How to generate war file and deploy to tomcat server using jenkins - eclipse

I have developed a sample login web application in Eclipse IDE and the same project I have uploaded to SVN. After that I am configuring the jenkins and integrated with SVN. Now I want to generate a war file using jenkins and trying to deploy to the tomcat server. In the project I used ANT building tool and I generated build.xml
Now my question is how to configure with tomact server and how I can generate war file and deploy to the server. I am not understanding how to invoke ANT and what to give path in WAR/EAR files(already i downloaded deploy plugin) and context path in post-build actions.


Deploy helloworld to wildfly using eclipse

I want to deploy my helloworld project to my wildfly (former jboss) application server.
I can use maven mvn install wildfly:deploy and it will deploy the app.
But when I want to use eclipse to run on Server it does nothing.
I don't get a console output or anything which looks like building and deploying.
I added the server runtime to the project and also added the wildfly server.
Why is Eclipse not deploying?
This works for me: do a mvn install in order to build the war and have it at the target folder. Then right-click on wildfly-server. You will see an add-remove option. Click on it, select your project from the list and then add your project to the server. Click finish. If the server is running the project should be deployed.
Another approach would be to simply copy the war from your target directory and place it in the standalone/deployments folder of your wildfly installation.
Make sure that you have stopped the server before copying the war. After you have copied the war to the deployments folder, start he server.
Your application should be deployed successfully.

deploy my project directly without copying always the war file

I'm running a web application with maven + spring mvc + spring data jpa with apache tomcat in eclipse.
I want to deploy my application without opening eclipse and run tomcat inside it, so i have to export my project into war and copy it into apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps directory and it's working good.
My problem is that i want to work directly into apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps with eclipse so like that i don't have to export my war file after every changes in my code.
Just configure the Tomcat as server in eclipse and run the project from eclipse.
To configure tomcat in eclipse:
In Eclipse, go to Windows->preferences->Servers->runtime Environment, add tomcat here.
To run the project from eclipse:
right click project in Eclipse's project explorer and select->run as->run on server. select the tomcat you configured.

How to Create EAR file in RAD 7.5

I have checked out a dynamic web project from a CVS repository. But, there was no EAR file to check in. Now how can I create an EAR file for the project to deploy in WAS 6?
Also can I run my project in RAD without creating an .ear file? I am a newbie to Java EE projects.
In order to be able to export an EAR, you can add a new Enterprise Application project ( New > Enterprise Application project) and select your Web project as a Java EE module dependency.
This way you can export an EAR file that will contain a WAR file built from your Web project.
If you run the wizard for creating a new enterprise application (File->New), one of the options is to add an existing web project in your workspace into the application as you create it. You can then export the enterprise application as an EAR file ready to deploy into WebSphere Application Server or, if you have the test environment set up, you can just drag-and-drop it onto the server in the Servers view. To test your web application, right-click it and choose Run->Run on Server.
Try importing as project instead of EAR files

Eclipse running a web app on an existing tomcat installation

I have an existing tomcat server running on my local machine that is being started from outside of eclipse. Is there a way to deploy my web app from eclipse to that tomcat instance without having eclipse trying to start that instance of tomcat?
It's possible using ANT scripts in eclipse which will deploy war file into tomcat directory and tomcat will take care rest of the things.
For those ant scripts you can see this below links
How Apache Ant deploys .war file to Tomcat

Deploy "exploded" folder to Tomcat in Eclipse

I just installed Eclipse for Java EE developers, Created a New Project by checking out files through SVN from a repository.
I was able to successfully generate an "exploded" web app folder through an ANT build.
How do I deploy this exploded folder (not .war file) to Tomcat? Any configuration that needs to be done?
Just make an ant target that copies the folder directly into the deploy folder of tomcat, usually $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Tomcat should then deploy the app in it's container.