PayPal sandbox account not accepted by Easy Digital Downloads - paypal

I am using the Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin, with the PayPal plugin. I am testing with my sandbox account. I have been investigating an issue where entry of valid credit card results in an error:
"Error: Invalid Configuration This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration."
Obviously my first reaction was that this was an issue with my setup. But having spent a considerable amount of time with EDD support, it turns out that is just a misleading error. The reason I say this is because if I use a different account (the only thing that changes is the sandbox account credentials) then everything works juts fine.
I am grabbing the credentials from and copy/pasting from Sandbox -> Accounts -> API Credentials. I have double-checked (and triple checked) I have copied all the information to EDD OK.
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this. EDD support has indicated that this is an PayPal account issue.

This error generally comes when the account you are trying to accept the payments in is not a pro account .
You need to upgrade your sandbox account to pro . To do that , just login to the developer portal --> dashboard --> sandbox accounts . Select your sandbox account email address , click on profile -- > upgrade to pro -- > Enable .


Are new Paypal API credentials required after server migration?

We've successfully been running a WordPress plugin using PayPal's Classic API integration and a custom listener URL for years.
After recently migrating the site to a new server, all IPNs related to the plugin started failing. No configuration changes have been made to the plugin or Paypal account. Our server manager insists WHM/Apache config is identical. It appears the only difference is the server IP address.
Would I need to create and assign new Paypal NVP/SOAP (Classic) API credentials after moving the website to a new server if the domain and plugin configuration remains the same?
Can I simply/safely "Remove" our existing Classic API integration and create new credentials?
Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You do not need new API credentials.
However you should verify that any IPN notify_url specified in the PayPal account or at transaction time (as part of the checkout setup) is a valid one and responding with an HTTP 200 OK status when PayPal sends an IPN.
Review your IPN history to see if your server is responding with another status now, such as 500 or 404 or simply no connection/response. To PayPal anything other than a 200 OK indicates a failed IPN delivery, and likely must be corrected in your system. Also there are some IPs/domains PayPal cannot connect to for various reasons, which will cause a no response status.

IBM API Connect developer portal admin link missing

I have setup an API Connect developer portal in the sandbox catalog (I've been following the basic tutorials about configuring an API developer portal found here).
I receive a message saying that i'll get a one time login link so that i can login to the portal as admin and reset my password. However, this never arrives. I have tried configuring the portal a number of times now and this link never comes. Therefore i'm unable to login as admin.
I've also tried using the 'request new password' option on the developer portal itself and entering my email but this also does not work
Is there a way I can retrieve the login link?
This could be a number of things:
1) the IBM emails often get flagged as spam
2) the IBM email server, or rather the people they've contracted this out to, doesn't fully comply with DKIM/SPF security, so if you are on a corporate server that requires this then you won't get your emails.
The workaround I've done in the past is spin up a gmail account and be sure to check my spam folder.

PayPal getting DPRP_DISABLED - How to enable DPRP

As I try to create an Agreement I'm currently getting:
response-code: 400 details: name: DPRP_DISABLED message: DPRP is disabled for this merchant. details: null debug-id: *********** information-link:
at com.paypal.api.payments.Agreement.create(
I know I need to upgrade my sandbox account to pro but in contrary as stated in the sandbox account documentation:
On the Profile page of the Business account, click the Account type: Upgrade to Pro link.
there is no such thing to click:
So how can I activate DPRP?
Please kindly reach the PayPal MTS team to help you enable the DPRP access for your sandbox account.

how to create a paypal sandbox account

I am trying to create a PayPal sandbox account but not having any luck.
I'm following the instructions on creating sandbox test accounts
I go to Dashboard \ sandbox \ accounts as it says to do
Then it says to click the "Create Account button". But I don't see one.
Never mind. You have to have a PayPal account before you can create a sandbox account.

Paypal api error code 10007 - Permission denied - You don't have permission to make this api call

I have integrated paypal express checkout to my client's website usi paypal api integration. It is working fine with sandbox environment. But I got error when I make it live. The error code 10007 - Permission denied - You don't have permission to make this api call. I am not sure why this is happening. I have configured everything perfect on seller paypal account. I didn't get any solution anywhere to solve this problem. Can anybody help me please?
Basic though sometimes missed :
Have you changed the API credentials pointing to LIVE API credentials ?
The API Endpoint point to LIVE ->
Still issue persists, raise a ticket to Paypal MTS team.