How do I automatically cc: myself on every email sent in Lotus/IBM Notes 9.0.1? [closed] - email

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently on the phone with IBM and they can't seem to provide an answer. I've also searched on Google, but nothing is very clear. All I'm trying to do is automatically cc: myself on every single email I send.
I can't remember exactly where it is in Outlook nor what it is exactly called, but in Outlook I remember it was as simple as checkmarking a "automatically cc: myself" field in some preferences window.
Thank you much in advance.

Why do you want to cc: yourself on every email? You have your sent folder, you can view them there.
But if you really want to send a copy to yourself you can just modify the mail application, assuming you have design access to it. You also need to turn off the nightly update of your mail application from the design template on the server.
But there is not built-in setting to do it.
Update: Since the reason was disclosed to be a way to use emails as a kind of to-do list, my suggestion is to use flags and follow-ups.


How does email not addressed to me get routed to my mailbox? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been seeing email that's not directly addressed to me land up in my inbox.
My email is, the emails that are delivered are like After seeing these, I tried other suffixes after the + symbol and all of them land up in my inbox. Does anyone know why that is the case? What happens if someone else registers one of the addresses like
I saw this reliably work for both gmail and outlook, I'm curious to know why that is the case? Is there is a technical reason why mailservers drop off these suffixes.
I'm not sure if StackOverflow is the best place for this question, please move this to another site on the network which may be a better fit if that is the case.
This is called sub-addressing. + part is treated for filtering and all.You can read about it on wiki with page title Email Address.
Also known as plus addressing ortagged addressing. Some mail services support a tag appended to the local part, such that the modified address is an alias to the unmodified address. For example, the address denotes the same delivery address 

facebook installed something, it is not showing anywhere [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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2 days ago i got a https request from facebook.
Now i am getting wierd notifications when some one message me on facebook.
I am pretty sure this is ilegal.
I gave no permission also i dit not read any thing about it.
And i want it gone, can any one help me?
It is not showing anywhere, not in chrome://plugins chrome://settings or windows programs.
i dont have time to search for it and get nowhere...
if some one has the knowledge of this installation please respond, many thanks.
Maybe you are confusing (one of the new features of FB) desktop notifications with something.
Firstly, its not illegal.
Secondly, I'm very sure that you have allowed it yourself.
How to remove it:
Open facebook.
Click on the lock in the address bar (where you type the url). You should see the lock before https:// (from where url starts).
You can see the Permissions tab there, which should show:
Notifications: Allowed by you.
Click on it and disable it.

Embed survey email [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to embed a survey into an email (outlook 2007). When they complete the survey the answers are stored somewhere I can manage (Like the use of forms in Google drive).
I have tried creating a custom form, I do not have access to the organizational form library.
I have tried using the voting system inbuilt in out look which would work if only multiple answers could be selected rather than just 1.
The Google forms does exactly what I need, I just have to use outlook.
I'm hoping I am just missing something because I cannot see a way to do this.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this will work. Check out the list at the bottom of this page:
Edit: From the same article:
Given the sporadic support for forms in emails, we recommend linking
to a form on a website rather than embedding it in the email. This is
the safest, most reliable solution to pairing an email message with a
form. More people will see it and be able to use it, and as a result
participation will increase.

Is it possible to send a file attachment (txt) from iphone via email? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I saw two related questions about this topic - one has an old link in an answer and this one doesn't have an answer (right now).
(I am new to iphone development)
I want to create a file from my app, then send that file as an attachment. Is this possible?
I'm not looking for someone to send me teh codez - just SPECIFIC references and links.
That's part of the new Message UI Framework in >2
MFMailComposeViewController addAttachmentData:mimeType:fileName:

Intercept QMail SMTP emails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Here is the situation, we have a linux web server that runs Plesk and I need a way to intercept emails sent to and from the server. Plesk uses qmail to send and receive emails.
We have sorted the receiving emails problem by adding a mailgroup to each email address that includes an "archive#" address. Then we use a PHP script to read the "archive#" mailbox and puts the emails into a MySQL database.
My problem at the moment is how to capture the messages sent from the server. Has anyone had any experience in doing this?
this can be done via QUEUE_EXTRA (, for which you need to recompile qmail. some hints on doing this on plesk here (