How to publish a desktop application to another computer? - flutter

I wrote the first desktop application in Flutter, how can I get the things I need to run this application on another computer?
I found the Release folder (build\windows\runner\Release) with the following contents:
But when I try to run the app, I only see a black screen.

Download Visual Studio 2019 or later it is required.
Download here
— If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
then run one of following command in your project diroctory
flutter build windows
Then go to the release folder you should see the .exe file


Where can I find full prerequisites list for releasing flutter windows desktop app?

I'm absolute newb to flutter, with objective to focus more on windows-desktop apps. It seems that flutter running on windows-desktop require way more DLLs than mentioned on page. I have created and build absolute minimum Flutter application on my dev machine (Win10 22H2). All went fine, starts and runs as expected.
I have then put mentioned DLL in the folder, along the runner app (testapp.exe) and copied over to test machine running Windows Server 2019 Version 1809 as VMWare image. Both Debug and Release versions of Flutter app (testapp.exe) fails. Debug version fails with MessageBox shown "Code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140D.dll was not found" which I assume is a debug version of msvcp140.dll (this was present in the testapp.exe location while running).
Trying to run Release version produce no error message at all, application is visible in TaskManager for brief second and exits. Running ProcMon against test application shows it seeks numerous other DLLs which were not mentioned in the flutter docs (see attached pic for reference)
Question - is there some more comprehensive list of Flutter windows-build requirements ?

Can't debug Maui project with target project as Windows

I've tested out my Maui project on Android and it works perfectly fine.
Now, I've been trying to test it out on Windows, but as soon as I start the application, the application closes. The output log also shows 2147942405 exit code. I've tried to run the application as admin and I've also opened up Visual Studio as admin but it's not been a help.
Is there something else I should do?
At first, did you try to create a new maui project and debug it on the windows? In addition, is your pc's system windows 10? If so, it seems an existed issue which is about MAUI apps crash on launch on Windows after Visual Studio update - code 2147942405 on the github.
And you can try the workaround in this issue which tried to download the and run its WindowsAppRuntimeInstall.exe (as admin) .
Finally, you can follow up this issue on the github.

Visual Studio doesn't generate the iOS "ipa" executable with Xamarin

I am trying to generate the ipa file in order to publish it to the Apple Store but Visual Studio (2015 Community Edition) doesn't create it.
I followed the steps from the official Xamarin docs but it doesn't work, I tried selecting "AdHoc", "Release" and "AppStore" (with iPhone platform selected), I have the last Xamarin updates in my Windows and Mac build hosts, the build process ends succesfully but the ipa file doesn't appear in the **Bin > iPhone > Ad Hoc (or Release) folder.
I am using the distribution profile.
I would really appreciate any help.
A combination of clearing the bin/iPhone/Ad-Hoc folder, changing the build number, restarting Visual Studio, and re-connecting to the Mac resolved this for me.

How to upload an app to Windows store using command line

I have created a windows store app and associate it with the store using the Visual Studio IDE. In the Visual Studio IDE there are menu options to create App packages and upload App Packages.
My question is, is it possible to upload app packages using the command line so that I can create a script in the CI to upload app packages to the store? If it is possible, how?
There were lot of tutorials on how to build app packages and deploying to local machine using command line but not on uploading app packages to the store using command line.
This article shows you what CmdLets are available:

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio.
There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people had the same problem.
EDIT I know Phone Developer Tools are free and I am not trying to eliminate VS from my workflow. I just want to be able to grab the latest binary from the build server and quickly run it up in demo situations.
When you install the latest developer tools you get an application called "XAP Deployment" which can install a pre-built XAP onto either the emulator or the phone.
How to: Use the XAP Deployment Tool for Windows Phone
Visual Studio Express is free, and I think you can get a version of VS2010 now too.