Appcode vs Intellij? - plugins

I cannot seem to find the plugin for appcode in intellij. I've read online that intellij encapsulates all functionality in the other ideas through plugins. However I cannot seem to find the one for appcode? Thanks in advance.

There isn't one. AppCode runs only on a Mac because it depends on a Mac-only toolchain, and uses a different project format (XCode projects instead of IntelliJ's own format). Because of that, it's not possible to release it as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.


CodePro: where to find the plugin for Intellij Idea?

I have Codepro analytics plugin installed on my eclipse which I am using since may days. However I don't see any new version coming up for this. I am now shifting to Intellij Idea for my development. However does anybody know that is there any Codepro available for Intellij or how can I use this eclipse plugin in Intellij?
There's no IntelliJ plugin for CodePro and you can't use Eclipse plugins in IDEA.
However, there's a feature in IntelliJ IDEA called 'Inspections': built-in static code analysis tools that help you find probable bugs, locate dead code, detect performance issues, and improve the overall code structure. Its functionality should match that of CodePro's and maybe even exceed it.
Check this IntelliJ documentation page as well.

How to include Swift support in Eclipse

Eclipse is the IDE of my choice so I searched for a solution to write Swift-based apps in Eclipse.
I found the following project: swiftclipse.
It seems very useful but the problem is that I've no idea how to include it in my Eclipse installation.
That project does not contain any useful code. It is just a feature project with two plugins each of which only contains an Activator. It has also not had any activity since last June.

Is migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio necesarry?

I've tried to import my project from Eclipse to Android Studio, but I have not found the right way to do this. It is an app which has two versions, Full and Lite, and both are based on a library-project.
Migrating this to Android Studio and that Gradle-thing is a pain in the ... toe. I've read a bunch of documents, blogs and what-not to get this done, but I do not succeed. Also spent hours importing to Android Studio...
Is there actually any need to do this migration? Will the Eclipse ADT be updated in the future? I'm not going to read a bunch of documents about how Gradle works and spend hours trying to import my application to Android Studio if developing Android-application with Eclipse is an option.
Here are the steps you should follow according to Android Developer:
In Android Studio, close any projects currently open. You should see the Welcome to Android Studio window.
Click Import Non-Android Studio project.
Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select the build.gradle file and click OK.
In the following dialog, leave Use gradle wrapper selected and click OK. (You do not
need to specify the Gradle home.)
It's not necessary or even mandatory. But is it smart? Yes it is. Android Studio with Gradle and Maven are soooo powerful, that you are losing so much time using Eclipse.
Of course, you will have to pass all these painful steps, like we all did. What is Gradle? What is Maven? How do I import library? Where is my code? Why my Manifest does not work? And so on...
so I strongly advise you find a week of your time and learn new IDE by fixing all those things that will arise when you do conversion.
But in the end, you can still use Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA the old way and leave learning to some other time.

Play framework 2.0, Eclipse Helios, Scala IDE 2.0 plugin - Getting build errors out of the box

I'm trying out 'Play Framework 2.0' on Scala IDE plugin 2.0, for Eclipse Helios (fully supported by Scala IDE plugin).
When I create a play application and choose Scala template, it does work. That is,"play run".
When running 'play eclipsify' and then importing the project into Eclipse, I am getting errors. Any ideas?
The screenshot reveals that you're in the Java Perspective. Go to Window - Open Perspective - Other... and pick Scala.
When you create a new Scala project, eclipse asks you to switch perspective. If you import an existing project however, it doesn't. I filed an enhancement request.
On the Scala IDE website there is a tutorial on how to configure the Scala IDE to do development with play2.0:
Follow the steps there and if it doesn't work please report issues to the tutorial's author or in the scala-ide-user ML.
By the way, I don't believe that changing Perspective will make any difference. The Eclipse perspectives are purely UI changes, the underlying behavior should not be affected.
I was waiting, hoping someone more knowledgeable would answer...
I'd look at the .project file for your messed-up project, compare it with a correct one, and hack the messed-up one as appropriate. I wish I could be more specific. I'd guess that the problem is in the <buildSpec> or <natures> section of the file.
You may want to back up the .project file up first. Make sure the project isn't open in Eclipse while you're editing it.
Right click your project, Configure > Add Scala Nature
I installed Eclipse Java-EE edition instead of standard Java Edition, and all works now.
I haven't gone back to repeat with standard Java Edition to confirm, but seems to only work with EE edition.

Eclipse workspaces and projects vs IntelliJ projects and modules?

Switching to using IntelliJ for all my coding but am confused by the use of 'projects' and modules in IntelliJ.
Can someone tell me if Eclipse 'projects' is the same as IntelliJ's use of 'project'.
Or is an Eclipse 'workspace' more like an IntelliJ 'project'?
The JetBrains website has this covered.
Migrating From Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA
The quick answer is an Eclipse Project is equivalent to an IDEA Module. The concept of Project in IDEA is like a Workspace in Eclipse.
Also take a look at the eclipse integration page.
A module is the equivalent of a project in eclipse.
I got the answer from one of JetBrains' short videos they provide on their site. I found them useful when played at 2X speed, so I could get up to speed on the IDE quickly:
I am new to IntelliJ IDEA and have come from Eclipse world. I was initially confused by notion of projects and modules in IntelliJ IDEA . However after viewing this very useful video Running IntelliJ IDEA for the First Time, my understanding on has been greatly improved. Basically the projects and modules in IntelliJ IDEA are equivalent Eclipse workspace and projects. I recommend watching this video if you are new to IntelliJ IDEA