Is migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio necesarry? - eclipse

I've tried to import my project from Eclipse to Android Studio, but I have not found the right way to do this. It is an app which has two versions, Full and Lite, and both are based on a library-project.
Migrating this to Android Studio and that Gradle-thing is a pain in the ... toe. I've read a bunch of documents, blogs and what-not to get this done, but I do not succeed. Also spent hours importing to Android Studio...
Is there actually any need to do this migration? Will the Eclipse ADT be updated in the future? I'm not going to read a bunch of documents about how Gradle works and spend hours trying to import my application to Android Studio if developing Android-application with Eclipse is an option.

Here are the steps you should follow according to Android Developer:
In Android Studio, close any projects currently open. You should see the Welcome to Android Studio window.
Click Import Non-Android Studio project.
Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select the build.gradle file and click OK.
In the following dialog, leave Use gradle wrapper selected and click OK. (You do not
need to specify the Gradle home.)

It's not necessary or even mandatory. But is it smart? Yes it is. Android Studio with Gradle and Maven are soooo powerful, that you are losing so much time using Eclipse.
Of course, you will have to pass all these painful steps, like we all did. What is Gradle? What is Maven? How do I import library? Where is my code? Why my Manifest does not work? And so on...
so I strongly advise you find a week of your time and learn new IDE by fixing all those things that will arise when you do conversion.
But in the end, you can still use Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA the old way and leave learning to some other time.


Eclipse is not starting on macOs

I have an issue with Eclipse,
Eclipse macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6
I keep getting JVM terminated exit code=1
I have tried too many times but the response is same after launching it.
I have downloaded it from Stanford's SEE section and still unable to launch. The error message is here.
I downloaded your course material, and it does indeed contain a really old version of Eclipse - as greg-449 pointed out, there's no way this is going to work on macOS High Sierra. Really surprised instructions from 2007 haven't been updated, but that's another matter.
It would seem that your course just requires Java, so you can use the automated Installer that you find on this page: and then choose the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers in the wizard. Or you can download that package directly here, and install it.
Looking at your course material, it does appear that they have a custom plugin that makes regular Eclipse actions easier to execute, by adding a number of buttons to the Eclipse toolbar, you won't find these in a vanilla install. If you can find that plugin, you could try to install it into this version of Eclipse too, it might still work. If not, you can perform those steps manually - this video will help, as he shows you how to import and run these projects without those plugins, it's not hard!
It's not possible to say if the plugin adds functionality beyond what is normally possible in general Eclipse distributions, but I doubt it does. Good luck!

Android eclipse application with MapView

I am new to eclipse. I have a old application that is compatible for 2.2 android version. Basically this application display google map using Map View. I just want to make some text changes in this application for deployment. But i'm having issue while debug. It get crashed. Here is error window
Experiencing a similar situation from time to time I have to have the following for the old project:
Eclipse Luna (no other eclipse works)
Old version of Android SDK (update it to far and nothing works)
The quirks of my situation may be specific to my project but maybe they'll help. Android + Eclipse is not fun, convert to Android studio if you have the possibility:
You first have to convert your project to Android studio and then fix your issues because some of the them will not work in Eclipse and might be some libraries are not supported in Eclipse.
See this how to Convert Eclipse project to Android Studio
See this link, it might be helpful for you.

Appcode vs Intellij?

I cannot seem to find the plugin for appcode in intellij. I've read online that intellij encapsulates all functionality in the other ideas through plugins. However I cannot seem to find the one for appcode? Thanks in advance.
There isn't one. AppCode runs only on a Mac because it depends on a Mac-only toolchain, and uses a different project format (XCode projects instead of IntelliJ's own format). Because of that, it's not possible to release it as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

Import existing Google App Engine module into Android Studio

I created and deployed months ago a Google App Engine project in Eclipse with the Google Cloud plugin. Now I'm interested in continue the development of this project in Android Studio to avoid using two different IDEs and to have it integrated with my Android application.
I've found that Android Studio has a wizard to create a new Google Cloud module but I have not found any clue on how to import an existing one. Does anyone know a proper way of doing it avoiding the task of create a new one and paste all the code from eclipse?
Thank you!
If you're using Gradle with the gradle-appengine-plugin you should be able to simply copy the appengine module directory into your android studio project and include it in your settings.gradle. A sync will cause the IDE to detect the module and you can create a new App Engine run configuration and select that module to run the dev server.
If you're using Maven then you'll need to port your build over to Gradle to get it to work with Android Studio.

Is there a way to generate custom file when deploying from eclipse?

We have recently converted our app to run under Android Studio and gradle. Our build.gradle file has custom fields generated for different build variants of We still need to run our application in eclipse to run our robolectric tests. Is it possible to have eclipse generate a with custom variables other than DEBUG?
Not a solution to your question, but you might want to consider running robolectric from Gradle.
There are many tutorials if you search for it and you probably already set this up.
If you're concerned about debugging robolectric tests you can do so with Android Studio as well. A little bit of classpath hacking may be needed in Android Studio or just use IDEA 14.