Web Platform Installer : 0MB -- Azure SDK 2.5.1 install issues - azure-sdk-.net

Using Visual Studio 2013 Professional, using the web platform installer I select Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) - 2.5.1.
I add and click install.
The next screen tells me what it's installing, showing 0MB in terms of size.
![enter image description here][1]
The operation finishes, however I create the new project I see the sdk listed with 0MB for file size.
If I install and let it finish, when I go back to the web platform installer, it indicated 2.5.1 sdk was not installed.
I tried doing a manual install from here which didn't work: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/archive-net-downloads/
Additionally, all other items I'm trying to install through web platform installer show 0 MB.


.NET Maui - You are using a preview version of .NET - Where is this coming from and what version am I using?

I am running VS 17.3 Preview 6 on windows11. I have a .net maui app. when i load the app into vs, I get a message saying that I am using a preview version of .net. I don't think I've installed a preview of .net6 on this machine since it is pretty much brand new. i am using
.net 6.0 - ios for ios.
.net 6.0 - android for android.
.net 6.0 - windows 10.0.10941.0 for windows, but don't plan to build for windows.
Basically, why am i getting a message about using a preview version of .net? Is this some artifact message because I am using VS17.3 preview x? any idea how to make this go away since it is annoying? Is this due to .net 7 preview being installed with vs17.3?
To find out what version of MAUI you are using
Open solution or project in Visual Studio (Currently you should use Visual Studio Preview)
Right click on Project
Select Manage NuGet Packages...
Go to the register Installed
Check the versions of the packages Microsoft.Maui.Dependencies and Microsoft.Maui.Extensions
To find out what version of dotnet SDK you are using
Open PowerShell or cmd
Change directory to the path of your project
Execute dotnet --version

How to publish a desktop application to another computer?

I wrote the first desktop application in Flutter, how can I get the things I need to run this application on another computer?
I found the Release folder (build\windows\runner\Release) with the following contents:
But when I try to run the app, I only see a black screen.
Download Visual Studio 2019 or later it is required.
Download here
— If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
then run one of following command in your project diroctory
flutter build windows
Then go to the release folder you should see the .exe file

Add android target to visual studio for Mac

I'm building over a non from scratch project, that a previous developer created in my office.
In a previous version of Unity - Visual Studio for Mac I generated some build for iOS, but now, with the newest version, I get this configuration:
Also, the configuration for Android is disabled.
How I can add Android as target for my project to generate an apk file?
VS Configuration.
Please refer to the following link to setup unity to make Android APK:
You will need to download: the latest version of java, and the android sdk.
You will need to set the unity path to the sdk
You will need to download and set up the android ndk.
Sounds like a lot of work but its really a lot of waiting. the Android SDK can take some time depending on which versions you wish to support and how far back you go.
Once you have followed the guide above you will be able to change your project to android in the project settings menu.
Good luck!
For mac users with unity looking to set up android:
Instructions for Mac
you should be able to select android here and then click switch platform...

MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component does not appear to work

I am using MobileFirst Platform 6.3 with Eclipse Luna. I have downloaded the MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component (MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc) file and confirmed that in Eclipse the Download Folder for the Templates and Components is /User/KenAtIBM/IBM/Templates and that indeed the SDK is in that folder.
When I attempt to Add/Remove Application Components I get the following in the console:
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Component = MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found component.wcp
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found Image
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] imagePath
The problem is that there is no component listed (see attached screen shot).
I have been following the instructions with no success as of yet. So my question is, what am I missing?
I have tried rename the file to have a zip extension, same out come as above.
I have tried un-archiving the zip, no success.
I have restarted eclipse numerous times and even went so far as to reboot, still nothing.
Is the SDK that is downloaded from here compatible with MobileFirst Platform?
Update: you should play with the column resizer rather than the window size. After doing that, the entry will appear.
I see you are using Eclipse Luna on Mac OS X 10.10.x Yosemite.
There is an OS X bug that does something wrong with tables - try to play with the size of the window containing the table and then scroll in it, the component should probably then show up.
On a Mac, the first row of the Add Component is hidden in the table. Simply scroll down and you will see it.
For me, I have 4 templates, but I can only see 3 of them when the dialog starts. I have to scroll down inside that table to see the first row.
And I have tested the MQA on BlueMix with MFP 6.3. It works fine. I can submit my screenshot to the bluemix cloud.
Just to clarify things, MobileFirst Quality Assurance for Bluemix does work together with MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.3
I was able to successfully instrument a hybrid app with the JavaScript SDK http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSJML5_6.0.0/com.ibm.mqa.uau.saas.doc/topics/c_worklight_sdk.html, and start sessions in both pre-production and production modes. I've used the following configuration:
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
IBM MobileFirst Platform
Javascript SDK for Worklight 1.9.19
Windows 7 64-bit SP1
It seems that the problem here is with the 'JavaScript SDK' not showing up in the table to 'add/remove application components' when MFP 6.3 is running on Mac OS X Yosemite

How to install android 4.0 ice cream sandwich version in eclipse?

My office system already has some Android SDK versions 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 installed into Eclipse. These versions are working fine. Now I wish to install version 4.0 but I don't know? How can I install Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich into my Eclipse? I am using Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you know how to install Android 4.0 under windows then please tell me.
You will be having an Icon in you Eclipse Bar.. That is SDK Manager.. Click on SDK Manager you will get below image :
Select on API level you want to download. Also ensure that any update is available for ANDROID SDK TOOLS and ANDROID SDK PLATFORM TOOLS , if so update it also..
In Windows, Luanch SDK Manager. It will show you Installed/Not Installed/ Updates available. Select whichever API level you want and hit Install Packages...
If you are using Eclipse, what you need to do is to run android SDK manager. A new windows pop ups. It shows all the packages available. All you need to do is to update them.
You could do the samething by browsing to where your android-sdk. Go to tools folder and run android (./android). Again SDK manager pops up with all the available packages.
You Can Download latest Version of Android SDK below link:
It's contains android 4.0 ics sdk..!
Open Android SDK Manager in eclipse it's shows android 4.0 sdk (or)API Level 14 shows not installed to you can download Package's for android 4.0 working..!
If you are behind the proxy, go to Tools -> Options in Android SDK Manager and set the proxy setting.