Predefined Add Dialog not working as expected in Lightswitch 2012 - lightswitch-2012

I've created a query to use in an AutoCompleteBox and it works as expected when the user select the AutoCompleteBox in the grid as shown in the picture below
However if the user click the plus button to add a new record using the predefined Add Dialog then the query and the AutoCompleteBox's format doesn't work as shown in the picture below
Why is this happening and how I can fix that?

I haven't yet found a way to edit the default Add New dialog.
Instead, make a new screen, select the "New Data Screen" template, and link it to your entity data. You can customize the screen to fit your needs, even make it a Modal Window by changing the Control Type in the screen properties. Once you have the screen set up the way you want, go back to your grid screen, and double click on the Add... command in the Command Bar of your grid, to edit the AddAndEditNew_Execute code. In that method, call your custom screen.
So, as I got to thinking about this some more, I came back to the thought I had when I tried to do this a few months ago. There has to be a better way, so I Googled it again.
This time, I found something. He's using an old version of Lightswitch, but I've successfully applied his technique in my application built in Lightswitch 2012.


Android - Show Back Button from XML

Before I begin, I want to mention that I've found a million answers showing how to do this from code, which involves setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity. However, what I have not been able to find is a way how to do it from XML. (I would like to hide as much UI code in the XML files as possible).
One article I did find is this, which states
Step 3: Specifying the parent activity name in the AndroidManifest.xml adds the Back-Button arrow
and Click-action. Tapping on the back-arrow takes us to the Parent
Activity i.e Home Screen.
which doesn't work for me (the Back Button doesn't appear). I've followed all the steps in the article.
Does anyone know how to do this via xml? Is it even possible?
Yes, it's possible but still, you have to set the listener in java code. You can create a custom toolbar view and add a button to it. Then create a button in the java file and set the CilckListener.
Or You can use the default toolbar and do setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) from your Activity.
We usually make a custom toolbar, suppose you need a search bar in the toolbar then what you will do? So try to make an xml then use <include> tag in xml. You can search youtube. Follow the channel CodingInFlow, that guy explains very perfectly. If you don't understand what I am saying then understand the basics first, it will help you learn faster.

MS Access Form Development: Hide Objects when an Option Button is Pressed without coding for each Object that needs to be hidden

MS Access Development Question:
I have 3 options and I need each one associated with a different set of objects. Therefore, if you click option 1, a set of objects will appear in a box I'm referring to as "Report Parameters". If I click option 2, the objects in the "Report Parameters" box will disappear and a new set of objects will appear.
I didn't want to write code to switch each object from visible = true to visible = false. I thought that would take too long, especially if the number of option buttons or the objects related to it grow.
So I'm trying several things...
I tried putting all objects, that relate to a particular option, in a Subform. Therefore, I would have three subforms and that would sit in the same position on my main form. When you click on an option, the subform for that option is made visible any anything else is hidden. But I have a background picture that needs to be visible on the main form and you can't make the subform background transparent.
I used Tab Controls; however, I didn't want to use the tabs to control the switch between objects. I can hide the tabs but you can still switch between them if you click the space where the tab should be. It can be made transparent though so that helps a lot.
I need something in-between a Subform and Tab Control but I've hit a dead end. Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations? Or am I stuck coding for each object?
I'm an experienced VBA developer. My last option was to run a query against the form and pull all object names and save it to a table. Since the syntax of the name for each object connects it to a button, I can always run a loop that makes all objects visible/invisible if the object's name corresponds with a specific option... but... I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut. Let me know what you think! Thanks.
I was able to resolve my issue. I just needed to do some thinking... so writing up this question was a bit premature. I'll write down what I did in the event that someone has the same issue I have.
First, I used the Tab Control object to resolve my issue. I made the control transparent and named each page to reflect the Option Button I was selecting.
I then mapped each option to a button in the VBA code of the button. Therefore, when the button is selected it does several things.
First, it makes the default value of any of the other options equal to false. I also set the visibility of their corresponding pages to false.
Second, I select the page I need visible and set the visibility to true. I also make it my active page.
Lastly, as a safety measure, if the option button is already selected, and you select it again, by setting the value of that option to true. This is to prevent it from changing to false. One option should always be selected.
Hope that all made sense!

How to edit the objects in FileMakerPro

I have one doubt in filemaker pro. In my project I have one layout with a button(Lets say layout1). If I click on the button, it is navigating to next page(Lets say layout2). If I go to layout mode in this page(layout2), it is showing the layout mode of previous page(layout1). I checked the button setup in this page(layout1). It is calling some script(Lets say script1). In the script(script1) it is calling some object using "go to object[object name:nameoftheobject]". I want to make some changes in layout2. Is there any way to find this layout or suggest some ideas to edit the object 'nameoftheobject'?
Your script does not change the layout, instead the interface is re-drawn by going to an object covering a whole layout. It could be a hidden tab control, popover or slide control. Duplicate layout and try to select all and apply a visible border.

Build some sort of workflow in JavaFX

I'm trying to build some sort of visual workflow in JavaFX. I want my application to have one main screen with the next and previous buttons, something like an installer. When a user clicks next, all the elements of the next screen appear in the same element. All previous choices of the user have to be saved. So when a user clicks on the previous button that all of his choices are still there.
How would I go on to do this?
I found these links on Google, but they don't seem to help me. Something like this is a bit the direction that I want to go, but the code in this tutorial isnt't really that good for scene's with a lot of elements.
The DataFX Framework provides a Flow API that can be used to define workflows. By doing so you can simply navigate between MVC Groups by only using annotations or configurations. You can find some examples of the API here:
I haven't worked with JavaFX in a while, but I'll start by saying I really hope you are using the JavaFX scene builder.
The way I would do it off the top of my head without going back and relearning JavaFX is to create a main window in the scene builder, and have a sort of central content display area, which holds another custom JavaFX container that contains the content you want to display, of which you can then create several of and swap out which one is being displayed programmatically.
Basically, create several smaller components representing each step or screen and display them programmatically in an owning container.

Editing Records with MVVM/MVVM-Light

I have created a very simple wpf app with mvvm light.
I have rows in a list view, these are templated representations of Book objects.
I can click a row, then click an edit button, this button loads a new window and sends the new window the book to edit (using mvvm-light's Messenger).
The issue I have is when I edit the record in my new window the data on the main form is updated. The text boxes are bound to the object received via the Messenger.
I know this is because I have essentially passed a reference to the same Book object around the place, therefore I update in one place.. and voilĂ  it updates on the main page too.
What I would like to know is.. is there a standard way/method/concept to achieve what I am trying to do? i.e. create an "edit" page/screen with the option of discarding the edits?
Could you make your entity implement ICloneable and create a clone for editing?