Plotly Dash - Callback triggers sometimes & the same callback doesnt trigger sometime - callback

I am facing issue with callbacks. I have 3 drop downs, one scattermap , one table and one slider on the screen and they all need to work in tandem and i have 5 call backs. When i execute the application all my callbacks associated with these controls execute in random order. After that when i click on scattermap it may or may not work. Say we assume it worked. Then i can navigate all around without any hassle. Then if i execute the application then click on the scattermap then as i mentioned it may or may not work. Say suppose it didn't work this time. If so is the case it will not work at all no matter what i do and simulaneously one specific dropdown also becomes dysfunctional. However if click any of the other two drop downs then evrything will start functioning as normal.
I have digged really deep into this and figured out that this has nothing to do with my code. The underlying issue is that when the click doesn't work the reason the reason behind that is the callback isn't getting triggered. I found out this by applying some debugging techniques and i am 100% sure the callback is not firing. Can anyone help me resolve/understand this please.


Navigate To at start up simulation

When I run the model, I want my model to go to the viewarea of the simulation parameters in the agent of this user interface. So at the simulation and java actions I added this by the next code (also a screenshot is added at the bottom):
The strange thing is when I run the model for the first time, he goes for like 1 second to this view area, but then automatically returns to the main agent. When I stop the model and restart it again (and keep the run window open), this problem is not happening and it is staying in the good user-interface agent view area.
What could be the reason behind this? and how can this be solved.
Added later:
At the moment I fixed it by creating an event which is triggered by the variable start==true, and after that navigates to the interface and sets this value to false. see figure below
This works, and seems to be a solution.
But I'm still curious why the first method is not working..
Seems to be the code in "Initial experiment setup" that messes here.
Remove both code snippets and only call uI_startUP.SimulationParameters.navigateTo() on the "On startup" of Main.
This is how you should do it anyway :)

Access Pop Up Form Background Garbled/Distorted When Opened via OpenForm Macro Action with Window Mode Normal

I have a database that I work on using Access 2013, though I must maintain compatibility with Access 2010; I am using Windows 7.
I have an input form that is set to Pop Up = Yes, and Modal = No. When opening this input form directly from the Navigation Pane, it functions perfectly normally.
I have a macro in a search form that calls up this input form with the specified record using the "OpenForm" action. When opening the input form with this macro, the form's background is totally garbled (it pulls the background image from whatever was behind it when called, as though it were transparent), and all labels are unreadable.
That said, if I run the macro again by trying to open a different record, the form then appears correctly until it is closed. Also, if I change the "Window Mode" in the "OpenForm" action to "Dialog" rather than "Normal," it appears correctly.
Neither of these are valid solutions, though -- it should work on the first time, and I do not want the form to be modal. All my code seems okay (insomuch as I am not receiving error messages), so I don't understand why it would be doing this... any guidance is very much appreciated.
I have discovered what is causing this problem, though I don't understand why.
The macro I am using came from a sample database, and has some commands I am not fully familiar with. One such command is "Requery."
I experimented with removing various parts of the macro with the window mode as "Normal" for the "OpenForm" command. As soon as I tried removing "Requery" (and nothing else) the window opened in "Normal" mode with no distortion whatsoever.
In short, having "Requery" in the macro was what was causing this error to occur. It seems like an innocuous enough action (all it does is refresh data, from what I understand, as described here:, but since I don't see why its inclusion was necessary anyway (if anyone could shed some light on that, it would be appreciated), it looks like this is essentially solved.
I hope this may help someone else in the future!

Inner Workings of Unity3d's GUI.Button

I'm still pretty new to scripting in Unity3D, and I'm following along with a tutorial that uses GUI.Button() to draw a button on the screen.
I am intrigued by how this function works. Looking through the documentation, the proper use of GUI.Button is to invoke the function in an if statement and put the code to be called when the button is pushed within the if statement's block.
What I want to know is, how does Unity3D "magically" delay the code in the if statement until after the button is clicked? If it was being passed in as a callback function or something, then I could understand what was going on. Perhaps Unity is using continuations under the hood to delay the execution of the code, but then I feel like it would cause code after the if statement to be executed multiple times. I just like to understand how my code is working, and this particular function continues to remain "magical" to me.
I don't know if it's the right term, but I usually refer to such system as immediate mode GUI.
how does Unity3D "magically" delay the code in the if statement until
after the button is clicked?
GUI.Button simply returns true if a click event happened inside the button bounds during last frame. Basically calling that function you are polling: every frame for every button asking the engine if an event which regards that button (screen area) is happened.
If it was being passed in as a callback function or something, then I
could understand what was going on
You are probably used to an MVC like pattern, where you pass a controller delegate that's called when an UI event is raised from the view. This is something really different.
Perhaps Unity is using continuations under the hood to delay the
execution of the code, but then I feel like it would cause code after
the if statement to be executed multiple times.
No. The function simply returns immediately and return true only if an event happened. If returns false the code after the if won't be executed at all.
Side notes:
That kind of system is hard to maintain, especially for complex structured GUI.
It has really serious performance implications (memory allocation, 1 drawcall for UI element)
Unless you are writing an editor extension or custom inspector code, I'd stay away from it. If you want to build a menu implement your own system or use an external plugin (there are several good ones NGUI, EZGUI,..).
Unity has already announced a new integrated UI System, it should be released soon.
Good question. The unity3d gui goes through several event phases, or in the documentation
Events correspond to user input (key presses, mouse actions), or are UnityGUI layout or rendering events.
For each event OnGUI is called in the scripts; so OnGUI is potentially called multiple times per frame. Event.current corresponds to "current" event inside OnGUI call."
In OnGUI you can find out which event is currently happening with >Event.current
The following events are processed link:
Types of UnityGUI input and processing events.
-MouseUp,mouse button was released
-MouseMove,Mouse was moved (editor views only)
-MouseDrag,Mouse was dragged
-KeyDown, A keyboard key was pressed
-KeyUp A keyboard key was released.
-ScrollWheel The scroll wheel was moved.
-Repaint A repaint event. One is sent every frame.
-Layout A layout event.
-DragUpdated Editor only: drag & drop operation updated.
-DragPerform Editor only: drag & drop operation performed.
-DragExited Editor only: drag & drop operation exited.
-Ignore Event should be ignored.
-Used Already processed event.
-ValidateCommand Validates a special command (e.g. copy & paste).
-ExecuteCommand Execute a special command (eg. copy & paste).
-ContextClick User has right-clicked (or control-clicked on the mac).
Unity GUI has much improved lately and is quite usefull if you want to handle things programmatically. If you want to handle things visually, i recommend looking at the plugins heisenbug refers to.
If you decide to use unity gui, i recommend using only one object with ongui, and let this object handle all your gui.

Custom PickerView froze up (With sample project)

Background: I have been wanting a PickerView that is exactly matches that of Safari. I looked through many Gits and found none that work quite as exactly. I decided to build my own. It is complete now, but there is a bug that would not go away.
Problem: If you run the sample project you will be greeted with 2 text fields.
Tap on one of the textfields - it brings up the BTPickerView. Everything works just as you would expect.
Choose the fourth choice, then press done.
Tap on the same textfield. This time, the debug log will show you that you have executed an infinite loop, which freezes the app.
Question: What did I do to cause it? And how do I fix it?
I have tried everything to boil it down. It comes down to this and I could not go any further. Please advise.
Edit: Here is the sample code you can download in case anyone missed the blue link above.
The issue seems to be with the constraints in BTPickerLabel. If you temporarily disable the constraints from BTPickerLabel, code works fine. Enforcing constraint might trigger the reloading of entire picker view infinitely. I hope it should help you to fix the problem.

Prevent main form from appearing when showing another form

I am trying to bring my secondary form to the Foreground, however when I do
MyForm.Show; // It may be hidden, therefore show it first
my Main Form appears aswell. The only way I can prevent that is to do MainForm.Hide; but I got to avoid that.
The idea is to have my secondary form appear on top of another application, without my Main Form having to do so as well.
If you consider to make another application for this functionality, then you may also consider the following compromise: minimize the MainForm to the taskbar (rather than hiding it) to prevent it popping up when activating another form.
If so, then try this answer. It does add an extra icon to your taskbar for the secondary form, but I guess that'll be no problem since a different application would either. However, if the MainForm is nót minimized but obfuscated by other windows, activating the secondary form wíll also popup the MainForm, just like you are experiencing now.
And for the completeness of this answer's sake, but not by any means meant as advice: this answer describes a (somewhat experimental) construction to make fully independent windows. The little time I tested that solution, it seemed to work, but be prepared not counting any longer on the full/default functionality of the VCL.
Try settings the state of the form to fsAlwaysOnTop.