Transitions an arrow-, bullet-, thumbnail- and key-navigation - jssor

It has already been suggested several times that the a.m. navigations also use the transitions used in "autoplay".
I would like to support that, because the current handling of just moving the slides sort of breaks the "look and feel" of the slider behaviour.
"Swiping" and "dragging" could stay as is.
Maybe configurable with an option???
Have tried to solve that myself in the code, but failed miserably so far :-( :-).


Plotly Dash - Callback triggers sometimes & the same callback doesnt trigger sometime

I am facing issue with callbacks. I have 3 drop downs, one scattermap , one table and one slider on the screen and they all need to work in tandem and i have 5 call backs. When i execute the application all my callbacks associated with these controls execute in random order. After that when i click on scattermap it may or may not work. Say we assume it worked. Then i can navigate all around without any hassle. Then if i execute the application then click on the scattermap then as i mentioned it may or may not work. Say suppose it didn't work this time. If so is the case it will not work at all no matter what i do and simulaneously one specific dropdown also becomes dysfunctional. However if click any of the other two drop downs then evrything will start functioning as normal.
I have digged really deep into this and figured out that this has nothing to do with my code. The underlying issue is that when the click doesn't work the reason the reason behind that is the callback isn't getting triggered. I found out this by applying some debugging techniques and i am 100% sure the callback is not firing. Can anyone help me resolve/understand this please.

ReactiveUI - Confused about Routing

I'm in the process of comparing MvvmCross with ReactiveUI for a major pharma project on Win Store, WP8, iOS, Droid. We've already selected Xamarin.
I'm totally new to ReactiveUI. I really like what I see in principle, and I think Paul is a genius. However the details are becoming a real bear. I've spend several days tracking down documentation (the manual is from 2011 and seems almost entirely outdated - it doesn't even contain the word "Router") and sample code.
I'm looking at the sample from ReactiveUI.Samples
Also the project MobileSample-RT from the ReactiveUI solution.
I based my little hello world on the ReactiveUI.Samples "Routing" example. Frankly this isn't much of an example as all it does is navigate from AppBootstrapper to the one and only view. I'm trying to do something similar to the "three page" example from MobileSample-RT. The problem is, if I try something like this in my project:
It crashes (pdb symbols not loaded in ReactiveUI.dll)
If I try this:
Same result - hard crash. That really threw me as it seems like something that should "just work".
I can call this:
HostScreen.Router.Navigate.Execute(new LoginViewModel(HostScreen));
And it does go to my view, as expected. I also wired up a back button in the main screen:
this.OneWayBind(AppBootstrapper, x => x.Router.NavigateBack, x => x.BackButton.Command);
And that indeed moves back from the view to which I'd just navigated.
So now I want to move forward again. I click on the button that does this (again):
HostScreen.Router.Navigate.Execute(new LoginViewModel(HostScreen));
And I go back to that view. However this time it takes 2 clicks on the back button to get actually move back. If I then move forward again, it takes 3 clicks the next time. The NavigationStack is filling up with new instances of LoginViewModel.
So, what IS the correct way to do routing/navigation? Why are those commands crashing? Rather than calling "new" each time in the Navigate.Execute, how do I navigate to a viewmodel that is already in the navigation stack (or should it be there in the first place?).
Many thanks for any clarity you can provide.
If you're building for iOS and Android, you simply don't want to use Routing - the notion of routing conflicts too much with what the platforms want you to do (even on WP8 it's a stretch but I was able to hacky make it work). You should stick with View-first location.
However, if you're using Xamarin Forms, ReactiveUI works great with VM-based routing (since Xamarin managed to do all the hacks to make it possible!). Check out for a demo of it
I know the docs suck and I'm working on new ones: - Pull Request / Progress - Browsable version

How to debug infinite loop "crash" in Xcode for iOS involving CALayer and view layout during search?

My app is hanging during search in a table view.
For what it's worth, the view hierarchy is very complex, there are popovers involved as well as filters and search bars etc. I am reviewing all those possibilities.
But the non-crash - it's an infinite loop - occurs when the search results table is being displayed / updated, after a call to reloadData.
Here is what I get when I stop the program and look at the main thread:
You can see - it involves UIView, CALayer, CATransaction. I have no clue how to get back to my controller classes to find the offending code.
Any hints, suggestions, wild guesses welcome!
EDIT Here is more - some more classes appearing when I interrupt at some other random point.
This is an old question, but in case other folks arrive here: it's possible you're facing a layout feedback loop. I wrote an article about how to debug these (link: Debugging Auto Layout feedback loops) but here's a summary:
If you modify your layouts during layout, or if you have ambiguous layout, you might find yourself stuck in a loop.
Apple discussed a special debugging technique at WWDC 2016 – skip to about 15 minutes before the end, and they introduce the layout feedback loop debugger.
To try it yourself, add -UIViewLayoutFeedbackLoopDebuggingThreshold 100 to the list of launch arguments for your app, then run it again.
When the error happens next time, you should get (a lot of) debugging information that helps point you in the right direction.

Prevent main form from appearing when showing another form

I am trying to bring my secondary form to the Foreground, however when I do
MyForm.Show; // It may be hidden, therefore show it first
my Main Form appears aswell. The only way I can prevent that is to do MainForm.Hide; but I got to avoid that.
The idea is to have my secondary form appear on top of another application, without my Main Form having to do so as well.
If you consider to make another application for this functionality, then you may also consider the following compromise: minimize the MainForm to the taskbar (rather than hiding it) to prevent it popping up when activating another form.
If so, then try this answer. It does add an extra icon to your taskbar for the secondary form, but I guess that'll be no problem since a different application would either. However, if the MainForm is nót minimized but obfuscated by other windows, activating the secondary form wíll also popup the MainForm, just like you are experiencing now.
And for the completeness of this answer's sake, but not by any means meant as advice: this answer describes a (somewhat experimental) construction to make fully independent windows. The little time I tested that solution, it seemed to work, but be prepared not counting any longer on the full/default functionality of the VCL.
Try settings the state of the form to fsAlwaysOnTop.

Providing un-intrusive messages on an iPhone

This is kind of a silly question, but I cannot find the answer as I don't know the terms with which to search for it.
I am looking for a simple way of giving a 'status' message like 'Data updated' to the user without necessarily interrupting what he/she is doing (but have a option I guess in some instances to tab it an perform an action).
For example; some Apps give a rounded square semi-transparent with 'Lock screen/rotation' when an iPhone is rotated, I am look for something similar (or like the square box 'Build Complete in Xcode 4').
Is there an easy way of doing this?
Thanks a million in advance!
MTStatusBarOverlay adds very subtle text to the phone's status bar. If you're looking for something a little more noticiable, try:
As #kubi has pointed out, MTStatusBarOverlay is a good one, and I've passed Apple reviewer inspection with it. However I just found something that looks fraking awesome...
Tweetbot-Like Alert Panels (Blog), and the repository is MKInfoPanelDemo at Github.
Create a view that shows your message nicely, add it to the window, and start a UIView animation which makes it fade away. In the animation ended handler (delegate or block) remove the view.