MapboxGL.js Advanced Error - mapbox-gl-js

I am creating a webmap using MapboxGL.js and just updated from 0.21.0 to 0.24.0 for the scale bar functionality. I am using custom vector tiles that I generated using Mapbox studio and rendering information client side with geojson. However, after updating to the most recent release I am now getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'advance' of undefined
Working around a bit I found that unmodified Mapbox templates such as the Outdoor theme do not cause this error when I publish them from my Mapbox Studio Account but both customized tilesets that I use from Studio throw the same error.
Any thoughts of what could be going wrong?

This could be a bug in GL JS. Could you post this question on the GL JS issue tracker? Please follow all the instructions in the issue template. Thank you!


html2canvas works on firefox, not on chrome

I'm using the html2canvas module to make a screenshot of angular components made of d3.js and c3.js libraries to show charts.
Everything works fine in angular, the problem comes when i convert the angular components in custom elements and try to get the screenshot of the charts.
I get two different behaviors based on the browser using:
On Firefox I get in the console this error ERROR TypeError: this.ngElementStrategy is undefined but the screenshot works fine.
On Chrome I get this error SyntaxError: Error parsing CSS component value, unexpected EOF and the screenshot is not created.
My goal would be to make the library working also on chrome obviously; looking on the web the Chrome error should be related to a CSS class not supported by html2canvas, but i tried removing all the CSS imports from my test page and the error persists.
The different behaviors are strange assumed that in angular works but after the conversion to custom elements it doesn't only on chrome...
Anyone has any idea?

Unity Mapbox Globe example only shows a magenta sphere

I am trying to get the Globe example of Mapbox for Unity working (following the tutorial at, but all I can see is a magenta sphere, see the screenshot.
I am using Unity 2019.4.19f1 with mapbox-unity-sdk_v2.1.1.unitypackage on Windows 10. When importing the package I unchecked all AR related parts to avoid the compilation errors.
Any help is welcome!
Thanks, Willem
Did you set mapbox access token? Goto Mapbox -> Setup then you will see a configuration dialog.
If you do not see "Mapbox" menu, you may need to install some additional package like "Multiplayer HLAPI" and "XR Legacy Input Helpers" (if you see a build error)

Handling `'createWebDependency' is not an exported object from 'namespace:shiny'` error in Leaflet Shiny

When I try using leaflet with shiny I get the error
Error : 'createWebDependency' is not an exported object from 'namespace:shiny'
A search online for this error doesn't give me any hits.
According to THIS thread you might need to update your shiny version.
If that doesn't help, could you add your output from "sessionInfo()" ?

Facebook page is not loading properly in mx:html (Adobe AIR) outside IDE

Adobe AIR application which was working perfectly earlier; is not working now. No idea whether it is due to any recent change in Facebook or Adobe AIR.
I have added the component mx:HTML to display content. In the development environment (Flash Builder 4.5) after logging in facebook successfully; I can see the TimeLine contents and updates properly. But after build when executed outside the IDE; I am able to login facebook but the timeline or updates are not being displayed properly.
Anybody facing similar issue and has a fix; please provide the solution.
uncaughtScriptException gives following two errors...
TypeError: Result of expression 'bigPipe' [undefined] is not an object.
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: console
I have similar issue, if you catch the javascript errors you will notice that facebook is using some library that fails in AIR, then if you google that exact error you will find similar issues. My solution was to use the FB API and reimplement the functionality(in my case share) , other alternatives is to fix that library or FB code to make it work. I don't remember the details but I fixed it a week ago.
Check the docs for catching the JS errors uncaughtScriptException
I am wondering if that library has code for each browser that it supports and on AIR it fails, maybe changing useragent will help, you need to check the javascript code to see where it fails

ejGrid Hidden columns's header does not hide in syncfusion JS

I am using SyncFusion JS ejGrid in my project.
I am facing strange issue.
I am trying to hide Primary Key Colum**n in Grid. Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide.
I am also getting
"TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null" error constantly.
Please provide me a solution.
Query: Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide
This issue had been reproduced in the Essential Studio v11.4.0.26 and it can be resolved by referring the bootstrap.css before the ej.widgets.all.css in your application. It has not been reproduced in the latest version ( and hence we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version.
Please find the latest JavaScript studio from the below link.
And also specify the Essential Studio version you are using so that we can analyze your issue and provide solution as early as possible.
Query:TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null
Please share the code you have tried.