Deploy war in Jboss - MAVEN - deployment

I just migrated from ant to maven .. and i successfully created a war from 3 module . But now i want my war to be deployed automatically into jboss server. Is there any plugin or So
help appreciated..

Check out the Cargo plugin. It supports hot deployment to containers.


Issue deploying EAR project from eclipse to EAP 6.2.0 using JBoss Tools Plugin

I have a maven EAR project, which contains a couple of WAR and JAR files. I'm using Spring STS IDE with JBoss Tools 1.6.0 (latest).
When I try to deploy my EAR to JBoss EAP 6.2.0 with JBoss Tools from STS i'm facing the following issues.
My Jars (external jars and project jar) are getting copied into WEB-INF/lib and EAR/lib, where i expected it to be only in EAR/lib.
EAR application.xml is not getting copied into EAR/META-INF/ folder
But when i use terminal to build my project and deploy EAR, i'm not experiencing these issue and JBoss starts without any problem
Here's its solved JBIDE-19047 The main issues are,
jars are getting copied into WEB-INF/lib due to skinnywar not supported by eclipse m2e-wtp plugin and this can be solved by adding <packagingExcludes>WEB-INF/lib/*.jar</packagingExcludes> in war plugin configuration.
application.xml not getting copied into ear/META-INF/ folder, if you have any unresolved dependency in any of the pom then this would occur, so make sure all jar dependencies are available.

STS 3.4.0 with Websphere don't deploy my application

I try to deploy my application on WebSphere from Eclipse.
Here some conditions:
STS 3.4.0
Websphere Plugin: IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Developer Tools for Kepler/Luna
After i installed the plugin i can add the Server and start/stop him, but when i try to add my application for deployment i get the feedback "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server"
I have an ear project and a war project in my workspace which are deployable with JBoss without problems. Do i have to add something to my projects to make them deployable?
Is there any clue for this?
* Update *
Here you can see the project structure of my ear module.
I found a workaround which is ok i think.
I created a "Enterprise Application Project" and added my war modules to it.
This was deployable with WebSphere.
You can only add EAR projects via right click on Server > Add and Remove.... You should see dialog with projects that can be deployed to your server. If your EAR project is not visible there maybe it is not correctly recognized as EAR project. Check in Project properties > Project Facets if it has EAR facet checked.
Just for test you can try to export your project as EAR and then deploy it using web admin console.

Eclipse running a web app on an existing tomcat installation

I have an existing tomcat server running on my local machine that is being started from outside of eclipse. Is there a way to deploy my web app from eclipse to that tomcat instance without having eclipse trying to start that instance of tomcat?
It's possible using ANT scripts in eclipse which will deploy war file into tomcat directory and tomcat will take care rest of the things.
For those ant scripts you can see this below links
How Apache Ant deploys .war file to Tomcat

missing jars when publishing a web app to glassfish with eclipse juno and maven integration

I use eclipse juno with GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3(java EE6), m2e and maven 3.0.4.
When I create a war file by 'mvn package' command and deploy it to a glassfish,
the war file works just fine.
However, when I publish a web app to a glassfish from the server view of eclipse,
the web app fails.
I guess the reason of this failure is that publishing from eclipse is not configured correctly
to get jars from my maven repository and then jar files in eclipseApps//WEB-INF/lib directory are missing.
Can I configure eclipse to use a maven configuration when publishing a web app to a glassfish?
I found the answer
"anyway I solved the issue by adding following row Properties > Deployment Assembly: /target/myapp/WEB-INF/lib -> WEB-INF/lib"
Glassfish Deployment out of Eclipse Helios SR2 fails

Hot deployment of java web module with maven in weblogic 10.3

I tried to search the steps involved in hot deploying the java web application in weblogic 10.3, but couldn't succeed. Can some one help me out in describing the steps required for hot deployment. I am using maven multi-module project(web module, .war file) with eclipse. Each time if any changes are there to java files I am rebuilding the entire project and redeploying it to test in web logic 10.3.
Also just want to under stand where can I find WEB-INF/classes (.class files) in weblogic directory? I could able to see all files except files under WEB-INF/classes in /servers/AdminServer/tmp/_WL_user//war/...