Paypal Error: Dispatch Error - paypal

I set up the RESTful API for PayPal in .NET, using their sample. It kinda works... I did manage to create a payment, but when I use the approval URL, it always says: dispatch error.
What could be the problem?

As I found out, the problem was: I was logged in with my paypal account. I used the same browser instance for reading documents, checking my PayPal account AND testing. Bad idea. PayPal assumes, that you want to pay with your merchant account.
Solution: use a different browser, or turn on your private mode in the browser. (You can also clear your cache, but as soon as you log in to PayPal to check the payment, you are back to square one.)


Paypal sandbox showing wrong STORE name

I have tested my paypal payment with sandbox account using my API details. Now I want to use Clients API details for sandbox and changed code accordingly. But it still redirects me to the previous store.
Any idiea what is wrong i am doing.
it looks like your code didn't change the API credentials in some way. Try to check again the new APIs that you want to use and replace the previous one.
Usually, for example in ExpressCheckout, when you initially call the SetExpressCheckout you provide the API credentials of the seller so that when the checkout is displayed you can connect to the seller shop to pay and all the money will be directed there.

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support

Fixing DoExpressCheckout error 10422 in production

In production, DoExpressCheckout is returning PayPal error 10422 'The customer must return to PayPal to select new funding sources'.
What docs I've found from PayPal are limited (
Instruct the customer to use a different funding source. Offer the customer a quick link to restart the Express Checkout flow and redirect the customer back to PayPal.
I'm trying to figure out what this means since I personally have no way of regenerating the error and so have no way of testing my code (and asking my exasperated customer to do a couple walkthrus while I sort out the kinks seems unreasonable).
Does anyone know
references for causes of this error?
How to generate this error myself to walkthrough for customer experience?
What redirect should be used? (the first url or should I now be including PayerID?).
All comments solicited.
I believe Paypal is instructing you to start the Express Checkout process over on YOUR site (as in generate a new token).
Yes, their error codes leave much to be desired
There must be something wrong with the funding method the person chose while on the PayPal pages. Maybe they chose to pay with a bank account that isn't verified and your system wont' accept that, for example.
Is this a customer telling you they're getting this error, I'm guessing..? I would ask them what type of payment source they're choosing and see if anything jumps out about what could be wrong.

paypal different pages - visa/debit payment not create account

Hi I have searched for this solution and although others have experienced the same problem I couldn't find a solution that works for my site.
My wordpress site mainly sells registrations/bookings for events and I'm using the s2Memberplugin to process the payments with Paypal. The problem is that when we direct the users/customers to the paypal page to complete the transaction which i want set up with the option of paying via credit/debit card if the user/customer doesn’t have (or doesn’t want to create one) a paypal account. That has been working perfectly except for when users/customers are using a variety of internet browser with various cookie settings so the user/customer get’s directed to a completely different page both in appearance and functionality from the page I want them to see. This incorrect page ‘requires’ users/customers to have or create a paypal account to make the payment, no option to pay via card is available. I tried calling paypal and of course they say it is something wrong with my site.
Over 20 days ago i lodged a support ticket with Paypal MTS (or whatever they are called) and of course no response. I have lodged about 5 more tickets and made about 10 more phone calls and they simply don't care about customers. That is clearly demonstrated when you ask to speak to the complaints section and they say "We don't have a complaints section'
Thanks very much, any assistance is greatly appreciated
I haven't been provided with any error codes, unfortunately - i did ask for them but nobody supplied them.
we just discovered that the payflow and IPN settings within my sites plugin were empty but i'm filling them in now but i have two questions:
The vendor, is that just my username for my paypal account? (why don't they just use the same terminology - confusing)
My s2Member plugin say's i'll need my IPN url (and then supplies a url, but whn i look at the IPN notification url within my paypal settings it's a totally different link. Should i be changing my paypal IPN url to that which is supplied by my s2Member plugin or am i getting two different url's confused?
Thanks for your help again mate.
If you're using Payments Standard this experience is cookie based as you mentioned. If you want to make sure the full credit card form shows up and allows people to pay with a credit card without creating an account you can use the Express Checkout API instead.
In your SetExpressCheckout request you just need to set SOLUTION=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.

Setting up Zencart with Paypal

To begin: I am trying to setup Zencart with Paypal. I have followed all of Paypal and Zencart's instructions:
Putting in Paypal's API username, password and signature code into Zencart's Payment Module section. Checked the "live" environment.
I then tried buying a product on the website and got the following error message:
Zen Cart message: We are sorry for the inconvenience. The PayPal account
authentication settings are not yet set up, or the API security information
is incorrect.
Security error
Security header is not valid
I have tried looking up the answer but everything I see says to make sure the environment is not in sandbox and that everything is typed in correctly. I have tripled checked and the API is typed in correctly and it is set to live.... what else can I do?
Moving on, I have tried to setup the sandbox but am unfamiliar with how to use Paypal's sandbox. So I reconfigured Zencart to "sandbox mode" with the appropriate sandbox API and I set up box a sandbox account for a merchant and private buyer but I don't know how to use them. Should I go back to the Zencart store and register with my new "Paypal sandbox private buyer email"? And will checking out using this email they gave me work as just a test... I don't want to go through with the checkout if I'm going to get billed...
Thank you for any help:)
The best place to get support on Zen Cart issues is directly on the Zen Cart support forum at
Further, an existing article already explains the basics of the problem you describe:
It is absolutely critical that the THREE parts of your API settings (username, password, signature) be copied EXACTLY from PayPal's site into your store's admin settings screen.
There's no need to use sandbox unless you're a programmer writing new features for payment processing. So be sure to check the "Live" radio-button. (I realize you already mentioned that. Just adding this for clarity.)
You can also get more details on exactly what is coming back from PayPal by turning on debug logging in the module's settings.
PayPal tech support is available at - they can look at your actual transmissions and at your account, and sort out a problem if there's something wrong with the API signature details.