Location service permission popup is not shown in iOS 9.1 - uialertview

I am facing problem with iOS 9.1 when my app is installed for the first time user is prompted for location service permission, but alert view gets hidden instantly as soon as it is shown. Therefore app do not detect a user's location. Although allowing app to access location from setting.app works fine. It was working fine with iOS 9.0.2

The root cause for issue may be presenting a view or viewcontroller over popup.
Try to call location service permission after 1-2 second delay there may be some issue of animation that is hidding alert view.
Problem may be happening if you are asking for location service permission from appdelegate or when application is just launched else it will work fine.

Now add location permission in plist file
if not add permission in plist then permission popup is not show
Add below permission in plist
1.Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
2.Privacy - Location Always Usage Description

I had issue with the same . I got it resolved but adding
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description ,
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
to my plist and also
You must call requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method prior to using location services.


Getting Positioning Error in here sdk flutter initially

I'm using here sdk in my flutter application to get map features in my app. When I'm trying to get user's current location then initially for some time, it is showing me this error which is not a good impression for my application.
It is giving me this error until it finds the location which is represented as this indicator
I've added all the required permissions for that
but still its giving the location after some delays which is not what I want....
I guess its related to refresh token, which is internally managed by HERE SDK, I'm not able to explicitly add that token , I've provided the consent permission but the token thing is delaying its update, maybe I'm wrong.
These are some code snippets,,,,
This is a gist of navigation example -
This is calculating the route and starting the navigation
enter image description here
To get more information about the code, visit this repo:

Requesting user location in Swift

I am trying to get the pop up to appear for the user to allow location to be used and just cannot get it to work. I have gone into info.plist to add it to the "privacy - location always and when in use usage" and added the line '''CLLocationManager().requestWhenInUseAuthorization()'''
return true" in my ViewController which as far as I can find is all I need but it doesn't give the pop up. Anyone able to help?!
in info.plist use these .It may help
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
Privacy - Location Always Usage Description
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description

iTuneConnect : App uploaded for test build but now showing anymore

Currently I am developing an app and I want to send the client a test build , I had successfully archived the app and uploaded on AppStore ... Under the Activity section it was showing "processing" for about an hr or two , now its not showing neither anything nor the app been uploaded. Any idea what went wrong ? Did anybody experienced this kind of problem ?
It is likely that something with your binary is wrong.
You would expect to get notified about that issue in the Activity tab but it seems that (currently) you can only find the invalid build in the App Store tab when selecting a new build.
Also you should have received an email (iTunes Connect account) describing the issue.
Yes ,Some times it take time .
In my case i have wait for 4 hour then it will reflect on itunes connect account.
or you can check build status in a activity .
Please check linked image for references
I got an email from apple saying "This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data" . I then added some string on NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription and uploaded it , it worked like a charm .

I can access https://apps.facebook.com/APP_ID/ but not /APP_NAMESPACE/

I also cannot change the namespace of my app.
When changing a setting on my app and clicking save changes, I am presented the error message
Unable to update App Namespace: An error occurred while setting the App Namespace. Please try again later.
Settings are saved (urls for instance) but namespace just can't be saved.
I also cannot create a new app (same error).
EDIT : It came back to life magically this morning...

can i show gps location pop message again?

i have application in this application i want to display sorting data using user's location.
but first time when i open application it ask me for allow or not allow for location.
i press don't allow. this never ask me again for location how can i rest this setting.
ya you can do this by going on this way
settings >> general >> reset >>Reset Location warnings
by this doing it will ask again same warning . may be this help you
First option : Then you had to use a button in your app where user can update his location again by pressing the button.
Second Option : Call update location method after some time interval to get the location of the user.