How to remove an autocomplete option from notepad++ - autocomplete

I am using notepad++ and have enabled the autocomplete feature. For the most part I like having it, but there are a few words it tries to autocomplete that just interfere with my productivity.
For example, whenever I try to type <?php it will attempt to autocomplete to <?php_egg_logo_guid, <?php_init_loaded_file or a sundry of other such options. It is a bit annoying and I don't even know what the use of any of them are.
I would like to remove these unneeded options from autocomplete. Is it possible? If so, how?
Edit: After a few bad answers, let me clarify:
I am not trying to disable autocomplete completely, just remove a word or two from the dictionary of choices which it chooses to give hints from.

Edit the relevant .xml in notepad++'s program files's plugins\APIs to remove the silly php autocompletes as explained here.
You can add <?php as a suggestion. It will show as the first choice in autocomplete.
add the line:
<KeyWord name="php" func="no"/>

Settings > Preferences > Auto-Completion > Uncheck the Enable auto-complete & Function hint options. This should do it.


Remove auto-completion with Enter key in Kate text editor

In Kate text editor, one can auto complete using either the Tab or the Enter key.
I find auto-completion with the Enter key disruptive, because often you really do mean what you say, and want to go to a new line. Who knew.
How can I disable only the Enter key auto-completion without removing the Tab auto-completion?
You CAN'T do that.
Sorry, but auto-complete really works ok the way it is. If we alter that behavior, we will get many more reports about that than with the current way.
And then:
You can deactivate the auto completion in the settings. Then you can invoke it manually. If that doesn't help, then yes, Kate is perhaps not the best choice, sorry.
So it seems, from the developers' own mouth, that Enter can't be turned off. You can turn off autocomplete as a whole, or if you don't like that, you can find another text editor. Or you can edit the source code yourself, after all it's Open Source.
The developers like it as it is, and have no intention of making the behavior configurable.
I've seen a workaround in this article that works for me:
go to: Settings->Configure Keyboard Shortcuts. Then change the Action:
"Insert Smart Newline to Enter instead of Shift+Enter.

hiding comments in matlab's editor

Is there a simple way to hide the comments while you're writing your code in matlab's editor?
I have too many comments and they really get on my nerves sometimes.
I did a little search and was surprised to find nothing on this simple issue!
Thank you in advance
One solution would be to use block comments
Hello World
and code folding (Preferences > Editor > Code folding)
And with right-click on the editor window you can "Fold all" then.
If you don't want to get your functions and loops folded as well, uncheck that in the preferences.
I'm afraid there is no way in the Matlab Editor to hide all commented lines in general. You will need alternative editors like Notepad++ to do that.
thewaywewalk's answer is probably what you were looking for, but for the sake of completeness: Even without block comments you can always fold the first comment in a function definition.

Netbeans IDE Code Snippet Keybinding

I'm not sure if this is possible and if this is the right place to ask, but I'd like to give it a try. I'm currently trying Netbeans IDE, coming from Dreamweaver.
In Dreamweaver I can create Code Snippets and bind a key to them. So for example marking a text and pressing CTRL+B then, surrounds the text with the [strong] tag. Or I created a snippet, when I press SHIFT+CTRL+B it adds a [br /] tag at the position of the cursor.
I could not find a way to do this in Netbeans so far. Does anyone know if this is possilbe, and if, how to achieve this?
There is a Plugin available for that,
Go to Tools->plugins and try out TagMyCode
I've been using it for quite some time, there is a library of public snippets and the doc is really helpful.

Is there a way to highlight code in NetBeans manually?

When I am figuring out someone's code in NetBeans, it occurred to me I could use a feature to mark code as 'understood', or 'suspicious', etc. while going through it. Is there any way to manually highlight or format code in NetBeans, the way it is done in Word? Some plugin maybe?
The alternative, i guess, is adding short comments everywhere, which is often not too convenient.
The Netbeans Collab plugin was pretty useful to share code and color them when you are sharing it through an XMPP server or discussing the code with someone.
You could use that to talk to yourself and color parts that you want to comment on.
You could surround sections of code with an editor-fold. To quickly do this:
Select the section of code you want surrounded
Press Alt + Enter
Select Surround with // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="comment">... from the hints popup
Enter your tag ie. "understood"
Press enter
This will give you a collapsible section of code that when collapsed will only show the tag that you've entered for the comment attribute.

PHPEclipse weird highlight

This is not a technical problem, but very annoying.
Does anyone know how to turn off or change the color for the name highlight in phpEclipse?
I use white-on-black scheme and this highlight has a white background which makes it unreadable and very ugly.
To better explain which highlight I'm refering to, it's when I move the cursor to a variable/function/method/constant, all other places that name is typed get highlighted.
I've spent a few days going thru the settings many, many times and I haven't found one that changes that specific annoying highligh.
Anyone? please? :)
For Java in Eclipse it is:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences.
My ruby plug-in has the same option. Do a search in the preferences window for 'Mark Occurrences' and hopefully the php plug-in has the same option.
Thanks, that was it, Mark Occurences.
When I searched thru the options I was looking for color pickers instead of checkboxes :)
It would be nicer to be able to change the highlight color for that, but even removing it is of huge help.
From Eclipse, go to Window > Preference, use the filter field ("type filter text") to search for "color". It will show all the config options related to the colors.
I suppose it's not a problem with phpEclipse, but an incompatibility with another Eclipse plugin.
PS: When you fix the problem please tell us what that setting!