Popup shrinking when selecting any dropdown - popup

I have developed a popup using Oracle ADF and am now facing an issue with this pop-up screen on deployment environment. This popup is created as on click of Sidebar Navigation which calls a bounded task flow which is launched in a popup window.
The pop-up consists of fields both drop-downs and text boxes and is shrinking to a very small size whenever any drop-down is clicked. I have looked up in on the web for this issue but found only one possible solution that "modal" property of af:dialog of af:popup must be true. But this did not resolve my issue as this property was set to true only.
Any pointers in this regard will be highly helpful.

Finally found the issue with the help of my teammate.
We were using Conditional activation of taskflow using an EL expression and which was in requestScope and hence any click on the dropdown was trying to postback to the server and the EL was evaluated every time, but as we had TaskFlowPageDef active property defined with a request scope variable, it was not available for the next request. Hence the taskflow was shrinking.
Changed the scope to viewScope and now its perfectly working fine.
For more details: refer to this blog


MS Access Form Development: Hide Objects when an Option Button is Pressed without coding for each Object that needs to be hidden

MS Access Development Question:
I have 3 options and I need each one associated with a different set of objects. Therefore, if you click option 1, a set of objects will appear in a box I'm referring to as "Report Parameters". If I click option 2, the objects in the "Report Parameters" box will disappear and a new set of objects will appear.
I didn't want to write code to switch each object from visible = true to visible = false. I thought that would take too long, especially if the number of option buttons or the objects related to it grow.
So I'm trying several things...
I tried putting all objects, that relate to a particular option, in a Subform. Therefore, I would have three subforms and that would sit in the same position on my main form. When you click on an option, the subform for that option is made visible any anything else is hidden. But I have a background picture that needs to be visible on the main form and you can't make the subform background transparent.
I used Tab Controls; however, I didn't want to use the tabs to control the switch between objects. I can hide the tabs but you can still switch between them if you click the space where the tab should be. It can be made transparent though so that helps a lot.
I need something in-between a Subform and Tab Control but I've hit a dead end. Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations? Or am I stuck coding for each object?
I'm an experienced VBA developer. My last option was to run a query against the form and pull all object names and save it to a table. Since the syntax of the name for each object connects it to a button, I can always run a loop that makes all objects visible/invisible if the object's name corresponds with a specific option... but... I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut. Let me know what you think! Thanks.
I was able to resolve my issue. I just needed to do some thinking... so writing up this question was a bit premature. I'll write down what I did in the event that someone has the same issue I have.
First, I used the Tab Control object to resolve my issue. I made the control transparent and named each page to reflect the Option Button I was selecting.
I then mapped each option to a button in the VBA code of the button. Therefore, when the button is selected it does several things.
First, it makes the default value of any of the other options equal to false. I also set the visibility of their corresponding pages to false.
Second, I select the page I need visible and set the visibility to true. I also make it my active page.
Lastly, as a safety measure, if the option button is already selected, and you select it again, by setting the value of that option to true. This is to prevent it from changing to false. One option should always be selected.
Hope that all made sense!

forms showing in runtime as soon as they are created

In runtime when the forms are being created, 2 forms constantly keep appearing when I haven't programmed them to show as soon as they are created, and my system runs. I was wondering why this happened and whether there is anything to solve this? I don't think I need to show my code here since it's pretty basic and there is none for the OnCreate event.
From the main menu, use Project->Options->Forms, and remove the forms you don't want to see from the Auto-create list. (Click the >> button to move them from the left side to the right side.)
(It's worth mentioning that you can also affect the order in which any autocreated forms or datamodules are created from that dialog by just dragging them up or down in the list. Note that the first form to be created becomes the application main form, so when it is closed the application will close as well; this means that the only thing above your main form in the autocreate list should be datamodule(s) that are accessed by the main form.)
If you never want any forms auto-created, go to Tools->Options->Environment Options->Form Designer, and uncheck the very last item labeled Auto create forms & data modules at the bottom. Note that your main form will always be auto-created, as it's what controls the application's lifetime for form based applications.
By default delphi creates all the forms in the beginning. You can open the .dpr file and delete the ones that you don't need. You could also do that from the UI.
For the forms that you don't want to appear at the start of runtime, go to the properties of the form (lower left hand side) and uncheck Visible. This should do the trick

Predefined Add Dialog not working as expected in Lightswitch 2012

I've created a query to use in an AutoCompleteBox and it works as expected when the user select the AutoCompleteBox in the grid as shown in the picture below
However if the user click the plus button to add a new record using the predefined Add Dialog then the query and the AutoCompleteBox's format doesn't work as shown in the picture below
Why is this happening and how I can fix that?
I haven't yet found a way to edit the default Add New dialog.
Instead, make a new screen, select the "New Data Screen" template, and link it to your entity data. You can customize the screen to fit your needs, even make it a Modal Window by changing the Control Type in the screen properties. Once you have the screen set up the way you want, go back to your grid screen, and double click on the Add... command in the Command Bar of your grid, to edit the AddAndEditNew_Execute code. In that method, call your custom screen.
So, as I got to thinking about this some more, I came back to the thought I had when I tried to do this a few months ago. There has to be a better way, so I Googled it again.
This time, I found something. He's using an old version of Lightswitch, but I've successfully applied his technique in my application built in Lightswitch 2012.

Windows Forms Error Provider does not display in custom tab control

I'm trying to build a Wizard framework in Windows Forms. I've managed to glean a lot of useful tips from this and other sites which have gotten me very close to success. However, I'm having a problem with displaying an ErrorProvider on any tab page other than the first page of the wizard.
My Wizard control is a UserControl. It contains a custom tab control that I've derived from TabControl so that I can hide tabs and ignore attempts to navigate between tabs using keypresses, along with the usual collection of Back/Next/Finish/Cancel buttons at the bottom of the control.
I've used reflection to allow me to raise the validation events on a particular TabPage that belongs to the Wizard Control when I hit the Next button. (I don't want to validate the whole TabControl, only the currently active page.) When I do this, I see in the debugger that my Validating routine for the controls on the current tab page is correctly called and I see that I've called the ErrorProvider that I've attached to the particular control (a TextBox in this case) with a valid error message. I set Cancel to true for the CancelEventArgs in the validating routine and that's picked up by the code that uses the reflection mechanism so that I see that I've failed and don't change tabs. And I set the focus successfully to the control that failed validation.
So all that appears to be working just fine.
Unfortunately, I don't see the ErrorProvider's cheery blinking icon unless I'm on the first tab page. For all of the other tab pages, there's no message visible at all.
I'm baffled. Any thoughts? I can provide code snippets, if helpful.
I assume that in your case the button that moves to the next step of the wizard is placed outside (below) the TabControl
I noticed that the icon is displayed correctly if I pressed the button without releasing the mouse button. It seems that the button outside the container gets focused event though a validation error has occurred (normally you would not be able to leave the active control).
I worked around this issue by registering an event handler for the buttons MouseUp event to "refocus" the TabControl:
private void cmdOK_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Note: you also need to set your forms ActiveControl property the one of the controls that failed validation.

Aborting Script and Allowing Normal Behavior to Occur

If a field is configured so that clicking on it runs a script, is there a way from within the script to abort/cancel and allow the field's normal click behavior to occur?
Example: Suppose I have a container field which triggers a script when the field is clicked. Based on logic in the script, sometimes an Insert File dialog should be displayed. Other times, the script should stop running and the field should behave as though it hadn't triggered a script--that is, the normal Record Audio dialog or right-click pop-up menu should be displayed. How would I go about doing this?
Thank you,
You could setup a script trigger OnObjectEnter as this allows the contextual menu. If you set a button on the field the contextual menu will not be displayed and there is no way to get it to appear thru scripting.
The script trigger for OnObjectEnter will also get called AFTER the user selects one of the import options (or if they don't select any option) but it also gets called if the user directly clicks on the field.
This script (screenshot below) should solve your problem. Let me know if it doesn't.