Prevent main form from appearing when showing another form - forms

I am trying to bring my secondary form to the Foreground, however when I do
MyForm.Show; // It may be hidden, therefore show it first
my Main Form appears aswell. The only way I can prevent that is to do MainForm.Hide; but I got to avoid that.
The idea is to have my secondary form appear on top of another application, without my Main Form having to do so as well.

If you consider to make another application for this functionality, then you may also consider the following compromise: minimize the MainForm to the taskbar (rather than hiding it) to prevent it popping up when activating another form.
If so, then try this answer. It does add an extra icon to your taskbar for the secondary form, but I guess that'll be no problem since a different application would either. However, if the MainForm is nót minimized but obfuscated by other windows, activating the secondary form wíll also popup the MainForm, just like you are experiencing now.
And for the completeness of this answer's sake, but not by any means meant as advice: this answer describes a (somewhat experimental) construction to make fully independent windows. The little time I tested that solution, it seemed to work, but be prepared not counting any longer on the full/default functionality of the VCL.

Try settings the state of the form to fsAlwaysOnTop.


Plotly Dash - Callback triggers sometimes & the same callback doesnt trigger sometime

I am facing issue with callbacks. I have 3 drop downs, one scattermap , one table and one slider on the screen and they all need to work in tandem and i have 5 call backs. When i execute the application all my callbacks associated with these controls execute in random order. After that when i click on scattermap it may or may not work. Say we assume it worked. Then i can navigate all around without any hassle. Then if i execute the application then click on the scattermap then as i mentioned it may or may not work. Say suppose it didn't work this time. If so is the case it will not work at all no matter what i do and simulaneously one specific dropdown also becomes dysfunctional. However if click any of the other two drop downs then evrything will start functioning as normal.
I have digged really deep into this and figured out that this has nothing to do with my code. The underlying issue is that when the click doesn't work the reason the reason behind that is the callback isn't getting triggered. I found out this by applying some debugging techniques and i am 100% sure the callback is not firing. Can anyone help me resolve/understand this please.

GUI: configure the racket:text% to read-only

I want to use an editor to display a log from a program, I just need a very basic text field:
With a vertical scrollbar
With a contextual menu for copy/paste
Prevent the user from changing the text
In order to activate the copy/paste menu, I use the class racket:text% from framework rather than the basic one.
How to prevent the user from changing the text?
I read the documentation, as far as I understand the closest thing I found is lock method:
But it is not convenient, as it also prevent my program to write the data.
I also find get-read-write? but cannot find set-read-write.
Use the lock method, and just unlock the editor around any modifications that you want to do. You may find it useful to write a call-with-unlock helper function or with-unlock macro.
If you do your updates from the eventspace's handler thread (and you probably should; use queue-callback if they originate from another thread), then as long as you re-lock the editor at the end of an update, the user will never be able to interact with the unlocked editor.

Access Pop Up Form Background Garbled/Distorted When Opened via OpenForm Macro Action with Window Mode Normal

I have a database that I work on using Access 2013, though I must maintain compatibility with Access 2010; I am using Windows 7.
I have an input form that is set to Pop Up = Yes, and Modal = No. When opening this input form directly from the Navigation Pane, it functions perfectly normally.
I have a macro in a search form that calls up this input form with the specified record using the "OpenForm" action. When opening the input form with this macro, the form's background is totally garbled (it pulls the background image from whatever was behind it when called, as though it were transparent), and all labels are unreadable.
That said, if I run the macro again by trying to open a different record, the form then appears correctly until it is closed. Also, if I change the "Window Mode" in the "OpenForm" action to "Dialog" rather than "Normal," it appears correctly.
Neither of these are valid solutions, though -- it should work on the first time, and I do not want the form to be modal. All my code seems okay (insomuch as I am not receiving error messages), so I don't understand why it would be doing this... any guidance is very much appreciated.
I have discovered what is causing this problem, though I don't understand why.
The macro I am using came from a sample database, and has some commands I am not fully familiar with. One such command is "Requery."
I experimented with removing various parts of the macro with the window mode as "Normal" for the "OpenForm" command. As soon as I tried removing "Requery" (and nothing else) the window opened in "Normal" mode with no distortion whatsoever.
In short, having "Requery" in the macro was what was causing this error to occur. It seems like an innocuous enough action (all it does is refresh data, from what I understand, as described here:, but since I don't see why its inclusion was necessary anyway (if anyone could shed some light on that, it would be appreciated), it looks like this is essentially solved.
I hope this may help someone else in the future!

Why does window.parent self-reference?

I understand from documentation and several related StackOverflow posts that window.parent, if there is no other parent, will self-reference and thus never be undefined.
I can't seem to find a decent reason as to why this is. JavaScript does have its idiosyncrasies, but this one just seems odd.
MSDN simply states that
If the current window doesn’t have a parent, i.e. it occupies the whole browser window, Parent returns the current window’s Window object.
MDN states
If a window does not have a parent, its parent property is a reference to itself.
And the W3 standard itself
The value of the parent attribute of a Window object MUST be the parent document's Window object or the document's Window object if there is no parent document
I've not seen other languages acting like this, what reason is there for this self-referencing design? Wouldn't 'null' or 'undefined' make for a more obvious situation when you hit the topmost element in a window?
So, why?
When working with iframes, developers often automate processes which navigate through windows. While the algorithms at their core will consist of the same basic logic, the conceptual approaches will differ.
Instead of working in a parent-children manner, sometimes the developer will craft the system in such a way that it will seem not to look for the parent, but simply for the right window to use. The one that controls (not necessarily holds) the area where the code is currently running.
In the case of such approaches, it would be conceptually weird for the program to return "false" or "undefined" when asking it a refference to the "right" window, because there must be one.
For instance, Bob is programming:
Bob: I embedded an iframe! Alright, let me just play around with the window that contains my entire iframe (not the window of the iframe itself)
Bob: What? Null? But I don't get it, my iframe is up & running, how can there not be any window which controls it?
I'm just saying that window.parent may not be meant to literally and strictly get the parent from the DOM (like .parentElement does), but more like to point to the window which absolutely wraps not only your script, but also everything else that wraps it at lower levels.
In the case of the topmost window (where your script is being executed), that statement may return the same window because, not having any oher window more important than it, it simply becomes 'the right one' to use when looking for the superior container.
I hope I make some sense.
I would say that this helps with window communication. When loading third party content, it might leverage window.parent.postMessage as it's form of communicating with it's implementation context, but it might be implemented with no parent window. An html page loading content in an iframe would have its own window as the iframe windows parent, but content loaded into something like a browser plugin such as an electron webview would have no parent window so the postmessage would fail and the implementing context would not be able to listen for that event. So basically it just allows for a safety net to allow devs to always be able to use window.parent because they might not know if their code will be running from or not.
I assume this is just unfortunate naming. That property could have been better named something like 'parentOrCurrentWindow'.
If what you want is 'parent or current window' then being able to access that as just 'parent' makes your code a little shorter. And if you know that is so then it does not matter much. You could say it is better to get hold of SOME window than null.
But note this has nothing to do with JavaScript the language. This is about the DOM-model implemented by browsers. The DOM model could be improved to include two properties 'parentOrCurrent' and 'parentOrNull'. And in fact you could assign those variables in your own code to make it clear which one you are talking about.

DOMException with dojo, dgrid, TabContainer, and JsonRest

This drove me crazy for a weekend, and although I found what seems to be a workable solution, my question is whether there is something fundamental about using Dojo/Dijit that I'm missing.
Here's the problem: Whenever I create page in which a dgrid uses a JsonRest store and is in a hidden tab of a TabContainer (one that is not the initially selected one), I get DOMExceptions and a somewhat screwed up dgrid. In particular, the dgrid has a large empty space under the last row of data, and scrolling to the bottom or top of the dgrid's data throws additional DOMExceptions.
If I click on one of the column headers to sort the dgrid, it resets its layout and works fine. If the dgrid initializes on a visible part of the page instead of an unselected tab, it's fine. If I use a Memory store instead of a JsonRest, everything's fine (even if the dgrid is initialized in a hidden tab). If the dgrid is initialized in a hidden tab but without a store, it's fine (but empty).
Based on the evidence, I guessed the problem had something to do with the fact that a JsonRest query takes time, and for some reason that's breaking dgrid when it's initializing. My solution was to create the dgrid without a store, and then set the store when its the tab containing the dgrid was shown. This seems kludgy, though. I should be able to create a dgrid with a store and not have to fiddle with it externally.
So, is my somewhat hack-ish solution the proper (or at least a reasonable) way to handle initializing a hidden dgrid with server-supplied data, or is there something about the setup of TabContainer+dgrid+JsonRest that I'm missing?
I don't have an answer to your question, but there is a contract between Dijit widgets and containers regarding the lifecycle and startup of a widget... in particular, when the elements are added to the DOM and, at the end, when the startup() method is called to layout and resize the elements. dgrid probably does not participate. Perhaps you can connect something to the TabContainer's startup method which will trigger a layout of the dgrid component?