Issue migrating to material ui v5 using datepicker and next - material-ui

Getting Module not found: Can't resolve 'luxon' when using LocalizationProvider with AdapterLuxon and Next
I'm hoping I have something setup incorrectly.
codesandbox with the issue:

Turns out I was reading the docs wrong. Mui provides the adapters out of the box but you still need to include the utility package that you want. In my case, luxon.


When was forwardRef added to ag-grid?

I'm currently using ag-grid#^18 and I'm having problems using renderers / editors. I'm using both classes and functions (hooks) and having trouble with both. The hooks variation has the most success but it's not updating as expected. I'm using this example as a guide:
The problem is that forwardRefs's ref argument is undefined. Does anyone know when ref started getting passed down?
Actually ag-grid#18 has react 16.0.0 as a peer dependency and forwardRef became part of react 16.3.0, maybe this is causing issue. One thing you can try is pass reactNext={true} to AgGridReact component.

Can I use material-ui-pickers without React?

I'd like to use material-ui-pickers without React. I have a Rails app (probably not relevant) and use Webpack as a module bundler (plus Yarn, Babel etc.)
Is it possible to use material-ui-pickers?
If so, how? I have a few text fields with a class "datepicker" and would like to open the Material UI picker on focus. I probably have to initialize a MuiPickersUtilsProvider somehow but couldn't get it to work.
Any help is appreciated!
no, you cannot use this library without using react

CSS not loading correctly With React-bootstrap-typeahead

I'm trying to implement the typeahead using Meteor with react syntax. I found this library and it look like really good but I'm having some problems with CSS.
My actual code is as the image above
Real Code
And as we can see in the image above the functionality is there but apparently with wrong CSS
Any Idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Import bootstrap.min.js into your application.
Use the following link:
Import bootstrap.min.css into your application.
Use the following link:
Adding this to the html worked in my case.

Angular2 - Import barrels cause 404 at runtime

I am trying to implement the import barrels structure that is described in this link (you may have to scroll down a bit) :!#application-structure
The problem I am facing is that the index.ts files that I am creating and referencing like
import {...} from './shared/services';
are not found at runtime and are throwing 404s. If I reference the modules like
import {...} from './shared/services/index';
It works fine. The problem only appears at runtime, typescript does not complain and compiles successfully. I have duplicated the issue in a plunker:
You can see the error in the console.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I finally found something:
It seems, that this is not easily possible with SystemJS, because it can not handle barrel-files.
To solve this, you can add every file as you did with [...]/index or you can add them as a package in SystemJS

ejGrid Hidden columns's header does not hide in syncfusion JS

I am using SyncFusion JS ejGrid in my project.
I am facing strange issue.
I am trying to hide Primary Key Colum**n in Grid. Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide.
I am also getting
"TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null" error constantly.
Please provide me a solution.
Query: Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide
This issue had been reproduced in the Essential Studio v11.4.0.26 and it can be resolved by referring the bootstrap.css before the ej.widgets.all.css in your application. It has not been reproduced in the latest version ( and hence we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version.
Please find the latest JavaScript studio from the below link.
And also specify the Essential Studio version you are using so that we can analyze your issue and provide solution as early as possible.
Query:TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null
Please share the code you have tried.