forms showing in runtime as soon as they are created - forms

In runtime when the forms are being created, 2 forms constantly keep appearing when I haven't programmed them to show as soon as they are created, and my system runs. I was wondering why this happened and whether there is anything to solve this? I don't think I need to show my code here since it's pretty basic and there is none for the OnCreate event.

From the main menu, use Project->Options->Forms, and remove the forms you don't want to see from the Auto-create list. (Click the >> button to move them from the left side to the right side.)
(It's worth mentioning that you can also affect the order in which any autocreated forms or datamodules are created from that dialog by just dragging them up or down in the list. Note that the first form to be created becomes the application main form, so when it is closed the application will close as well; this means that the only thing above your main form in the autocreate list should be datamodule(s) that are accessed by the main form.)
If you never want any forms auto-created, go to Tools->Options->Environment Options->Form Designer, and uncheck the very last item labeled Auto create forms & data modules at the bottom. Note that your main form will always be auto-created, as it's what controls the application's lifetime for form based applications.

By default delphi creates all the forms in the beginning. You can open the .dpr file and delete the ones that you don't need. You could also do that from the UI.

For the forms that you don't want to appear at the start of runtime, go to the properties of the form (lower left hand side) and uncheck Visible. This should do the trick


OpenForm and OpenQuery macro buttons on unbound Access form makes it slow to load?

Do unbound Access forms become slow to load, save, and switch back and forth to design mode when they have too many buttons?
I have added 2 buttons for opening forms, and 9 buttons for opening queries in read only datasheet mode, using the wizard to create the macros.
I tried it once starting with a blank form, and then again using the navigation form wizard to create the form, from which I then removed the tabs and layout. The buttons are in the Details section of the form.
Either way, it's like I set a battleship on my form. It's a pig. My other forms fly (still) even though they really are loaded down. Is Access (2016) compiling these queries or something, just because they're referenced by the buttons/macros? The database is about 16Mb (non-split on my desktop) and hasn't been slow otherwise. Advice?
Thank you.

MS Access Form Development: Hide Objects when an Option Button is Pressed without coding for each Object that needs to be hidden

MS Access Development Question:
I have 3 options and I need each one associated with a different set of objects. Therefore, if you click option 1, a set of objects will appear in a box I'm referring to as "Report Parameters". If I click option 2, the objects in the "Report Parameters" box will disappear and a new set of objects will appear.
I didn't want to write code to switch each object from visible = true to visible = false. I thought that would take too long, especially if the number of option buttons or the objects related to it grow.
So I'm trying several things...
I tried putting all objects, that relate to a particular option, in a Subform. Therefore, I would have three subforms and that would sit in the same position on my main form. When you click on an option, the subform for that option is made visible any anything else is hidden. But I have a background picture that needs to be visible on the main form and you can't make the subform background transparent.
I used Tab Controls; however, I didn't want to use the tabs to control the switch between objects. I can hide the tabs but you can still switch between them if you click the space where the tab should be. It can be made transparent though so that helps a lot.
I need something in-between a Subform and Tab Control but I've hit a dead end. Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations? Or am I stuck coding for each object?
I'm an experienced VBA developer. My last option was to run a query against the form and pull all object names and save it to a table. Since the syntax of the name for each object connects it to a button, I can always run a loop that makes all objects visible/invisible if the object's name corresponds with a specific option... but... I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut. Let me know what you think! Thanks.
I was able to resolve my issue. I just needed to do some thinking... so writing up this question was a bit premature. I'll write down what I did in the event that someone has the same issue I have.
First, I used the Tab Control object to resolve my issue. I made the control transparent and named each page to reflect the Option Button I was selecting.
I then mapped each option to a button in the VBA code of the button. Therefore, when the button is selected it does several things.
First, it makes the default value of any of the other options equal to false. I also set the visibility of their corresponding pages to false.
Second, I select the page I need visible and set the visibility to true. I also make it my active page.
Lastly, as a safety measure, if the option button is already selected, and you select it again, by setting the value of that option to true. This is to prevent it from changing to false. One option should always be selected.
Hope that all made sense!

Web-site with two Composite per page. Due to bad design?

I'm creating a web-site using GWT for the first time. The aplication has two Composite class, one of them is a menu and the other one is where I show de info about the specific menu that has been clicked. I'm using MVP, the class History and the interface ChangeValueHandler to switch among different pages.
I have one pair presenter-view for each Composite. The app begins well creating the menu and the section info. When you click in the menu it works fine showing the information and the token browser is changed. The thing is that if you load a page(eg: without loading the home page, it doesn't show you the menu. It loads the Composite section info, but not the Composite menu (the Composite menu is load with
I think it's because of a bad design of the application, but I don't know how to do that in other way. If the app only had one Composite it wouldn't be a problem, but when there are 2 or more Composite per page I don't know how to manage the whole thing to work properly.
It's difficult to tell what exactly is wrong, because of the lack of code. So I'm guessing. You should design to act on the PlaceChangeEvent instead of the ValueChangeEvent. That means a menu click should fire the place change and then the application will handle this event. That way you unbind the menu actions from your content pages. And think more of each page as a separate entity. Also take a look at the GWT Activity mechanism and how it helps having a main page that is always the same and on that main page a content area that changes depending on the page actually shown.
You should include your menu in each page instead of creating it once in the home page and then keeping it on screen. I assume you create the menu and add it to the DOM via
If you are using UIBinder it should be pretty straightforward to include the menu in each page, just a matter of adding the corresponding tag in each .ui.xml file of your pages.

How to get the present object in an Eclipse RCP view?

I'm starting with the coding of an Eclipse RCP and be relatively new to the RCP-World.
Currently i have one perspective with two views. One is a list with a tableViewer which shows a few names of workers.
The second view is a "single view" with a few textboxes. I use the ISelectionListener to notify when i have selected another entry in the list, so i can set the text boxes in the "single view" wiht the current selected worker objetc.
I didn't wrote the code on my own, and i used this page (Vogella) to learn all the stuff behind RCP.
My question is: How can i get the current Object showed by the active view? I mean, i have it
because of the SelectionListener, but i want to click on my own "save"
button to update changes to the object.
I want the object in the single view, so do i need another change listener, or is the object stored in the view and can i get it with the ISelection Interface?
Can someone tell me in one or two sentences how it works? Or is it
just too simple, because i couldn't find anything elsewhere.
This can be done, but is not very easy, because the behaviour is not very standard. You are treating the two views as one usually deals with linked controls of a dialog or window. That's not necessarily wrong, but i smells bad (I cannot recall an example in the Eclipse IDE). Are you sure you are not confusing the roles of Views and Viewers? A View, in Eclipse, is a "Part" of a Workbench (you have basically Views and Editors), each view shows information and/or performs actions, but they are typically quite decoupled, you should be able open and close freely and independently each View, they rarely interact with each other directly (they typically display information or modify objects in the workspace). Further, you should not have a "Save" button in a View (again, look at the Eclipse IDE as an example), changes done throught a view should be direct.
It is very doubtful for me that your design here in sound, perhaps you should instead use a single View, or a dialog. I suggest you to read more about Views.

Select dropdown list accessibility/usability

I am trying to find the most usable/accessible way to implement a simple form dropdown list which will sort a list of products by pice and alphabetical order.
In your opinion is the dropdown more usable when there is a button that governs its submission or when it automatically submits onchange of the dropdown?
The research I have read is both for and against such methods and there is a variery of implementations on the web so interest to hear the thoughts of the community.
Thanks in advance
As a blind computer user either method works fine. I find that having a button to click is slightly easier for me then the onchange event firing. I wouldn't say it's a big enough difference to take into account though assuming the majority of your users will not be disabled. If your targeting specifically blind users I would not use the onchange event.
So long as you do not change focus or navigate to another page when the selection changes, either approach should work. The classic example of a problem dropdown is where it contains a list of other pages on the site, and navigates as soon as the selection changes. This prevents a keyboard user from using the list; they can't browse it, and can't navigate to any pages beyond the first selection, since it's impossible to navigate past those. So in cases where focus changes or the page navigates as a consequence, having a separate action (eg. Go button, or handling enter) to cause the navigation to take place is essential. This is likely where the advice you've read is coming from.
In this case, however, it sounds as though you are just updating content elsewhere on the page, and not changing focus or doing navigation. Simply resorting existing content should be fine.
Depends on your users and their respective expectations and the context in which it's presented.
As a blanket, general statement, you should have the drop down accompanied by very obvious submission button. That is the safer approach.
If you are refreshing page data or if the focus moves away after the dropdown option is selected, you should use a button to be accessible. If you fire the event on change, blind or keyboard-only users will not be able to use the dropdown menu at all if they are on windows with ie and chrome (so added together, a majority of the people on windows). As soon as they use the arrows to scroll down and make a selection, the first option they hit will be selected and the page data will refresh or the focus will move, making it impossible for them to navigate or select the second option, third option, etc. Below is a thorough explanation with examples so you can see what I mean.
Designers definitely don't like the buttons, but if you are blind and on chrome/ie, it is impossible to use a lot of dropdowns without it. I'm guessing Jared uses firefox or a mac.