MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component does not appear to work - ibm-cloud

I am using MobileFirst Platform 6.3 with Eclipse Luna. I have downloaded the MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component (MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc) file and confirmed that in Eclipse the Download Folder for the Templates and Components is /User/KenAtIBM/IBM/Templates and that indeed the SDK is in that folder.
When I attempt to Add/Remove Application Components I get the following in the console:
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Component = MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found component.wcp
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found Image
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] imagePath
The problem is that there is no component listed (see attached screen shot).
I have been following the instructions with no success as of yet. So my question is, what am I missing?
I have tried rename the file to have a zip extension, same out come as above.
I have tried un-archiving the zip, no success.
I have restarted eclipse numerous times and even went so far as to reboot, still nothing.
Is the SDK that is downloaded from here compatible with MobileFirst Platform?

Update: you should play with the column resizer rather than the window size. After doing that, the entry will appear.
I see you are using Eclipse Luna on Mac OS X 10.10.x Yosemite.
There is an OS X bug that does something wrong with tables - try to play with the size of the window containing the table and then scroll in it, the component should probably then show up.

On a Mac, the first row of the Add Component is hidden in the table. Simply scroll down and you will see it.
For me, I have 4 templates, but I can only see 3 of them when the dialog starts. I have to scroll down inside that table to see the first row.
And I have tested the MQA on BlueMix with MFP 6.3. It works fine. I can submit my screenshot to the bluemix cloud.

Just to clarify things, MobileFirst Quality Assurance for Bluemix does work together with MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.3
I was able to successfully instrument a hybrid app with the JavaScript SDK, and start sessions in both pre-production and production modes. I've used the following configuration:
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
IBM MobileFirst Platform
Javascript SDK for Worklight 1.9.19
Windows 7 64-bit SP1
It seems that the problem here is with the 'JavaScript SDK' not showing up in the table to 'add/remove application components' when MFP 6.3 is running on Mac OS X Yosemite


Hololens2 Azure Spatial Anchors Tutorial Crash

Trying to follow the Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors tutorial (even after it was recently updated) but the Release build of the project crashes on launch on the device (just after the Unity splash screen). Interestingly a Debug build of the same project seems to launch ok.
I've been able to build, deploy, test both the basic Hololen2 tutorials and the ASA Samples as well as some custom projects so don't think this is a general development or deployment issue.
Have others been able to follow this tutorial and successfully deploy to a device recently and/or is there any suggestions to diagnose the issue further?
Setup and Unity packages used (as per the tutorial and linked instructions):
Hololens OS (up to date): 19041.1136
Unity 2019.4.19f1
MRTK Foundation - 2.5.3 from the basic tutorial series (MRTK Package Tool)
AR Foundation: 3.1.3
Windows Mixed Reality: 4.2.1 (downgrade from 4.2.3?)
Note: MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.AzureSpatialAnchors.2.4.0.unitypackage listed in the tutorial actually links to a new 2.5.3 package ( however the version file in this package still has 2.4.0??
Exception thrown at 0x00000226E0FBCC40 in Workspace Hololens2 MRTK.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000226E0FBCC40.
Have you tried to upgrade the ASA SDK to version 2.7.2 (
They have recently fixed an error exactly like the one you're reporting:
"The first bug was specific to ARM32 builds running on HoloLens 2 and was manifesting as an access violation crash in SDK during anchor creation or query."
I have the same Problem. Running it without the Debug Window worked for me!

RCP Building for mac fails using Delta Pack

I am having troubles building my RCP Application for Mac using the Delta Pack. I have Delta Pack 3.7.2 installed and configured right (inserted into a target platform ) and the Building part completes just perfectly.
When I try to run the build app on my windows(Dev PC) it works fine. But when I zip the Mac version and try to run it on my mac, then it fails on every version I try:
Cocoa 32b,
Cocoa 64b,
Carbon etc
The app won't open and I don't get an error message.
Is there a way to get an error message anyway? Has anyone had this problem before?
When you build for a mac on a windows machine you should not build directly to a directory. Instead you should build to an archive. Then put this archive on the mac and expand it there. Then everything should work

Setup Eclipse for BlackBerry development

I want to start blackberry development. From the BlackBerry site I found that Eclipse is good for development. Since I have previous experience with Eclipse I decided to go with it. Now my problem is that I am not able to download the Eclipse plugin for BlackBerry.
Which version of Eclipse are you using? I recommend Eclipse Galileo 3.5 for BB development.
Once installed, click help > Install new software > and add the following website to work with:
This should give you a list of the available JRE versions for BB development, select a version depending on the OS of the device you want to develop for, 5.0 is the most common at the moment.
Click next and go through the steps, you will be asked to log in eventually, use your credentials from the BB development website and register at the "Register for access to the BlackBerry Developer Zone" page.
You should be good to go from there! Remember when making a new project to select new > other > blackberry project. Also remember to set the JRE to the Blackberry JRE you downloaded if it's not done automatically.
(as posted elsewhere on this site: BlackberryPreprocessBuilder and BlackberrryResourceBuilder Missing - to link these questions, and add extra FYI info to this thread)
My recommendation is to use this latest download of Eclipse & the plugin.
BlackBerry tools are not very good, so I find it best to use a dedicated Eclipse, only for BB dev. I have found that this download is working well for me.
First of all, you should be a member of 'BlackBerry developer zone'.
Technical requirements:
Eclipse 3.6 Helios
32-bit Windows® XP, Windows Vista® or Windows 7 (Note: 64-bit versions require 32-bit Java and Eclipse)
Monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
PC with Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or compatible (2.5 GHz or higher, 2 GB RAM, 1.5 GB HD free)
Java® SE Development Kit (JDK) 6, update 10 or later
You'll get more information at []
You can download simulators from []

Running directx SDK samples on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device

I tried to run the directx samples from ..\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CPP\win32\directx\d3dm\tutorials on a Samsung Omnia and on the emulator and it doesn't work because of a deployment error.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and have installed Windows Mobile SDK Standard and Professional refresh.
The device is correctly plugged in and set up for active sync (I know this because other samples work, also a creating Win32 smart device application and running it works).
When I try to run a directx sample application it compiles without errors but the message:
" There were deployment errors, Continue? Yes/No" appears
If I manually copy the application from the debug folder to the device and run it from there, it works.
The same deployment error message appears if I try it on an emulator. Other applications are deploying successfully.
Is there any way to make the deployment work? Maybe there is an obscure option I need to set...
What I do is:
Connect the Mobile device to the PC,
Open Visual Studio 2008,
Open a directx sample project,
Click Run (in Debug or Release mode).
The problem with the deployment is that the file msvcr80.dll could not be found.
It was specified at the deployment options as an additional file "Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->Deployment" then "General->Additional files"
with the paths msvcr80.dll|$(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET)\|%CSIDL_WINDOWS%|0;
Removing it makes the deployment successful. I have only tested this on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device and with the D3DM reference driver on an WM6.1/WM6 emulator.
What I haven't figured out is where does $(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET) point to.
Also I don't know why msvcr80.dll is in the addition files if it is not actually needed.
Is there actually a msvcr80.dll compiled for Windows Mobile platform on an ARM cpu?
I was able to resolve this issue after doing some low-level Sysinternals Debugging. It was trying to deploy to the device and in my case it was deleted for some reason. Re-installing .NET CF fixed the issue for me. Wish VS 2008 said what file was missing instead of a generic message. Hope this helps you too.

CAB installation failing on new Windows Mobile 6.5 devices

We use a CAB file through a webpage to deploy our mobile application to our customers. Now with the new Windows Mobile 6.5 devices, the cab file is downloaded as a .tsk file (when using the new Internet Explorer). Naturally the installation fails to install the application as a theme.
If the file is downloaded in Opera, or you change the file extension back to cab. The installation process completes. But the application can launch due to Missing Method Exceptions.
Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone know if there is a workaround for it?
We are currently builing the CAB using a vdproj in visual studio and signing it using CabWiz. Were using the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK.
This is an issue with a specific version of the HTC Touch 2 ROM.
Apparentlly this is fixed with an upgrade of the mobile.
see reference: