can i show gps location pop message again? - iphone

i have application in this application i want to display sorting data using user's location.
but first time when i open application it ask me for allow or not allow for location.
i press don't allow. this never ask me again for location how can i rest this setting.

ya you can do this by going on this way
settings >> general >> reset >>Reset Location warnings
by this doing it will ask again same warning . may be this help you

First option : Then you had to use a button in your app where user can update his location again by pressing the button.
Second Option : Call update location method after some time interval to get the location of the user.


Can Google Workspace Alert Center be used with Email Log Search?

Is there a way to create an Alert Center notification based on criteria returned in the Google Workspace Email Log Search?
For example..
If an email address sends a message to 1000+ recipients or sends 1000 messages to 1000 recipients...
We already see the System Defined alert center actions if say... someone flags a message as phishing, but we want to create a triggered alert rule based on the count of messages.
Thanks in advance.
This can be done using the Investigation tool found at ‘Security’ > ‘Investigation Tool’ Be advised this is a feature available for these editions: Enterprise; Education Standard and Plus as documented here
Basically what you are looking to do is build a query like this:
Data Source = Gmail Log Events
With Conditions Below:
Event Is User spam classification
Spam classification Is Phishing
Like this
Click on the three dots at the top right, next to the bin icon.
Click on ‘Create activity rule’
Add a name + description. Click on ‘Next: View conditions’
Click on ‘Next: Add Actions’
Select the time window: 24hrs o 1hr
Scroll down and set the threshold desired and configure it (basically after how many incidents this will be triggered)
Add a desired action, eg. Send to quarantine, etc.
Select the severity of this rule
Check the box to ‘Send to alert center’
10.Configure Email Notifications.
11.Click on ‘Next: Review’ and make sure it is set to ‘Active’
12.Finally click on ‘Create Rule’
Keep in mind this may take some propagation time of up to 48hrs. For more information on the Investigation Tool see here
Unfortunately the way the Alert Center works would not allow an integration with the Email log search.
They both work on a different way, the Alert center has his own set of parameters to determine the severity, while the Email log search works like a direct tool to audit the data manually.
I believe the best available option to create rules and get notifications an alerts while using the Alert Center dat, is the Investigation tool which is only available with certain versions, check it!

Requesting user location in Swift

I am trying to get the pop up to appear for the user to allow location to be used and just cannot get it to work. I have gone into info.plist to add it to the "privacy - location always and when in use usage" and added the line '''CLLocationManager().requestWhenInUseAuthorization()'''
return true" in my ViewController which as far as I can find is all I need but it doesn't give the pop up. Anyone able to help?!
in info.plist use these .It may help
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
Privacy - Location Always Usage Description
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description

Location service permission popup is not shown in iOS 9.1

I am facing problem with iOS 9.1 when my app is installed for the first time user is prompted for location service permission, but alert view gets hidden instantly as soon as it is shown. Therefore app do not detect a user's location. Although allowing app to access location from works fine. It was working fine with iOS 9.0.2
The root cause for issue may be presenting a view or viewcontroller over popup.
Try to call location service permission after 1-2 second delay there may be some issue of animation that is hidding alert view.
Problem may be happening if you are asking for location service permission from appdelegate or when application is just launched else it will work fine.
Now add location permission in plist file
if not add permission in plist then permission popup is not show
Add below permission in plist
1.Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
2.Privacy - Location Always Usage Description
I had issue with the same . I got it resolved but adding
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description ,
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
to my plist and also
You must call requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method prior to using location services.

Google analytics email open tracking with measurement protocol

we tried to track email opens with google analytics and measurement protocol. We exactly followed instructions given in and
The problem is that every email open is counted also as a session which is not correct. Can you give me any advice how we can track opens without recording sessions? Thank you
Every hit in GA always starts a session, so this is not possible. If you don't want it to appear in your normal profile, try setting a pageview with prefix so you can filter them out into a seperate View.
Then set up your filters.
Session begins with any interaction. Don't be sad, it is correct.
You can extend your data with some identifier like virtualpagname or whatever and than make segment or filter.
dt=Email Gate
You can either use datasource parameter:

XCode: how to get the email of the user programmatically?

I would like to avoid to ask my user to fill in a field with his email (long and discouraging). Is there a way to get the email of the user in order to avoid that he has to write it ?
Thanks !!!
Ask first time, make user select remember me option through UISwitch, save it inside a plist (ENCRYPT and then SAVE IT). Next time read the plist. If user like to write every time then good for them, else they can user your given option to save it and then later you can complete the field automatically!
If you mean the apple ID email, then you cannot access it, you will have to ask the email explicitly