Symbolise GeoJSON by date ranges using MapBox / CartoDB / Leaflet - leaflet

I have a GeoJSON file of fly tip incidents that have happened over the last year which is updated regularly.
I am looking for a solution where I can add this data onto a map and symbolise it to show one marker for incidents that have happened over the last month, another for between 1 and 3 months, and a final marker for any incidents from over 3 months ago.
I have thought about using one of MapBox, CartoDB or Leaflet, do these libraries have the capabilities to be able to style data in this way? I want to keep my data locally so do not want to load it into an online account.
I'd like to know if this can be done with one of the above.

MapBox and CartoDB services are built onto Leaflet library. You can use them for everything (including uploading your data), or just for the background map. So even with them you can keep your data locally.
Leaflet is the sure choice for total control of your data, as you will be doing all the operations yourself.
Note that you also have other libraries that provide you with the same control with that respect, like OpenLayers, and D3 to some extent.
As for displaying different markers based on age of your data, there is no special difficulty in doing so.


Replacement for NOAA Seamless Raster Navigational Chart Services?

NOAA stopped their Seamless Raster Navigational Chart Services URL this year. I was using it in a simple leaflet.js project, and need a replacement or update.
Going through the various documents on using their new vector data gets me lost very quickly. Is there a "simple" workaround? Or a suggestion or pointer to simpler documentation that doesn't require significant GIS knowledge? Or an alternative service, similar to Open Street Maps but more nautically focused?

Tableau data layer to one state only

I'm looking to mask all of the detail in Tableau maps other than the state I'm filtered on. The data layer can seemingly only be applied to all or nothing. I'm unable to filter or limit to the dataset to which I'm working. Seems simple, yet 30min of google search can't find answer. Thank you!
I don’t believe that the map server can alter what it displays as a data layer based on the filters you choose in Tableau. The map server is a separate program that returns image tiles upon request. The map server doesn’t know about your filters on the client side - or even that the client app is called Tableau. It just knows that some client application asked for an image representing a map within a particular coordinate bounding box, with whatever style and data layer options that the client application passed.
That doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish your goal, just that you have to find a way to accomplish it on the Tableau side instead the map server side — unless you want to develop your own map server with that functionality, which would be an effort even with a tool like Mapbox.
You could
Decide what “data layers” the map server is providing that you want to retain and at what level of detail, say Avg(Income) per County
Go get that data, possibly from the census bureau
Uncheck the box for your data layers in the Map Layers pane
Use the data you downloaded above to color the map sections as desired
Add other marks to represent additional info as needed using a dual-axis and possibly data blending
Then voila, your data layers will obey your filter. You just had to move where that info was drawn. Of course, you had to find the necessary data instead of relying on the whoever built the map server to do that, but that isn’t too tough.
To handle the Tableau side of things, especially assuming you want to combine the layer we’ve been discussing with other data on your map, you will need to learn about a few other Tableau concepts. So read up on dual-axis maps, level of detail and possibly data blending.
Try this-Right click on the filter state and click show filter.Again right click on filter select "Multiple values(drop down) and then click the Customize and show apply button.Then choose the filter values and apply filter.enter image description here

Tile styling in Open Street Map (with Leaflet)

Is it possible to use different colors for Tiles in Open Street Map?
In Google Maps API you can style the map - is there a same feature in Open Street Map or even better are there any different tile templates on the web for download and use in OSM?
OpenStreetMap project provides map data. In order to display web maps OSM data needs to be pre-processed and rendered. Depending on whether you use raster (for example default leafler) or vector tiles (mapbox-gl) steps to modify styles are completely different. Raster styles are usually generated using mapnik rendering library with mod_tile and apache web server. OSM data needs to be imported into PostgreSQL database. Depending on the amount of data you want to process it can take different time from couple of hours for single city to days for the whole planet and require very good hardware (6-8 cores/ 32 GB ram and higher). Then you need to edit special CartoCSS styles to change map appearance. Vector maps and tiles is completely different story but it will require comparable efforts to create your custom map style.
What I suggest is to go and find OSM maps provider that have different styles from default OSM by the way here is an excerpt their tile usage policy (
OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not.
So look at these providers, they can save you a lot of time and money:
and others from

Leaflet + Mapbox tiles is it really free?

Using the leaflet quickstart, it is suggested to use mapbox tiles, however mapbox plan has free up until certain map view.
There are two type of tiles url I tried:
var urlTile = "{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}"; which correspond with map list from here
var urlTile = "{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}"; which uses predefined map list from here
I tried both url api (in localhost) and see my Mapbox account dashboard statistic usage is still empty. So is it actually free or not, anyone has used it in production?
After a day later, I see the statistic started to have map view count, as #ghybs said it might not updated in realtime. So its free up certain map view as described in this mapbox plan

Efficiently shading multiple county polygons in MapBox (web and mobile)

I'm working on a visualization project where I'd like to use a fill color over US Counties that fall into my data set. (weather data)
I have shapefiles for the counties, but there are hundreds (if not thousands) of points per county, and some parts of my data can cover 20+ counties. I'm thinking that manually drawing the polygons may not be the approach to take.
Is there an efficient approach using the MapBox SDKs for accomplishing what I'm trying to do? I'd like to do it both in web and mobile if possible, but I'll start with web.
You want to look into TileMill in order to make custom map tiles with your source data. Then, you can use those tiles on web and mobile both.