How to include Swift support in Eclipse - eclipse

Eclipse is the IDE of my choice so I searched for a solution to write Swift-based apps in Eclipse.
I found the following project: swiftclipse.
It seems very useful but the problem is that I've no idea how to include it in my Eclipse installation.

That project does not contain any useful code. It is just a feature project with two plugins each of which only contains an Activator. It has also not had any activity since last June.


AEM error on real time

Is there a way to configure AEM into an IDE like IntelliJ,Eclipse...
So that the IDE shows the errors on my project before I compile it even if I put it outside the source folder like for example the components created.
If possible both the .java and .jsp
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by outside the source folder, but have you taken a look at adobe's documentation?
They have instructions for IntelliJ + AEM with Maven. It also instruct on jsp support as well. It's for 5.6.1 but it should be valid for 6.x as well.
Here's one for Eclipse
They also have a more generic set of instruction
Yes, you can maintain CRX data(AEM folders like /etc, /apps, /content, etc) in an IDE like eclipse. This will help you iron out all the compilation errors using features of IDE. Make use of this eclipse plugin called vaultclipse. You can install it from eclipse marketplace.
There is also another plugin called AEM plugin, details on how to use it here.

FindBugs Eclipse plugin: is there a way to set "Run automatically," and "(also on full build)" options on workspace level?

I have an eclipse (kepler) workspace with several (mostly java) projects. I just installed the FindBugs (2.0.3) plugin, and noticed that the "Run automatically," and "(also on full build)" options are only configurable on the project level - and not on the workspace level.
Is there any convenient way to enable/disable these options on the workspace level (other than a search/replace approach on all .project files)?
UPDATE: it seems this feature is considered to be added to the upcoming 3.0.1 version:
This may also mean that there's no way to do this in the 2.0.3 plugin, which means the solution to this problem is to write a search&replace script :-(
Short version: since this question received no answers in about a year, it is safe to assume, that the answer is: no, the Eclipse Find Bugs plugin 2.0.3 (or earlier) is not capable of the workspace-level configuration of the mentioned options.
Possible workarounds:
Upgrade to 3.x.x or higher versions of the plugin. (I already mentioned that in the question above.)
If upgrading is not an option, you have to bulk update your .project
files. Now I'm pretty sure there's an XML tool or a nice scripting
language, that is designed for this kind of problem (bulk
update of XML content). But since I already had to solve this exact
problem with a simple Java program, I might as well recommend just

Eclipse Plugin - one of the plugin projects in "features" won't compile

My plugin is built by two plugin projects (two plugin projects are in the same workspace).
One of them is an ordinary plugin which has toolbars etc. The other one is a Scala-based XML interpreter.
Everything runs fine and works great while I use "Run/Debug" as "Eclipse Application".
But, after I tried to pack it as a Feature project then Build it with and Update Site Project, the auto-generated JARs are wierd: the content of the ordinary plugin JAR is classes, which is correct; however, the other one (in scala), Eclipse packed the JAR with the original file - filename.scala in the JAR!
In other words, the plugin project didn't get compiled after Build(in Update site project by putting Features in).
But it worked fine when I used "Run" as "Eclipse Application".
Does anyone know how to fix this? Or any hint?
I've tried this but it didn't fix my problem.

Play framework 2.0, Eclipse Helios, Scala IDE 2.0 plugin - Getting build errors out of the box

I'm trying out 'Play Framework 2.0' on Scala IDE plugin 2.0, for Eclipse Helios (fully supported by Scala IDE plugin).
When I create a play application and choose Scala template, it does work. That is,"play run".
When running 'play eclipsify' and then importing the project into Eclipse, I am getting errors. Any ideas?
The screenshot reveals that you're in the Java Perspective. Go to Window - Open Perspective - Other... and pick Scala.
When you create a new Scala project, eclipse asks you to switch perspective. If you import an existing project however, it doesn't. I filed an enhancement request.
On the Scala IDE website there is a tutorial on how to configure the Scala IDE to do development with play2.0:
Follow the steps there and if it doesn't work please report issues to the tutorial's author or in the scala-ide-user ML.
By the way, I don't believe that changing Perspective will make any difference. The Eclipse perspectives are purely UI changes, the underlying behavior should not be affected.
I was waiting, hoping someone more knowledgeable would answer...
I'd look at the .project file for your messed-up project, compare it with a correct one, and hack the messed-up one as appropriate. I wish I could be more specific. I'd guess that the problem is in the <buildSpec> or <natures> section of the file.
You may want to back up the .project file up first. Make sure the project isn't open in Eclipse while you're editing it.
Right click your project, Configure > Add Scala Nature
I installed Eclipse Java-EE edition instead of standard Java Edition, and all works now.
I haven't gone back to repeat with standard Java Edition to confirm, but seems to only work with EE edition.

Make Custom Project template in Eclipse IDE

I have been using Eclipse IDE for a long time. Its a really great IDE for Java/C/C++ (and other languages with its THOUSANDS of plugins). Every once in a while, I get the need for creating a Javax interface. To do this normally, I would setup the new java project then add what I need. But, wouldn't it be nice if I could just make a template project to automatically include the code for the files. How would I go about doing this? It it even possible? The Eclipse CDT can make a new project type. So can the Google ADT and Google App engine. So I would imagine it is possible. But how?
You must write your Eclipse plug-in that implements org.eclipse.ui.newWizards extension point. You can extend an existing "New Java Project" wizard, and provide your custom project layout implementation (see the API).
Regarding java projects you might be familiar with maven. Maven offers of project template mechanism called archetypes. I never created an own archetype but the explanation to do this (Guide to Creating Archetypes) does not seems to be so complicated.
So although this is not a special eclipse solution it might be helpful for you. Together with the m2eclipse plugin it also works nice together with eclipse.