I can access https://apps.facebook.com/APP_ID/ but not /APP_NAMESPACE/ - facebook

I also cannot change the namespace of my app.
When changing a setting on my app and clicking save changes, I am presented the error message
Unable to update App Namespace: An error occurred while setting the App Namespace. Please try again later.
Settings are saved (urls for instance) but namespace just can't be saved.
I also cannot create a new app (same error).
EDIT : It came back to life magically this morning...


Firebase Storage Code -13000 Permission Error

I have previously been able to use firebase to store user images, but when once I created a new xcode project I've been getting this error:
Error Domain=FIRStorageErrorDomain Code=-13000 "An unknown error occurred, please
check the server response." UserInfo={object=WtLirPvwL9b7eI3zipGZkk1G4Hi2,
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Permission denied. Please enable Firebase Storage for your bucket by
visiting the Storage tab in the Firebase Console and ensure that you have
sufficient permission to properly provision resources."
I have been getting this error even after setting up storage for my project.
And I don't think it has to do with the usage rules--for one, I allowed unauthorized reads and writes, and in my testing, the user is already authorized before attempting to push images to storage. In fact, the uid generated from firebase's auth is what is being used as the reference. Also noteworthy is the fact that authorization with firebase is working fine--I'm having no errors creating accounts.
Another interesting fact--I also received this error after setting up yet another XCode project (and the corresponding steps in Firebase). So with two different Xcode projects, the same error is happening to me.
EDIT: usage rules and permissions
rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
This is the default usage configuration. I previously had changed the content to allow read allow write to see if that would affect anything. But my error is happening with both that config and the default one.
Also, someone linked in the comments to a site recommending to check IAM and Admin permissions. As I suspected, I am the owner and so I see no permission problem there.
Additionally, nothing appears to be wrong with the GoogleService-Info.plist, even though that was what I suspected was wrong. Indeed, it includes the correct string for my storage bucket.
Thanks for #Leopold for pointing out that this error also occurs in the console. At first I thought that the console was working for me (I was able to upload images to it) but I now get the error when trying to view the image I uploaded through the console.
I got to this page by clicking on the image name hyperlink.
For me it looks, that Google Cloud Platform configured in the way, that you do not have permission storage bucket.
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com
Pick your project
Navigate to Cloud Storage
Go to Permissions tab
Add permission. Add permission which suits your needs most.
For my storage I am allowing to access my storage for everyone. And for you to see and play for troubleshooting to do the same.
In the permission tap ADD
Add Storage Object Viewer
Click save
Considering I don't find older questions about this Exact issue, and that the only ones are from yesterday, then I suspect it's a server/google side issue. So I went on firebase storage, uploaded a file through the console, and then I saw this on the right side, under the upload button:
Error Loading Thumbnail/Image (Erro Carregando Visualiação)
And then I clicked on the name link (Nome: Fachada.jpg)
and got this:
Permission denied. Please enable Firebase Storage for your bucket by visiting the Storage tab in the Firebase Console and ensure that you have sufficient permission to properly provision resources.
{ "error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Permission denied. Please enable Firebase Storage for your bucket by visiting the Storage tab in the Firebase Console and
ensure that you have sufficient permission to properly provision
resources." } }
So even the console is yielding this error! It's server sided, you just have to wait, and I have never seen this happen before on Firebase(there is no google search result for this exact error, except for yesterday Saturday, November 20th 2021)

Backand- Sign in error with facebook and google

Im developing an app with ionic framework and im using Backand as BaaS, im using the sign in with social accounts service that provides me, but when im trying to sign in with facebook, return this error.
The user is not signed up to 'name-of-my-app'.(signing in with facebook).
And when im trying to sign in with google, return this error:
Object reference is not set to an instance of an object.
Also im create my own apps in facebook and google and i set the AppId and AppSecret to Backand.
I dont know why im receiving this error, actually im ussing almost the same code that the starter's Backand provides.
I have met this kind of error "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object" too, after pressing "Validate & Update" button, after editing database json model several times in the backand control panel. I could save the new model and continue, but that red error was appearing on top right at each save. My hypothesis is that also in your case the issue is related to a bug in the database model editor. I personally got rid of that kind of error by deleting the project (I had no data in it yet) and creating a new one, re-pasting and saving all at once the exact same database model json I created in the previous project.

Location service permission popup is not shown in iOS 9.1

I am facing problem with iOS 9.1 when my app is installed for the first time user is prompted for location service permission, but alert view gets hidden instantly as soon as it is shown. Therefore app do not detect a user's location. Although allowing app to access location from setting.app works fine. It was working fine with iOS 9.0.2
The root cause for issue may be presenting a view or viewcontroller over popup.
Try to call location service permission after 1-2 second delay there may be some issue of animation that is hidding alert view.
Problem may be happening if you are asking for location service permission from appdelegate or when application is just launched else it will work fine.
Now add location permission in plist file
if not add permission in plist then permission popup is not show
Add below permission in plist
1.Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
2.Privacy - Location Always Usage Description
I had issue with the same . I got it resolved but adding
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description ,
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
to my plist and also
You must call requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method prior to using location services.

Policy file error while loading new profile pictures from Facebook

As you might know, for loading images from Facebook in our application (in my case AS3) we have to load following policy file:
otherwise we get following error:
SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: Loader.content: http://test cannot access http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v22941/254/15/q652310588_2173.jpg A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded.
you can find related question here.
I have a Facebook application that is running for long time without problem, but what I am facing today which is bizarre, is that the application gives the same security error message while loading NEW PROFILE PICTURE, and for the profile pictures that have been uploaded about 2-3 weeks ago or earlier, there is no problem.
My question is that did Facebook change its policy? Is it a problem form my side or something is wrong from Facebook? I have googled to see if the Facebook's policy or something else has been changed, but I did not found any clue.
If you go to https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/crossdomain.xml you will see that it returns an error (403 Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /36477/crossdomain/pics-crossdomain.xml on this server) so Flash never gets a valid crossdomain file.
This is an issue that Facebook needs to address.
I know of no way to have Flash ignore crossdomain errors.

zend_auth causing application to error

i have been following some online screencasts and tutorials about zend_auth.
i have a basic zend application created by the zf tool.
within the index controller index action i place a little code to test if a user is authenticated.
now as far as i'm aware this should check to see if the current session has been authorised with an identity if it hasnt (ie returns false)
it will redirect the screen to the login controller index action.
all i get is the default error action page stating
An error occurred
Application error
does anyone have an idea wtf is going on.
i have a suspicion it has something to do with needing to set up an autoloader but i have already set an include path to the library folder . (plus i have no issues with accessing controller actions and the likes.
i had another issue with a form stopping my application from rendering anything but i will create another question about that.
thanks keyne setting the error reporting on was a good idea
for some reason i thought i had my app sent to development but it was production.
after looking at the error report i found i had forgotten to create a data folder on my test server to hold the session information.
so zend_auth creating a session failed to location the directory.