Tableau data layer to one state only - tableau-api

I'm looking to mask all of the detail in Tableau maps other than the state I'm filtered on. The data layer can seemingly only be applied to all or nothing. I'm unable to filter or limit to the dataset to which I'm working. Seems simple, yet 30min of google search can't find answer. Thank you!

I don’t believe that the map server can alter what it displays as a data layer based on the filters you choose in Tableau. The map server is a separate program that returns image tiles upon request. The map server doesn’t know about your filters on the client side - or even that the client app is called Tableau. It just knows that some client application asked for an image representing a map within a particular coordinate bounding box, with whatever style and data layer options that the client application passed.
That doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish your goal, just that you have to find a way to accomplish it on the Tableau side instead the map server side — unless you want to develop your own map server with that functionality, which would be an effort even with a tool like Mapbox.
You could
Decide what “data layers” the map server is providing that you want to retain and at what level of detail, say Avg(Income) per County
Go get that data, possibly from the census bureau
Uncheck the box for your data layers in the Map Layers pane
Use the data you downloaded above to color the map sections as desired
Add other marks to represent additional info as needed using a dual-axis and possibly data blending
Then voila, your data layers will obey your filter. You just had to move where that info was drawn. Of course, you had to find the necessary data instead of relying on the whoever built the map server to do that, but that isn’t too tough.
To handle the Tableau side of things, especially assuming you want to combine the layer we’ve been discussing with other data on your map, you will need to learn about a few other Tableau concepts. So read up on dual-axis maps, level of detail and possibly data blending.

Try this-Right click on the filter state and click show filter.Again right click on filter select "Multiple values(drop down) and then click the Customize and show apply button.Then choose the filter values and apply filter.enter image description here


Getting filtered/aggregated data from Tableau Server via REST API from custom page

I have existing Tableu Server workbook with diagrams and own datasources(mysql).
Is it possible to fetch data from Tableau Server via Rest Api, e.g. if I build a custom web dashboard and need only data from Tableau?
I am interested in Tableaus ability to filter/aggregate data, thats what it does for its diagrams, would be great to harvest it from custom Python web page for my custom diagrams (e.g. for D3 or Highcharts).
Is "Extracts API" the right direction for this?
Or the path with "Query View Data" is the solution?
If you want to specify the filter values and get the exact set of data that your diagrams/workbooks are using, go with the Query View Data solution.
If you pull the data from the extract, you will get it exactly as it is out of the extract. This means if you have filters or aggregation done in your visualization (which is processed after the extract), it won't apply to the extracted data.

Is it possible to create visualizations(charts) on our own using tableau?

The time taken to load the charts(visualization) using tableau in my mobile app is close to 10 or 15 secs. So i am looking for alternative methods like creating my own chart but only to use the intelligence tableau provides on creating the visualizations.
In short, i want to know whether there is some support or API available from tableau using which i can draw the visualizations by myself in my mobile app without losing any chart data or functionality like digging deeper in charts.
For example, an API from tableau using which i can create the chart in my mobile app. After creating it, if user touches any data that should be sent again to tableau to get further event action like showing filters/tables etc.
Is this even possible? I did lot of research in tableau and got to know about tableau SDK, tableau API's, tableau extensions etc. but unable to find what i am looking for.
Tableau provides a thorough white paper Designing Efficient Workbooks. I would start by reading that and trying some of the recommendations.
If you are looking for an API driven visualization system, you can check out MuzeJS.
You load your data in an in-browser DataModel, run relational algebra enabled data operators to get the right subset of data, and then just pass to Muze engine, which automatically renders the best visualization for it.
It is similar to the kind of intelligence Tableau provides but since it is a developer first API, you can customize as you want, whether it be for the mobile or the desktop. In fact, most of the charts will be available for both seamlessly.
Any changes to data (including application of data operations) automatically updates the visualization, without you having to do anything else.
Add to that, if you’ve to connect multiple charts (for cross-interactivity, drill-down etc.), you’ve to manually write the ‘glue’ code. With Muze, all charts rendered from the same DataModel are automatically connected (enabling cross-filtering). It also provides composability and the ability to facet your visualization, providing a multi-grid layout.
You can go through some of the examples and the documentation to see if it suits your needs

Tile Map in Kibana, custom colors and popups

I am trying to customize Kibana 5.3.0 to show different icons on the map based on the conditions of my data. For example, there are EV charging stations with possible available, alarm and error statuses. So I want to show green, yellow and red icons for each station. It should be something simple, here an example.
I found out that Kibana uses leaflet.js for tile map visualization, so it seems that I need to customize it.
One of the possible solution is to call web service when map is rendering and pass some charging-station-id to get status of a this station, but it is obviously not good solution because in case of hundreds stations on the map, we will be calling web service hundreds times.
Elasticsearch uses geo-point data structure to pass location information to Kibana. But it seems that I cannot pass any additional information with it.

Set GeoServer to access a Postgresql database, Simple or Snapshot schema, populated by Osmosis

I have a postgresql database which I keep updated using Osmosis. Osmosis can write to two different database schemas, named Simple and Snapshot. There are not that much different from the database Geoserver uses, But I can't make Geoserver use it perfectly.
The main problem seems to be the way tags are stored in those DBs. I can add the nodes layer and display it with that default Points style, but as soon as I use a "ogc:Filter" in my style to filter the nodes by their "place" tag, the WMS is broken and does not respond (says: The requested Style can not be used with this layer. The style specifies an attribute of place and the layer is: TestDB:nodes)
Is there anyway to make GeoServer understand that one of those shemas, or make Osmosis update to the DB GeoServer knows?
This is a case for using TRIGGERs to manage the integration. The two programs use two different schemas. You can CREATE TRIGGERs in the database which ensure that data written to one application is made available to another. Another option is you can set one or both to use VIEWs populated in part by the other application. In PostgreSQL, a VIEW can have triggers attached so these are not really
This is, in any case, a potentially large project so rather than offering sample code, I will offer a general outline of what sorts of things you need to think about.
Are these generally applicable? If so do you want to start an open source integration project?
Are both of these read-only workloads? Does data ever update? In general, if you are going to use views, updates pose the most concerns, so you want to run the views on the side not doing the updates if such is the case.
What is the write model of both sides? Insert/Update? Append only? Static data? What data do you have to "replicate" between the schemas?
Once you have those answers it should be relatively straightforward to get started and ask for help (either as an open source project or here) where you get stuck.

SSRS - Feed an address into a Bing Map to zoom to?

I have a datasource that has address data. An external application calls for a report and feeds in some tabular data, including an address field.
To simplify things, lets assume that I simply pass one record that contains some address information.
I would like to produce a report that has the Bing map at the top, but via the supplied address field, I would like the map to geocode the supplied address field, zoom to a viewport around that geocoded result, and also drop a pin marker on top of the result.
Is this achievable with SSRS and Bing Maps/Geocoding API?
My actual workflow will be passing in more than one record, and showing a map on a separate page for each record, along with some graphs and tables showing other information about the specific record.
Sure you can do it! (BTW this is not related specific to Bing maps, Bing maps is only a layer with additional info that lays on top of ESRI shapefile Map)
But in order to do that, their are some preparations that you need to do:
First, you need to store the Address data as Geospatial in your DB.
You can find excellent information Here
Second, you need to add the ESRI map and Bing layers to your report, and to define the Dataset with the Geospatial as Points over the Map.
For more information and example Here
On a personal note I have to add, you can do amazing stuff with the Map theme. I used it to calculate and present distance between locations, and even added arrows to navigate L/R/U/D in the map.
Good luck !