Login with PayPal Sandbox - paypal

Working on a Login with PayPal integration using their sandbox environment. One requirement when obtaining the initial authorization code, you supply a redirect_url in the query string. That url must roughly (protocol,port,hostname) match the redirect URL in the sandbox.
When filling out a return URL in the sandbox, the form says "Something went wrong. Try again later" after submitting for the first time. Upon the second submission, the request just times out altogether.
Meanwhile, when trying to initiate the Login with PayPal flow, it warns that:
Relying Party Validation error: redirect_uri provided in the request does not match with the registered redirect_uri. Please check the request.
Has anyone found a workaround for this or experienced this issue in the sandbox?

As Jay Patel mentioned, there has been an issue effecting users of payPals sandbox. It now appears like it could be fixed (see PayPal Community).
Can you attempt to run the script again to see if that was the issue?


PayPal Sandbox IPN URL returns "Secure Connection Failed"

Some time ago I set up a page on my in-progress web site for purchase processing with PayPay using IPN and a Sandbox account.
Everything was working fine, mock payments were completing successfully, but it's been a couple of months since I last tested this part of the site, and I've suddenly found that it's no longer functioning.
Nothing has changed with the page, but I'm getting an "Internal Server Error" response when my page redirects to the "Sandbox URL":
I frequently find myself going around in circles with the PayPal documentation, there often appear to be two or more entirely separate documents describing the same procedure, and with conflicting information.
For example, this page describes the IPN testing process as I've been following it to date: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/sell/ipn-test-outside
it is the URL provided by this page that is now returning the 500 Internal Server Error message. But I've subsequently discovered this page: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNTesting/#sandbox
which indicates an entirely different Sandbox URL. The latter looks more up-to-date, but changing my URL to redirect here results in a "Secure Connection Failed" message in FireFox (ERR_CONNECTION_RESET in Chrome).
Are both of these URLs invalid? Is the Sandbox site presently not processing payments? The situation is very confusing and I can't figure out what might be wrong.
Thank you for any advice.
I'm using a PayPal encrypted button for IPN and I get the same 500 "Internal Server Error" in the Sandbox that you are getting on the checkout page. I did not change my code either and I'm suddenly getting this error on PayPal's sandbox.
Unfortunately, PayPal is putting a low priority on fixing this. If you want the Sandbox to be fixed, open a ticket with them. The only way they will address this if enough customers complain.
It seems that sandbox is down, I have same problem with my website currently.

Paypal Express Checkout NVP unable to processes order with this account

I am trying to implement Paypal Express checkout with my site.
I am able to generate the token using the "SetExpressCheckout" API call, and the user is redirected to the Paypal login page.
However, once the user logs in, they get the following error:
We're not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please try again later.
This only happens on the live production. When using the sandbox everything seems to work.
I would really appreciate any suggestions as to what may be causing this and how to fix it, TIA!

Paypal Not Accepting Ipn Url

I am trying to setup Paypal IPN for the past couple of days !
And every time I get the error :
We were unable to validate the URL you have entered. Please check your
entry and try again.
The IPN url I am trying to set it : http://www.geniusforums.net/misc.php?do=paypal_ipn
I did a dns test to see if the problem was with that but everything seems to be fine!
It is accepting the IPN of a different site hosted on the same server, but just not the current IPN. I asked a couple of my friends also to check the IPN with their Paypal accounts, assuming the problem was with just my account, but they respond they are also getting the same error!
I just checked the IPN url using the IPN Testing in Paypal developer, and well, see for yourself:
We are sorry we could not connect to this URL. Please make sure it was
entered correctly.
Where am I going wrong?
Try using create ipn settings in https://www.paypal.com/home this account instead of https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/
I think I read somewhere that the IPN URL must be SSL hence https did a quick search however could not find the reference. May be the solution though.

PayPal ExpressCheckout - You do not have permission to make this API call

I have integrated a simple online form that demands some input from the user and has the item and pricing information in hidden fields.
After the user verified his inputs he hits the button to pay with PayPal and will be redirected to PP where he can pay instantly.
The PP URL is
for the sandbox and
for the live environment paypemnt.
In the sandbox everything works fine when I use the sandbox credentials. After I set the URLs to live, changing the API credentials to the live credentials I am receiving the error
You do not have permission to make this API call.
I have tested and verified the following:
the PP account is a business account and verified
the form has been checked and approved as PP app by PayPal
the form uses the correct API credentials
set "Accept payments from your shop before configuring an API" to "YES" and saved it with the submit/save button
checked the http request parameter live and they are looking fine
The error occours after sending the parameters from setExpressCheckoutData().
Now I am confused. I've red some infos to set MODE "test" to "live" at the end of the cart but don't know exactly what that means.
Please help.
Found the reason and fixed it.
Removed the parameter "subject" from the request data. If this parameter isn't passed (I think it is necessary for Unipay only) the ExpressCheckout works fine.
In the sandbox it doesn't matter wether to use this parameter or not.

Paypal Error: Dispatch Error

I set up the RESTful API for PayPal in .NET, using their sample. It kinda works... I did manage to create a payment, but when I use the approval URL, it always says: dispatch error.
What could be the problem?
As I found out, the problem was: I was logged in with my paypal account. I used the same browser instance for reading documents, checking my PayPal account AND testing. Bad idea. PayPal assumes, that you want to pay with your merchant account.
Solution: use a different browser, or turn on your private mode in the browser. (You can also clear your cache, but as soon as you log in to PayPal to check the payment, you are back to square one.)