Can't edit text on Google Web Designer after I've played with keyframes - google-web-designer

Normally I can select the layer I want then select the text tool and edit it but for some reason, after putting in some key frames so the texts fades in and out I can't seem to select the text to edit.
I've locked all the other layers so only the text layer I want to edit is editable but I can't change it. All I can do is move it about.

I know this question is old but for future searchers - I think this is a bug so I don't have a "solution", but a workaround.
To make a change to your text:
Switch to 'Code View',
Search (ctrl + F) for your text
Change your text
Switch back to design view
This is a hack, but its the best option - especially if you've already invested lots of time into this and now find yourself stuck.

Okay, I figured out the actual bug causing this and have a solution that is less of a hack. The reason you can't select text is because there are visible layers above your text layer blocking your click. You would assume that if those visible layers are locked, you can click through but that isn't how Google Web Designer works (right now).
So, make all layers invisible, then make just your text layer visible and then you can click to edit it.

I have encounter this problem when editing a template. I could only edit the text of first layer... In order to edit the second layer text and so on you must hide the fist layer.

I have just found out there is another way: Try to copy all layers to a new document with the same preferences. sometimes it`s rather easier than change the code


"Segmented Button" with Multi-line Text

I'm not sure exactly what keyword I should be searching, but I wasn't able to find the answer to my problem - I'm new to iOS development so apologies in advanced if I'm not using the correct UI components.
I want to create something like a segmented control (two choices) with multi-line descriptions in them, except I'm not sure if I should be using a segmented control to do so, or to customize a button to create it. The user should be able to select a "choice" and that will switch views and tint the choice not selected depending on the choice the user makes. How exactly would I design this / is this possible?
I've already attempted to modify the segmented control but couldn't get the desired results. I've thought about creating a text box and modifying it to act like a button selector, but wasn't sure if that was the best way. I would love some input, thanks!

How to highlight text in epub like ibooks app

I need to highlight text in epub book,when user selects the text,i can get the text,what the user has selected,but i need to highlight,the text permanently what user selected,thanks,any help will ne appreciated.
There's nothing built in to iOS that will do this. Some broad techniques that might work:
If you're showing the book in a web view, you might be able to wrap that area in a span and style it to create a highlight.
If you're using Core Text, you could draw the highlight in directly, either before or after drawing the text. (Your choice will decide how the highlight affects non-black text.)
You could add a transparent view over the text that draws in the highlight.
As for adding highlight-related items to the selection menu, see this Stack Overflow post. You probably won't be able to get icons in the menu like Apple does, though; that seems to be a private API. You could probably override the whole menu system if you want something closer to Apple's look, but that'll be quite a bit of work.

How to disable hover effect to highlight menu items in GWT MenuBar?

I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep that menu item selected which was clicked last and whose content is loaded on the right.
I am open to any comments, if you have a better solution to implement this, using some other components(with-in) GWT, please drop in a comment with your suggestions, I'll really appreciate that.
Or if you can just tell me how can I disable this effect, of hovering and sticking to only that selection, That would be awesome too..
Thanks to everyone, taking time to read this and suggesting a solution.
It's all defined in the CSS of your GWT's theme (probably the default one), so it's a matter of overriding those styles - make sure it's not the other way around :) Inspect the code with a tool like Firebug to see what's exactly being set and change that.

UITableViewCell with selectable/copyable text that also detects URLs on the iPhone

I have a problem. Part of my app requires text to be shown in a table. The text needs to be selectable/copyable (but not editable) and any URLs within the text need to be highlighted and and when tapped allow me to take that URL and open my embedded browser.
I have seen a couple of solutions that solve one of either of these problems, but not both.
Solution 1: Icon Factory's IFTweetLabel
The first solution I tried was to use the IFTweetLabel class made possible by Icon Factory and used in Twitterrific.
While this solution allows for links (or anything you can find with a regex) to be detected to be handled on a case by case basis, it doesn't allow for selecting and copying.
There is also an issue where if a URL is long enough to be wrapped, the button that the class overlays above the URL to make it interactive cannot wrap and draws off screen, looking very odd.
Solution 2: Use IFTweetLabel and handle copy manually
The second thing I tried was to keep IFTweetLabel in place to handle the links, but to implement the copying using a long-tap gesture, like how the SMS app handles it. This was just about working, but it doesn't allow for arbitrary selection of text, the whole text is copied, or none is copied at all... Pretty black and white.
Solution 3: UITextView
My third attempt was to add a UITextView as a subview of the table cell.
The only thing that this doesn't solve is the fact that detected URLs cannot be handled by me. The text view uses UIApplication's openURL: method which quits my app and launched Safari.
Also, as the table view can get quite large, the number of UITextViews added as subviews cause a noticeable performance drag on scrolling throughout the table, especially on iPhone 3G era devices (because of the creation, layout, compositing whenever a cell is scrolled on screen, etc).
So my question to all you knowledgeable folk out there is: What can I do?
Would a UIWebView be the best option? Aside from a performance drag, I think a webview would solve all the above issues, and if I remember correctly, back in the 2.0 days, the Apple documentation actually recommended web views where text formatting / hyperlinks were required.
Can anyone think of a way to achieve this without a performance drag?
Many thanks in advance to everyone who can help.
As soon as I hit the submit button, a new idea hit me.
I was so preoccupied with having URLs inline with text and interactive that I didn't consider that maybe it's not the best solution.
I'm certain that to achieve that kind of behaviour, a UIWebView is the best choice, regardless of the performance issues.
However, maybe a better user experience / interaction is to not highlight the URLs inline, but to gather them into an array behind the scenes, and present a disclosure button as the cell's accessory view?
Then for selection and copying text, I could just use the UITextView with data detectors turned off and not worry about the links being sent off to safari and closing my app.
When the disclosure button is tapped, the user could be whisked off to the URL found in the text, or if more than one URL is found, present the user with a picker view to choose which to go to.
Any thoughts/criticisms of this idea are welcome.
You can prevent a textfield from being edited by overriding the UITextField Delegate methods such that they do not apply any edits. That leaves the field selectable and copyable but prevents alteration.
A better question to ask is: do you actually have to display the actual URL itself? Can you get away with just a page/location name, just the prefix or some other condensed representation of the url? I don't think anyone whats to try to read a long url on a mobile's restricted screen.
If you do need to display the entire url then I think that a detail view is the way to go.

Easy way to scroll overflow text on a button?

Does anyone have any examples or resources where i might find information on scrolling text which is too long to display in a button control? I'm thinking something along these lines.
Display as much text will fit within the current rect with a '...' at the end to signify overflow.
Pause for say 1 second then slowly scroll the text to the right edge displaying the right part of the string.
Display as much text will fit within the current rect with a '...' at the beginning to signify overflow.
Start the whole thing over in reverse.
Is there an easy way to do this using the "core" or built in "animation" frameworks on a certain mobile device?
Iwanted to add some more details as i think people are more focused on wether or not what i'm trying to accomplish is appropriate. The button is for the answers on a trivia game. It does not perform any speciffic UI function but is for displaying the answer. Apple themselves is doing this in their iQuiz trivia game on the iPod Nano and i think its a pretty elegant solution to answers that are longer than the width of my button.
In case its the '...' that is the difficult part of this. Lets say i removed this requirement. Could i have the label for the button be full sized but clipped to the client rect of the button and use some animation methods to scroll it within the clipping rect? This would give me almost the same effect minus the ellipses.
Here's an idea: instead of ellipses (...), use a gradient on each side, so the extra text fades away into the background color. Then you could do this with three CALayers: one for the text and two for fade effect.
The fade masks would just be rectangles with a gradient that goes from transparent to the background color. They should be positioned above the text layer. The text would be drawn on the text layer, and then you just animate it sliding back and forth in the manner you describe. You can create a CGPath object describing the path and add it to a CAKeyframeAnimation object which you add to the text layer.
As for whether you think this is "easy" depends on how well you know Core Animation, but I think once you learn the API you'll find this isn't too bad and would be worth the trouble.
Without wishing to be obtuse, maybe you should rethink your problem. A button should have a clear and predictable function. It's not a place to store and display text. Perhaps you could have a description show on screen with a nice standard button below?
Update with source code example:
Here is some ready to use source code example (actually a full zipped Xcode project with image and nib files and some source code), not for the iPhone, not using Core Animation, just using a couple of simple NSImages and a NSImageView. It is just a cheap hack, it does not implement the full functionality you requested (sorry, but I don't feel like writing your source code for you :-P), horrible code layout (hey, I just hacked this together within a couple of minutes, so you can't expect any better ;-)) and it's just a demonstration how this can be done. It can be done with Core Animation, too, but this approach is simpler. Composing the button animation into a NSImageView is not as nice as subclassing a NSView and directly paint to its context, but it's much simpler (I just wanted to hack together the simplest solution possible). It will also not scroll back once it scrolled all the way to the right. Therefor you just need another method to scroll back and start another NSTimer that fires 2 seconds after you drew the dots to the left.
Just open the project in Xcode and hit run, that's all there is to do. Then have a look at the source code. It's really not that complicated (however, you may have to reformat it first, the layout sucks).
Update because of comment to my answer:
If you don't use Apple UI elements at all, I fail to see the problem. In that case your button is not even a button, it's just a clickable View (NSView if you use Cocoa). You can just sub-class NSView as MyAnswerView and overwrite the paint method to paint into the view whatever you wish. Multiline text, scrolling text, 3D text animated, it's completely up to your imagination.
Here's an example, showing how someone subclassed NSView to create a complete custom control that does not exist by default. The control looks like this:
See the funny thing in the upper left corner? That is a control. Here's how it works:
I hate to say that, as it is no answer to your question, but "Don't do that!". Apple has guidelines how to implement a user interface. While you are free to ignore them, Apple users are used to have UIs following these guidelines and not following them will create applications that Apple users find ugly and little appealing.
Here are Apple's Human Interface Guidelines
Let me quote from there
Push Button Contents and Labeling
A push button always contains text, it
does not contain an image. If you need
to display an icon or other image on a
button, use instead a bevel button,
described in “Bevel Buttons.”
The label on a push button should be a
verb or verb phrase that describes the
action it performs—Save, Close, Print,
Delete, Change Password, and so on. If
a push button acts on a single
setting, label the button as
specifically as possible; “Choose
Picture…,” for example, is more
helpful than “Choose…” Because buttons
initiate an immediate action, it
shouldn’t be necessary to use “now”
(Scan Now, for example) in the label.
Push button labels should have
title-style capitalization, as
described in “Capitalization of
Interface Element Labels and Text.” If
the push button immediately opens
another window, dialog, or application
to perform its action, you can use an
ellipsis in the label. For example,
Mail preferences displays a push
button that includes an ellipsis
because it opens .Mac system
preferences, as shown in Figure 15-8.
Buttons should contain a single verb or a verb phrase, not answers to trivia game! If you have between 2 and 5 answers, you should use Radio Buttons to have the user select the answer and an OK button to have the user accept the answer. For more than 5 answers, you should consider a Pop-up Selector instead according to guidelines, though I guess that would be rather ugly in this case.
You could consider using a table with just one column, one row per answer and each cell being multiline if the answer is very long and needs to break. So the user selects a table row by clicking on it, which highlights the table cell and then clicks on an OK button to finish. Alternatively, you can directly continue, as soon as the user selects any table cell (but that way you take the user any chance to correct an accidental click). On the other hand, tables with multiline cells are rather rare on MacOS X. The iPhone uses some, but usually with very little text (at most two lines).
Pretty sure you can't do that using the standard API, certainly not with UILineBreakMode. In addition, the style guide says that an ellipsis indicates that the button when pressed will ask you for more information -for example Open File... will ask for the name of a file. Your proposed use of ellipsis violates this guideline.
You'd need some custom logic to implement the behaviour you describe, but I don't think it's the way to go anyway.
This is not a very good UI practice, but if you still want to do it, your best bet is to do so via a clickable div styled to look like a button.
Set the width of the div to an explicit value, and its overflow to hidden, then use a script executing on an interval to adjust the scrollLeft property of this div.