide
This issue had been reproduced in the Essential Studio v11.4.0.26 and it can be resolved by referring the bootstrap.css before the ej.widgets.all.css in your application. It has not been reproduced in the latest version ( and hence we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version.
Please find the latest JavaScript studio from the below link.
And also specify the Essential Studio version you are using so that we can analyze your issue and provide solution as early as possible.
Query:TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null
Please share the code you have tried.

MagnificPopup won´t work with Typo3

I would like to use magnific popup for a site which is still in development, but unfortunately nothing happens after the installation and adding the static content in my template.
No matter what i try no popup comes up.
If someone would like to help me i will provide access to the site.
Thanks a lot!
First thing to do:
look at your source code: does the 'link' show any sign of 'magnific popup' code?
Added classes? id?
Second: do you see any extra javascript and/or stylesheet that is added by the extension?
If you answer negative to 1 of these, the extension does not output anything. Sounds logic, but it is the first step. Is it a solution? Nope, it means your live just got a bit more worse, but hang in there !
If it does show any code from the ext: look at your console, are there any js errors occurred ? (if you don't know what console is, or (even worse) you work with IE) please read about chrome console of at least install Firefox with firebug.
My best beth would be a JS error...
Can it be possible that the ext itself does not work?
Does your php error logs tell you that the extension is behaving badly?
Do you see errors in the typoscript analyser (or whatever it's called to analyse the css_styled_content and other TS spaghetti )
If not, then no, it is not the ext.
Again, i'm betting my wive, three horses and a barrel of beer on JS erros.
Good luck mate !
ps: IF i'm wrong, i'm not sending you my wife by postal service. Loads of trouble last time. Nor the horses, same shizzle ..

TinyMCE file picker in Moodle 2.5 is not loading

I've created a fresh install of Moodle 2.5. I installed successfully, I thought. I have not customized the theme, so it can NOT be theme-based.
TinyMCE's file picker is not loading...whether trying to upload a file or creating/editing a course under the Course summary files section...all I get is the "Loader" star. I did some research and found no solutions that worked. Quite a few said "custom themes," but I have no custom themes yet. Now, in checking the console, I got this:
- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier /lib/editor/tinymce/tinymce/3.5.8/tiny_mce.js:2
- Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined module.js:1
- Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined yui_combo.php?moodle/1374671241/editor_tinymce/collapse/collapse-min.js:1
Digging further, I found the error on tiny_mce.js with the "uncaught syntax error" is around this area (I beautified the JavaScript for better readability and it ended up on line 3344):
pi: function(h, i) {
if (i) {
} else {
if (a) {
I also have no clue why the page is not seeing TinyMCE as defined.
In my browsing of multiple sites, one person mentioned being able to open the file picker in Moodle 2.5 when logged in as a regular non-Moodle user. They, too, have no answer to the problem, but I tried that and the file picker did, indeed, open.
I've found it's not quite just the file picker. This whole thing is tying in to TinyMCE not loading properly...with the editing toolbar capability (whether collapsed or not.) It acts as if it's a simple text editor.
I fought with it and ended up causing more problems than solutions, so I uninstalled everything, and started from scratch. I have no plugin add-ons, no fancy themes (it's the basic one it installs with), and no customization, and it's still buggy.
The console continues to say:
- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier /lib/editor/tinymce/tinymce/3.5.8/tiny_mce.js:2
- Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined module.js:1
- Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined yui_combo.php?
And it pauses the debugger on practically every page with this. It's telling me that there's a problem with how TinyMCE is called in.
I've submitted a bug report, but haven't gotten the answer yet. What I'm hoping for is someone else to have had the same problem and come up with the solution, remembering there is no theme customization, no they can't be at fault.
As a matter of fact I also banged to this issue after upgrading to Moodle 2.5.1+, and after digging it for hours came up with a solution that made things work smooth again, I have disabled Cache JavaScript from:
Home / ► Site administration / ► Appearance / ► AJAX and Javascript
After saving the settings the file picker started working as normal. I am not sure how bad this will affect overall moodle performance and how bad it will increase the load on server and website loading overhead, but at the moment that was the only solution that I came up with.
Hope this will help...
version 2.5.1+
The FilePicker doesn't load when editing is turned on.
If you have this issue where the FilePicker hangs while loading, click on the following:
Administration | Course Administration | Turn editing off
Then refresh the page with the FilePicker that you need to use.
I'm putting this as an answer, because I received one, and I want everyone who ends up with a similar problem to know the way to solve it.
The problem was with the admin user profile settings. The Moodle team responded, and told me what to do.
It's as simple as:
Change the admin's user profile and set not to use html editor by default.
Purge all caches both in moodle and in your browser.
Make sure that in "Site administration ► Development ► Debugging" you have "debug messages = developers" and "display debug = yes"

Plone 4.2 TinyMCE jQuery UI Dialog

I am currently writing a replacement for the plone dialog infrastructure. Mostly for personal use and fun, but available on github as collective.js.jqueryuidialog.
Currently I'm struggling to manage the initialization for the tinyMCE editor in the dialogs.
I tried to get the missing scripts with getScript, but then I get stuck. I googled and found some init hooks, like this one
$(document).bind('loadInsideOverlay', function() {
$('textarea.mce_editable').each(function() {
var config = new TinyMCEConfig($(this).attr('id'));
but none worked.
Any ideas or recommendations to read further?
I updated Products.TinyMCE to version 1.3.3 and proceeded through the upgrade steps in the ZMI. All other functionality is still working (Yeehaa).
I realized, that the call seems to have changed, since all pages with a tinyMCE on it, now issue a get command to a view named tiny_mce_gzp.js that seems to deliver the actual configured editor from the portal.
Actually I am digging the source to find that call and copy it's behavior.