hiding comments in matlab's editor - matlab

Is there a simple way to hide the comments while you're writing your code in matlab's editor?
I have too many comments and they really get on my nerves sometimes.
I did a little search and was surprised to find nothing on this simple issue!
Thank you in advance

One solution would be to use block comments
Hello World
and code folding (Preferences > Editor > Code folding)
And with right-click on the editor window you can "Fold all" then.
If you don't want to get your functions and loops folded as well, uncheck that in the preferences.
I'm afraid there is no way in the Matlab Editor to hide all commented lines in general. You will need alternative editors like Notepad++ to do that.

thewaywewalk's answer is probably what you were looking for, but for the sake of completeness: Even without block comments you can always fold the first comment in a function definition.


Weird snippet in VSCode

Does anybody know what this weird snippet is? It doesn't expand into anything.
These block-looking snippets underneath are VSCode's built-in snippets, but this first one is useless and it forces me to press the down arrow every time I want to use any loop. It doesn't have anything to do with my extensions and options and I can't get rid of it.
It is not a snippet, for is a keyword in the language you're coding. So it's just a suggestion for code completion.
In Python def is a keyword to create functions:
Check this page from document to see the explanation of the other icons.
Also if "pressing down arrow" bothers you, you have an option to set the visibility of the snippets on the top of the suggestion list:
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",

VS Code Remove Sidebar Titles Symbols

Good morning.
In a markdown file, is it possible to remove the title icons (#, ##, ###, ####) in the sidebar?
They are really annoying. Spaces are enough to indicate the level of text.
Thank you.
As of v1.61.1, this is not possible.
However, there is an open issue about this on VS Code's official GitHub:
There are proposals for a solution already. Maybe someone might pick this up and implement a configuration option for it.

How to fold multiple single line comments in visual studio code

As per the solution from previous posts, I tried to fold all blocked comments from the command palette but nothing happens. I have tried a lot of extensions/plugins but still, I can't fold them. Any solution to this? I have to close everything manually. However, in the IDE I can fold multiple single-line comments by hitting the down arrow on the left. Is there any shortcut or particular plugin/ extension for this ?
Am I commenting in the wrong way?
You have used // which is a single line comment
Use /*...your code ...*/ for block comments
Shortcut for block comment is Ctrl+Shift+A in VS Code
Yes. Press Ctrl+K then press Ctrl+/.

How to completely hide comments in eclipse?

I'm not sure if this is a good place for this question, but I did see a similar question posted here on overflow.
I'm just getting started with Eclipse as an IDE and having difficulty finding a comments toggle. I'd like to completely hide them sometimes. I've seen suggestions that would allow me to collapse entire comment blocks to a single line, but I'd want to hide ALL comments (single lines, blocks, etc) like in visual studio as a comparison. The goal is to gain the screen space to see more actual code simultaneously.
Anyone know of a way, plugin or otherwise?
This might be a bad way of doing it but you could set the syntax highlight for comments to be the same as your background color.

How to remove an autocomplete option from notepad++

I am using notepad++ and have enabled the autocomplete feature. For the most part I like having it, but there are a few words it tries to autocomplete that just interfere with my productivity.
For example, whenever I try to type <?php it will attempt to autocomplete to <?php_egg_logo_guid, <?php_init_loaded_file or a sundry of other such options. It is a bit annoying and I don't even know what the use of any of them are.
I would like to remove these unneeded options from autocomplete. Is it possible? If so, how?
Edit: After a few bad answers, let me clarify:
I am not trying to disable autocomplete completely, just remove a word or two from the dictionary of choices which it chooses to give hints from.
Edit the relevant .xml in notepad++'s program files's plugins\APIs to remove the silly php autocompletes as explained here.
You can add <?php as a suggestion. It will show as the first choice in autocomplete.
add the line:
<KeyWord name="php" func="no"/>
Settings > Preferences > Auto-Completion > Uncheck the Enable auto-complete & Function hint options. This should do it.