Embed survey email [closed] - email

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to embed a survey into an email (outlook 2007). When they complete the survey the answers are stored somewhere I can manage (Like the use of forms in Google drive).
I have tried creating a custom form, I do not have access to the organizational form library.
I have tried using the voting system inbuilt in out look which would work if only multiple answers could be selected rather than just 1.
The Google forms does exactly what I need, I just have to use outlook.
I'm hoping I am just missing something because I cannot see a way to do this.
Thanks in advance!

I don't think this will work. Check out the list at the bottom of this page: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/will-it-work/forms/
Edit: From the same article:
Given the sporadic support for forms in emails, we recommend linking
to a form on a website rather than embedding it in the email. This is
the safest, most reliable solution to pairing an email message with a
form. More people will see it and be able to use it, and as a result
participation will increase.


Meta Business Suite: integrate Whatsapp (tab is not showing) [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I would like to manage all incoming messages in Meta Business Suite. I'm struggling to set up Whatsapp though. The rest is working very well.
According to the Meta help page there should be a tab for Whatsapp but it does not appear.
I've set up a second page from scratch simply to test whether I can set up Whatsapp there - same result.

Bad redirect from facebook - can't log in as admin to fix [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Sorry this is a n00bish question, but desperate times... I'm an admin on a Facebook page, been up for years. I'm consistently getting a redirect to what appears to be a page related to Facebook's GDPR "changes." I use the word 'changes' loosely - I have no idea what this is about. Now, I'm personally admining the page from Ireland, for an organization based in the US, I don't know if that matters.
This all worked up until a couple days ago. I change nothing, but now I get 'too many redirects', from every browser I try on various computers (Chrome, Firefox, even Edge.) Yes, all running Win10.
Here are some of the pages that come up, can't quite discern the loop but it seems like the problems with the 'facebook.com/gdpr' page, which I think is bogus, somehow.
Am I correct in assuming that the problem's on Facebook's side? Could there be something in my pages config (it's a dirt simple page) that's causing this? And, as admin, how can I fix this since I can't log in! Thanks for your patience in reading this.

What is the most safe way to protect Word document from editing and copying [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I need to protect my Microsoft Word document against text copying.
I have found a solution in restricting the permissions described here.
Instead of "No Changes (Read only)", I use "Filling in forms" and then insert the password.
My question is: is this way really safe? Can't someone hack my password?
PS: I have read that it is possible to save the document as HTML and then to find the hex version of pass in the code of the document. But I myself couldn't decrypt it.
As long as anybody can read it, there's no way you can prevent people from copying and pasting it in another file with a 100% success.
Even if selection is disabled, you would still need to deal with the analog hole. In layman's terms, there's nothing you can do to prevent people from, for example, printing it then OCRing it to a new Word document, getting an editable version that way.
That said, you're probably better exporting to PDF if you want to prevent most people from editing them.
I agree completely with what Marcos says. However there is a more secure way than using forms protection (which is in no way secure!) to prevent copying from within the Word application interface. Look up the term "Information Rights Management" in connection with the version of Office you're using.

How does email not addressed to me get routed to my mailbox? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been seeing email that's not directly addressed to me land up in my inbox.
My email is something#domain.com, the emails that are delivered are like something+anything#domain.com. After seeing these, I tried other suffixes after the + symbol and all of them land up in my inbox. Does anyone know why that is the case? What happens if someone else registers one of the addresses like something+1#domain.com.
I saw this reliably work for both gmail and outlook, I'm curious to know why that is the case? Is there is a technical reason why mailservers drop off these suffixes.
I'm not sure if StackOverflow is the best place for this question, please move this to another site on the network which may be a better fit if that is the case.
This is called sub-addressing. + part is treated for filtering and all.You can read about it on wiki with page title Email Address.
Also known as plus addressing ortagged addressing. Some mail services support a tag appended to the local part, such that the modified address is an alias to the unmodified address. For example, the address joeuser+tag#example.com denotes the same delivery address asjoeuser#example.com. 

How do I automatically cc: myself on every email sent in Lotus/IBM Notes 9.0.1? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently on the phone with IBM and they can't seem to provide an answer. I've also searched on Google, but nothing is very clear. All I'm trying to do is automatically cc: myself on every single email I send.
I can't remember exactly where it is in Outlook nor what it is exactly called, but in Outlook I remember it was as simple as checkmarking a "automatically cc: myself" field in some preferences window.
Thank you much in advance.
Why do you want to cc: yourself on every email? You have your sent folder, you can view them there.
But if you really want to send a copy to yourself you can just modify the mail application, assuming you have design access to it. You also need to turn off the nightly update of your mail application from the design template on the server.
But there is not built-in setting to do it.
Update: Since the reason was disclosed to be a way to use emails as a kind of to-do list, my suggestion is to use flags and follow-ups.