How to deploy multi-module war using jenkins - deployment

I am using jenkins to build war. I have two modules and I am using parent pom to build war and that builds war successfully but in job I can deploy only one war at a time using deploy plugin.
How can I deploy my two modules at a time when build success using jenkins ?

did you try to use wildcards?
i'm using the websphere deployment plugin and i use wildcards:
for example: modules/**/lastSuccessful/**/*.war


Co-existince of Kie-Server alongwith JBPM Console 7.2.0

I built three separate war files, namely, jbpm-console, kie-server, and jbpm-casemgmt using the below ant commands.
ant install.jBPM-console.into.jboss
ant install.kie-server.into.jboss
ant install.jBPM-casemgmt.into.jboss
When I deploy all separately on Wildfly server, each of the deployments are working. But in the same deployment directory kie-server could not coexist along with jbpm-console or casemgmt.
Without kie-server, I could not execute the process.
Did anyone get through these kind of issues so far with the newest release of JBPM 7.2.0?

How to generate war file and deploy to tomcat server using jenkins

I have developed a sample login web application in Eclipse IDE and the same project I have uploaded to SVN. After that I am configuring the jenkins and integrated with SVN. Now I want to generate a war file using jenkins and trying to deploy to the tomcat server. In the project I used ANT building tool and I generated build.xml
Now my question is how to configure with tomact server and how I can generate war file and deploy to the server. I am not understanding how to invoke ANT and what to give path in WAR/EAR files(already i downloaded deploy plugin) and context path in post-build actions.

Deploying an EJB .jar to jBoss/WildFly from Eclipse

I am new to Java EE. I use Eclipse, jBoss/WildFly and Maven. I have a multi module Maven project:
parent Maven project (pom)
web application (war)
EJB project (jar)
Currently, the EJB jar project is packaged inside the web application and the entire solution is deployed as one war file.
I want to change it: I need to deploy the war and the jar projects to the application server independently (as two independent applications). Then the web project could access the EJBs via their remote interfaces.
The problem:
I can deploy the war project in Eclipse with the Run As > Run On Server context menu, however when I attempt to deploy the jar project in the same way, I get an error message saying that the project cannot be deployed.
How can I deploy my projects independently from Eclipse?
Should I wrap the jar project into an ear project? If so, can I convert my jar project into an ear project, or do I have to keep my jar project and create one more project to wrap it into an ear? (I would no like to introduce one more project).
Look at your packaging for your EJB project. You should have
This will allow you to run the EJB project on the server.

How do I configure a Play! Framework project to be built as a war using only Ant or Maven?

I realize, from the documentation (, that if the Play! Framework is already installed and configured properly then creating a deployable war is as simple as running the command:
play war myapp -o myapp.war
But what if the Play! Framework is not installed on the target machine and requirements call for a standard war to be created from either an Ant or Maven build script? How would one go about creating a build script or pom file that could leverage the Play! Framework API to generate the desired war artifact without permanently installing the framework to the target machine. Can this be done easily?
Not straight forward. If you look at the python scripts for the play war command, you will see that quite a lot of processing goes on.
You could replicate this into an ANT or Maven script, but you then lose any backwards compatibility you have to future upgrades. I would suggest either ensuring the relevant Play framework files are included, so that the build can be done, or doing the WAR build on a central build server and distributing (or load from CVS/SVN/GIT) the WAR file to target machine(s).
Typically this would be done as follows:
Build the Play application and generate a WAR on a machine where Play is installed.
Deploy the WAR generated from Play to a Maven repository (preferably a Maven repo server shared amongst the group, or a local Maven repo dir that is synced via version control, or simply checking in the WAR into version control and teammates would install into their local Maven repo via mvn install).
Add the WAR as a dependency in your Maven project so it will be included into the build.
I don't believe it makes since to attempt to build a Play application WAR without having Play installed. The WAR needs to be generated on a machine where Play is installed and then distributed to the other machines as a packaged WAR (preferably via a shared Maven repo server, such as Archiva or Nexus).
As far as I'm aware of, Play framework is packed together in the war file with your app. So trying to build without having play installed or available seems quite difficult.

Deploy war in Jboss - MAVEN

I just migrated from ant to maven .. and i successfully created a war from 3 module . But now i want my war to be deployed automatically into jboss server. Is there any plugin or So
help appreciated..
Check out the Cargo plugin. It supports hot deployment to containers.