CodePro: where to find the plugin for Intellij Idea? - eclipse

I have Codepro analytics plugin installed on my eclipse which I am using since may days. However I don't see any new version coming up for this. I am now shifting to Intellij Idea for my development. However does anybody know that is there any Codepro available for Intellij or how can I use this eclipse plugin in Intellij?

There's no IntelliJ plugin for CodePro and you can't use Eclipse plugins in IDEA.
However, there's a feature in IntelliJ IDEA called 'Inspections': built-in static code analysis tools that help you find probable bugs, locate dead code, detect performance issues, and improve the overall code structure. Its functionality should match that of CodePro's and maybe even exceed it.
Check this IntelliJ documentation page as well.


Why is the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Option gone in the Create new Xtext Project Advanced Configuration?

I'm using the 2021 versions of eclipse, Xtext and Xtend and I'm trying to create a Xtext project that can create a plugin for IntelliJ.
I'm using the "Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend - Second Edition" as a tutorial and followed the instructions there, however I'm stuck in chapter 11, where I'm supposed to click the option "IntelliJ IDEA Plugin" that I can also see in other screenshots, but my eclipse doesn't have it.
Here is how it looks for me and here is how it is supposed to look
Do recreate: New..Xtext Project -> Next -> There should be a IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Checkbox but there isn't
I tried googling it but everything I found had the option and I couldn't find anyone else with the same problem. I suspect it has something to do with the loosing support of Xtend but I can't find anything that could confirm that.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?
IntelliJ support was dropped long time ago
You might have more luck when generating a Language server and try run it under IntelliJ

ColdFusion dev in Eclipse vs Intellij

Getting thrown into ColdFusion dev at work and just starting out, I wonder if there are any advantages (or disadvantages) of using Eclipse vs Intellij. I'm used to working in Intellij on Groovy/Grails and have close to zero hands-on time with Eclipse. The shop I'm in mostly uses Eclipse (I think because it's free and not much else), some use Dreamweaver (1 person me thinks).
Thanks in advance.
I'm a CF Developer that has been playing with intelliJ of late! I must say I do love the smoothness of intelliJ. IntelliJ does has have a CF code library ( ).
I don't use Eclipse for CF Development, but do use CFBuilder, which is based on Eclipse.
I personally prefer intelliJ as an IDE, but prefer CF Builder when working with CF.
There are two options for working with Eclipse for ColdFusion Development:
cfeclipse - an open source, free plugin for Eclipse
cfBuilder - the 'official' IDE, sold and distributed by Adobe.
There is also a plugin for IntelliJ which I have no personal experience using however I note that some highly respected CF devs are using it and preferring it to the Eclipse-based options.
My team and I currently use CFBuilder 2 and find that to be good enough for our needs. The biggest criticism I see about CFBuilder/Eclipse is that it can perform poorly on older PCs and the common solution is to increase the RAM available to it.
The benefit my team finds with CFBuilder is that the full Eclipse plug-in ecosystem is available giving us bundled options for source control and other development tools. (The same may exist for IntelliJ but I have no personal experience with it.)
Dreamweaver, especially a recent version, is an option and many CF devs swear by ColdFusion Studio which is a very old program and might be hard to get your hands on. Finally, there is also a plugin for Notepad++ for the times where you need to make a quick edit to a file and don't require a full IDE.
The editor that a lot of people have been using for ColdFusion lately is SublimeText 2 ( with the official ColdFusion Package ( The link I posted below from Nettuts will help you get up and running with the PackageControl package that makes installing the ColdFusion package very easy.
Sublime is lightweight, powerful, and a pleasure to code in. It has small animations that make it feel responsive, and the birds eye map view of the code can be very useful. It even has some code insite that I find really helpful.
Heres a great post on Nettuts to get you started:

a Java code analysis tool for intelliJ and Eclipse is needed

Does anyone has an experience with a code analysis tool that has a working plugin for both eclipse and intelliJ?
Both FindBugs and CheckStyle work well with intelliJ 10 and eclipse. you may have to modify the JVM setting for the plugins to work.
but it works.
have you also tried PMD?
I'm an intelliJ user but it works for Eclipse. I would prefer FindBugs/PMD to CheckStyle. To be honest I use intelliJ's (9 version) built in Inspection tool as well. You will find this previous thread in SO useful Checkstyle vs. PMD
Found this plugin (multiple integration including PMD/FindBugs) for intelliJ this morning (yet to try) but here's the link

Eclipse workspaces and projects vs IntelliJ projects and modules?

Switching to using IntelliJ for all my coding but am confused by the use of 'projects' and modules in IntelliJ.
Can someone tell me if Eclipse 'projects' is the same as IntelliJ's use of 'project'.
Or is an Eclipse 'workspace' more like an IntelliJ 'project'?
The JetBrains website has this covered.
Migrating From Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA
The quick answer is an Eclipse Project is equivalent to an IDEA Module. The concept of Project in IDEA is like a Workspace in Eclipse.
Also take a look at the eclipse integration page.
A module is the equivalent of a project in eclipse.
I got the answer from one of JetBrains' short videos they provide on their site. I found them useful when played at 2X speed, so I could get up to speed on the IDE quickly:
I am new to IntelliJ IDEA and have come from Eclipse world. I was initially confused by notion of projects and modules in IntelliJ IDEA . However after viewing this very useful video Running IntelliJ IDEA for the First Time, my understanding on has been greatly improved. Basically the projects and modules in IntelliJ IDEA are equivalent Eclipse workspace and projects. I recommend watching this video if you are new to IntelliJ IDEA

grails plugin for eclipse and netbeans 6.1

Has anyone been successful in getting the grails plugin for eclipse to work? How about grails plugin with netbeans?
If you use the NetBeans 6.5 Beta you'll see the Grails functionality is promising, but still buggy(minor). The good thing is in 6.5 Groovy and Grails support is standard, you don't have to install the plugins.
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on the Eclipse plugin for Grails, we have started using IntelliJ IDEA for Grails development, the JetGroovy plugin is excellent and keeps getting better!
Netbeans 6.5 is pretty good for Grails and allows for debugging, though the code completion is just barely there.
Well, here's a quick update. The Eclipse plugin works, and has refactoring support. But, for some reason I can't get it to recognize the Grails plugins in the Eclipse project.
It's starting to come along though.
I haven't had any problems getting the Eclipse grails plugin "to work" insofar as it's installed and providing all the features advertised. The problem is that this set of features is minimal, and light years behind IntelliJ. I understand that switching from a free IDE to a commercial IDE isn't at all possible, but if it is, do it! Although Netbeans is better than Eclipse, it's still quite a distance behind IntelliJ.
Just for future documentation:
Netbeans 6.8 is available with a very nice Grails/Groovy Plugin that works like a charme.
Additionally you can use a new Code Coverage Plugin.
Really nice build.
Netbeans Homepage
But you have to keep in mind that Grails now belongs to Spring Source. Spring Source is known for developing their own Tool Suite based on Eclipse. Maybe we will see a better grails plugin implementation for Eclipse.