Paypal api error code 10007 - Permission denied - You don't have permission to make this api call - paypal

I have integrated paypal express checkout to my client's website usi paypal api integration. It is working fine with sandbox environment. But I got error when I make it live. The error code 10007 - Permission denied - You don't have permission to make this api call. I am not sure why this is happening. I have configured everything perfect on seller paypal account. I didn't get any solution anywhere to solve this problem. Can anybody help me please?

Basic though sometimes missed :
Have you changed the API credentials pointing to LIVE API credentials ?
The API Endpoint point to LIVE ->
Still issue persists, raise a ticket to Paypal MTS team.


Are new Paypal API credentials required after server migration?

We've successfully been running a WordPress plugin using PayPal's Classic API integration and a custom listener URL for years.
After recently migrating the site to a new server, all IPNs related to the plugin started failing. No configuration changes have been made to the plugin or Paypal account. Our server manager insists WHM/Apache config is identical. It appears the only difference is the server IP address.
Would I need to create and assign new Paypal NVP/SOAP (Classic) API credentials after moving the website to a new server if the domain and plugin configuration remains the same?
Can I simply/safely "Remove" our existing Classic API integration and create new credentials?
Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You do not need new API credentials.
However you should verify that any IPN notify_url specified in the PayPal account or at transaction time (as part of the checkout setup) is a valid one and responding with an HTTP 200 OK status when PayPal sends an IPN.
Review your IPN history to see if your server is responding with another status now, such as 500 or 404 or simply no connection/response. To PayPal anything other than a 200 OK indicates a failed IPN delivery, and likely must be corrected in your system. Also there are some IPs/domains PayPal cannot connect to for various reasons, which will cause a no response status.

GSuite : Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method

Hi I'm trying to develop an for GSuite admin which enables to migrate their google drive data to another cloud service. But in the process of authentication i'm getting the below error.
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method."
Below are the api's that are enabled in developer console.
1. Admin SDK
2. Contacts API
3. G Mail API
4. Calendar API
5. Drive API
Please guide me if done anything wrong in creating an app.
The main thing what i missed here is Authorizing my service account client ID with the GSUITE admin.
And I have been trying to generate access_token for the expired domain of mine.
After clearing all these i have to success in generating and getting user data.
This solution worked for me. I hope it works for you tooo....
Thank you community.

PayPal NVP API not working in Live environment

I have integrated PayPal to a custom website. Used Express Checkout with NVP API. Embedded the Live credentials in the code and hosted it on a Data Centre. Now, with the Live Credentials, the PayPal API works perfectly in Localhost. However, the same fails in the Live Server. There is no error code that is displayed. All that is shown is
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Short Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity Code: Array ( )
No Other details.
Anyone with a similar issue? Where PayPal is working fine on Localhost but not on the Live Server even though both the environments are similar and are using PayPal Live Credentials.
What endpoint are you using? Make sure it's a Live API

Paypal Checkout session expired - Codeigniter CI Merchant with Paypal

I've been trying to set up CI Merchant with Codeigniter and Paypal. In sandbox mode after attempting a transaction the following error occurs:
This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid.
I can't seem to find out why this might happen. Anyone got any ideas?

paypal integration error code 10002

I am using paypal directpayment, my account in paypal is already paypal pro. I already requested api username,password and signature and used it in my code but there is an error during execution. Please see below
TIMESTAMP: 2012-06-12T14:33:04Z
CORRELATIONID: 26e967f0870e1
ACK: Failure
BUILD: 2945183
L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Authentication/Authorization Failed
L_LONGMESSAGE0: You do not have permissions to make this API call
I am using this settings in live $API_Endpoint = '';
Does any one could help me to solve this problem?
This is a common error that you might get if you are using Paypal Express Checkout, or Paypal Website Payments Pro. This means that there is something wrong with your login information that you are using to authenticate the connection with Paypal.