Can't install any eclipse UI themes on Ubuntu - eclipse

I'm trying to install a new eclipse UI theme, as staring at a white UI all day makes my eyes hurt. Specifically, I'm trying to install the following:
However, despite following all of the different installation options they list on that github ReadMe, I can't get it to work. No matter what I do, only the standard three themes show up, as displayed in this screenshot:
Exactly the same thing happened (i.e. nothing) when I tried to install another eclipse UI theme. So I'm guessing this is some sort of problem with my eclipse.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I'd really appreciate any help!

It looks like you're running an old version of eclipse, try updating to Juno at least (4.2.x)
For older version of eclipse you can look at this plugin, but will only modify the editor, not the whole IDE

I uploaded to Luna and now it works perfectly. Thank you both very much for your help, and sorry I was being so stupid! I'd updated eclipse within itself via its update, but I guess that doesn't install the latest version!


Eclipse doesn't find binaries in SW4STM32

I'm using workbench SW4STM32 in Eclipse Kepler for C/C++.
Software doesn't find binaries files when I try to debug it. It creates it while building a project, I'm sure of this 'cause I can see them and use in others programms. However it cannot locate them by itself. I rebuilded project many times, I've tried reinstalling workbench, MinGC and changing directory in project properties but neither helped. Have You ever encountered something like this?
Do You have any ideas?
I' ve solved it. It turned out I had some binary parsers missing.

Upgrade Eclipse without opening it

I have Eclipse Juno with Java EE, PHP, C++ and PyDev in it and it was working perfectly under Ubuntu 12.04 and later under 14.04.
Yet, when I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 14.10, Eclipse doesn't work anymore, whenever I try to open it, it shuts down immediately.
I want to upgrade it to Luna but it doesn't give me the chance to launch the upgrade, I have an idea I have and wish to hear your advice on whether it is right or wrong.
What I'd like to do is to download Luna and extract it over the older version.
Will this work? Or will it make it even worse?
Is there anyone who tired it before?
You may even download Luna, and extract it to a different folder (not necessary on top of the older version).
Afterwards, launch Luna and try to load your previous workspace(s). You might want to backup your workspaces folder, before letting Luna attempt and load from there.
Updating the eclipse through the command line is safer. Try it using eclipse site
and also refer to this answer
I find solution here on comment 20
This seems to be a bug in GTK according to
(there a similar problem for Meld was reported).
Another workaround mentioned there is
For oxygen, edit the normally already existing file "/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" and change
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0
This workaround is working for me.

Eclipse Plugins disappeared

After a ubuntu update all my eclipse plugin have disappeared, inclcuding ADT Plugin, Database Plugin, and PHP Plugin. If I install "new" software, eclipse gives my the error "Duplicated Location". Great
Any ideas how to fix this?
Did the Eclipse version get updated? Either way, from my experience the best option is to do a fresh install of Eclipse to make sure there's no cruft sitting around from previous installations (better to eliminate the possibility now then have some bug down the road that may be attributed to a code issue).

GWT plugin update problem - How to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6 - help

I tried to delete the Eclipse Helios 3.6 with GWT plugins manually as I usually did with other eclipse IDEs but now I faced a strange problem.
A warning window opens which says...
"Cannot delete resources file. Access denied"
So it makes unable to proceed the deleting pressing OK :(
So how to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6?
Any useful comments are appreciated
Unlocker can help see what program has a particular file locked, like joeslice's link, and it can also force that program to relinquish the file handle (which of course could cause bad things to happen in said program so make sure you know what you're doing).
try to start your computer in safe mode:
when you turn on your computer, push F8(5 times to be sure that it'll work) and after choose safe mode.
You'll be able to delete your files
Process Explorer can help see what's got a particular file locked.
I want to share my problem and my final solution...
The problem was because the Eclipse Helios 3.6 internal GWT plugin update error (so the UI Designer doesn't work).
I was trying to update gwt plugins and that made gwt never compile...
So I had to delete it and reinstall.
The reinstallation was OK but since then I tried to download gwt plugin for many times and had the same UI editor error... I think there is a bug in included gwt plugin GWT UI core and window builder.
If someone faces the same problem please read next...
To install GWT for Eclipse Helios 3.6 you should
A) Install GWT UI Designer first from
B) Only then Install GWT SDK and gwt plugin (to skip the bugged plugin part to be installed)
otherwise if you start from this link, it will install a bugged GWT window builder and core (the newest one) and won't allow you to install the correct one because "the newest is already installed" so you'll have to delete and reinstall etc... That's a real headache %) So to avoid that follow point A then B.
I hope that will save ones day :)
Good luck

eclipse plugins not visible

I have recently installed gwt-plugin to my eclipse. But plugins are are not visible, even if I try to install it again, eclipse is not allowing me to install, saying its already installed.I even I ran eclipse as administrator(I am using it in windows 7) and also with clean option, nothing worked out.
And one more thing, After GWT installation, it gave two options - 'Restart' and 'Apply changes'.I have chosen 'Restart'. (Does it matter?)
Any help is appreciated..
Maybe you installed gwt-plugin correctly, but you are missing one of its dependencies? Take a look at this thread. One of the answers discusses using the OSGI console to locate missing dependencies.