Leaflet + Mapbox tiles is it really free? - leaflet

Using the leaflet quickstart, it is suggested to use mapbox tiles, however mapbox plan has free up until certain map view.
There are two type of tiles url I tried:
var urlTile = "https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}"; which correspond with map list from here
var urlTile = "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}"; which uses predefined map list from here
I tried both url api (in localhost) and see my Mapbox account dashboard statistic usage is still empty. So is it actually free or not, anyone has used it in production?

After a day later, I see the statistic started to have map view count, as #ghybs said it might not updated in realtime. So its free up certain map view as described in this mapbox plan


How to using layers of another basemap in a Mapbox basemap

I am using a Mapbox map pad on my website. I would also like to add the footers of maps such as bing-maps or yandex-maps to my mapbox layers to give the user more options. So I want to use layers of other maps while continuing to use mapbox is it possible?
Bing Maps can be added as a raster tile layer. Details on how to directly access Bing Maps tiles is documented here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/rest-services/directly-accessing-the-bing-maps-tiles
If you want vector tiles from Microsoft, there is also Azure Maps (they have traffic data tiles available in vector and raster format too):
Note that the Azure Maps Web SDK, uses MapLibre under the hood (a fork of Mapbox) and wraps it with an easier to use developer API. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/how-to-use-map-control

Mapbox GL JS Geocoding to only reference Tileset

I'm using Mapbox's Geocoding (search box) and was wondering if there's a way that it would only reference my Tileset data rather than the generic global address search? Looks like Mapbox has a "Supplement geocoding search results from another data source", however the example is referencing geographic coordinates rather than addressing. So I'm still not sure if this is possible?
Basically I want to enter an address in the Geocoding search box and to have a particular polygon selected from my dataset on the map. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The example you linked to shows how to supplement search results with a local source, not a remote source in the https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-geocoder.
Currently Mapbox doesn't provide a Geocoding API against your own data however depending on how large your dataset is (and assuming it's a Mapbox Dataset and not just a Mapbox Tileset) you could use the Datasets API to read in every feature into the client with https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-sdk-js/blob/master/API.md#listfeatures and use the results of that to power the mapbox-gl-geocoder search like https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/mapbox-gl-geocoder-local-geocoder/

Symbolise GeoJSON by date ranges using MapBox / CartoDB / Leaflet

I have a GeoJSON file of fly tip incidents that have happened over the last year which is updated regularly.
I am looking for a solution where I can add this data onto a map and symbolise it to show one marker for incidents that have happened over the last month, another for between 1 and 3 months, and a final marker for any incidents from over 3 months ago.
I have thought about using one of MapBox, CartoDB or Leaflet, do these libraries have the capabilities to be able to style data in this way? I want to keep my data locally so do not want to load it into an online account.
I'd like to know if this can be done with one of the above.
MapBox and CartoDB services are built onto Leaflet library. You can use them for everything (including uploading your data), or just for the background map. So even with them you can keep your data locally.
Leaflet is the sure choice for total control of your data, as you will be doing all the operations yourself.
Note that you also have other libraries that provide you with the same control with that respect, like OpenLayers, and D3 to some extent.
As for displaying different markers based on age of your data, there is no special difficulty in doing so.

Creating an indoor map from images

I have floor plans saved as JPEG's that I need to create maps of. I need to be able to host these as maps using a map API(have messed with leaflet and indoor.js). These are private locations so just dropping them into Google Maps doesn't really seem to be an option. Is there a good way to do this?

Bing Map implementation

I am not familiar the bing Map
I need to display the us map for a given zip code,in a page
How can i do this
Can anyone help me please
Have a look at their API reference...
AJAX Control Version 7
AJAX Control Version 6.3
You will need to geocode the zip code first; if you only need to do this once to display a static map, then you can use this site, although there are lots of other free sites online that do the same thing. Once you have your lat/lon it's pretty straightforward to use them to center your map object.
// assume that lat, lon, and map are js variables you have already declared and set
var oLatLon = new VELatLong(lat, lon);
If the map needs to be dynamic and you'll have to geocode addresses on the fly, then I'm not sure what the best approach is. I think there are databases that contain all zipcodes & their corresponding lat/lon coordinates available for download. It might also be worth checking out the Bing MapPoints SDK.
It's easy using REST services which ship with Bing Api. Here you can find a blog post with thorough description.