Co-existince of Kie-Server alongwith JBPM Console 7.2.0 - jboss

I built three separate war files, namely, jbpm-console, kie-server, and jbpm-casemgmt using the below ant commands.
ant install.jBPM-console.into.jboss
ant install.kie-server.into.jboss
ant install.jBPM-casemgmt.into.jboss
When I deploy all separately on Wildfly server, each of the deployments are working. But in the same deployment directory kie-server could not coexist along with jbpm-console or casemgmt.
Without kie-server, I could not execute the process.
Did anyone get through these kind of issues so far with the newest release of JBPM 7.2.0?


Tomcat 10 deploy a legacy J2EE war through manager

Following the docs on Tomcat I had no problem either migrating my war during build or deploying it in the webapps-javaee directory; the migration went just fine.
But I see no option in the manager to deploy a war as legacy; if you try to do that, the app is deployed just fine but it will of course fail when it calls a legacy API.
Thus it seems that the only way is to either migrate the jar before deploy or deploy copying a war file manually (or with a script, but still far from ideal).
Is there a way to have a manager deployed war migrated automatically, just as if it was copied in the legacy directory?
Of course the perfect solution would be to migrate the code... or to not use tomcat 10 until you feel like doing what's needed to make it work flawlessly.

Hotswap classes and resources of feature deployed to jboss fuse

I am developing "features" with JBOSS Tools 9 (Eclipse) to be deployed on a fuse 6.2 (with fabric)
At the moment the features are deployed via deploy scripts and fuse downloads the feature from maven repository (profile-edit --repository mvn:...). I am able to remote debut the feature ("-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5001,server=y,suspend=n").
The problem is if i change something i allways have to run mvn install. To see the changes taking effect.
Is there a way to use the Fuse Server integration (i already added the fuse installation to my Eclipse server view) to sync with my sources/resources like with webapp development.
(probably the deployment must be changed?)
You can turn on dev:watch * (I think the name of the command is) from the shell in JBoss Fuse, which turns on watching the maven repository for SNAPSHOT JARs being updated, and then automatic redeploy those in the JBoss Fuse server.
Then you can develop locally and build the code with mvn install to deploy to your local maven repository, which the dev:watch then triggers.
Mind I cannot 100% remember the command name if its dev:watch or something else with watch. Also the arguments to the command can maybe be to watch a specific name.

Can we deploy the war file of ADF fusion application into web logic server?

I have created a ADF fusion application deployed in Jdev. When I deploy it as war file in Integrated weblogic server - works fine. When I deployed that as war in standalone weblogic server - it gives me error 500.
In the console (startweblogic.cmd) "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/adf/model/RegionBinding"
So I found on internet that deploying it as EAR the whole application would solve. Yes. It indeed was solved. My application runs fine in standalone weblogic.
Can we not deploy it as war in standalone weblogic?
The war file is working fine in integrated but not in stand alone.
P.S.: I installed ADF runtime, prepared the deployment profile to deploy as a web application.
I think you should make a quick research on the difference between these two types of archives EAR and WAR, then it should be clear to you.
Anyways, the fact is that you are trying to deploy a Fusion application, which includes in itself two different projects: the ViewController project and the Model one. The reason why on the standalone version it can only work if you deploy as an EAR is that this type of archive can contain several WARs, JARs (and other types of archives). While a WAR can contain only one of the projects (you can create a WAR for each, the Model and the ViewController project) and related jars. But they would be separate, so they would not have access to each-others files. I bet you've tried to deploy the ViewController.war only. This is the reason why you should deploy an .ear on the standalone version.
Instead, the integrated version, if an EAR file is deployed at the application level, and it has dependencies on a JAR file in the data model project and dependencies on a WAR file in the view-controller project. (It means, you are not deploying just the war from JDeveloper, it internally creates an EAR).
I hope this link would be useful.

Eclipse Jboss processess

I have a couple of questions concerning the way Eclipse 4.3 and JBoss EAP 6.1 work together.
The first would be concerning the Server clean function. Does it matter if the server is running or not when that function is selected within Eclipse? I have tried both ways and get no indication one way or the other that it has preformed the task.
The other question concerns the hot deploy. I'm just starting a project so I have errors in my files, mostly the configuration files. Everything complies clean. When Eclipse deploys my war file it does so with something like 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war. It's always the same name so I can't tell if mu updates have been deployed.
The way I'm currently processing my deploys is to:
1. Undeploy the war file from within the Server Admin page
2. Do a Maven clean
3. Do a project clean
4. Do a war build
5. Redeploy from within the Server Admin page.
So this question would be how to determine if my current changes have been deployed? Is there a better way of doing it than the way I currently doing it?
Thanks for the support.
Since you are using Maven, you could use the Maven JBoss Deployment plugin. This would make the entire process automated. Sometimes the Eclipse integration doesn't work like you expect it to. Additionally, you should see on the JBoss command line console from where you started JBoss, that the old war is undeployed and deployed.

Deploying an Eclipse Spring MVC Project to Tomcat without stopping and starting

I have inherited a Spring project that consists of 3 different distinct projects. There is a series of ANT files that build the project and deploy it to a Tomcat. There is an ANT target called 'build' that does this.
The trouble is that when the tomcat server is running, I can't deploy - instead I have to stop the server, deploy and then start the server again.
I noticed that the 'VMware vFabric' server seems to support what I want when I create a spring project via a MVC template in STS.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this for an existing Spring MVC project that uses an ANT build?
What is the error you getting?
Also is your ANT script like as suggested by Tomcat docs? This has worked for me without any problems.